Configuration and Administration

Copy Business Object

Use this action to copy saved business objects such as order bases, itineraries, shipments, and rate records. When you copy an object, Oracle Transportation Management copies the objects data to a new object, except for its unique ID and internal status values. Oracle Transportation Management does copy the external status values.

The business objects that you can copy are listed below. Any restrictions, exceptions, or special procedures related to the Copy Business Object action are noted.

Business Object

Copy Details

Access Control List

Copies the selected access control list. See Access Control List Actions and SmartLinks.

Automation Agent

The agent copy includes all actions, events, saved conditions, and saved queries associated with an agent. However, any additional parameters defined on agent actions and agent events do not copy.

If you copy an agent from one domain to another and the agent has saved queries that are specific to the data in one domain, the agent may not work. In this case, remove or modify the saved query.

You can copy an agent into the same domain or into a different domain to which you have read/write access. It is assumed that the data in the domain you copy the agent to has read/write access to the data in the domain the agent is copied from. Domain access is granted by the Oracle Transportation Management administrator.

The list of domains you can choose from are domains for which you have read/write access.

You can also copy agents from a test Oracle Transportation Management environment to an Oracle Transportation Management production environment (between two different databases). Refer to the Data Management Guide on the Oracle Help Center for more information on exporting and importing data.

Business Monitor

This action creates a new business monitor by making a copy of any existing business monitor (including the public record). Oracle Transportation Management copies all data with the exception of the Business Monitor ID since you need to enter a unique ID for the new record.

Capacity Limit

This action creates a new capacity limit by copying an existing capacity limit. All the fields except the Capacity Limit ID are copied, but can be changed before saving.

Charter Voyage

This action creates a new charter voyage by copying an existing charter voyage. All the fields except the Charter Voyage ID are copied, but can be changed before saving.

Commitment Allocation

This action creates a new commitment allocation by copying an existing commitment allocation. All the fields except the Commitment Allocation ID are copied, but can be changed before saving.

Commitment Count

This action creates a new commitment count by copying an existing commitment count. All the fields except the Commitment Count ID are copied, but can be changed before saving.


When a consol is copied, a consol shipment is created for the copied consol. A chartered voyage stowage consol is not copied if you do not change the Charter Voyage ID and/or the Stowage Mode ID. This page is accessed via Consol Actions.

Cooperative Routing Project

Creates a new cooperative routing project. Copies values from the project being copied except the Project ID.

Cooperative Routing Scenario

Creates a new cooperative routing scenario. Copies values from the scenario being copied except the Scenario ID.

CR Route

Creates a new cooperative routing route. Copies values from the route being copied except the Route ID.

Declaration (GTM)

See Copy Declaration.


Creates a new driver. Copies values from the driver being copied except the Driver ID. The driver assignment information from the original driver is not copied.

Driver Type

Creates a new driver type. Copies values from the driver type being copied except the Driver Type ID.


Creates a new equipment record. Copies values from the equipment being copied except the Equipment ID.

External Service Engine

See External Service Engine.

Freight Forwarding Order Release

  • Order Base/Release and Ship Unit ID: these must be unique for each new order. You can enter new IDs for order and ship unit (if the copied order was based on ship units) or have Oracle Transportation Management generate these IDs by leaving these fields blank.

    Release Instructions
    must be specific to each order. The release instructions are blank for the copied order until you specify new instructions.
  • Status Types and Values are set to the statuses of a new order.
  • The GLOG Reference Number Qualifier will not be copied when copying an order release.


Ground Schedule

This action creates a new ground schedule by copying an existing ground schedule. All the fields except the Ground Schedule ID are copied, but can be changed before saving.


The Copy Invoice action generates a new invoice ID by copying an existing invoice. You can edit the required invoice details. The Invoice Date and Date Received displays the current date. The copied invoice contains all the details including routes and ports, invoice summary, stops, line items, and VAT details of the original invoice. If the original invoice is matched to a shipment, the copied invoice gets matched to the same shipment with the MATCH NON ORIGINAL INVOICE status.

Item (OTM)

This action creates a new item by copying an existing item. All the fields except the Item ID are copied, but can be changed before saving.

Also a new packaged item is created based on the new item ID.


This action creates a new itinerary by copying an existing itinerary. All the fields except the Itinerary ID are copied, but can be changed before saving.

License (GTM)

See Copy License.

Location (OTM)

This action creates a new location by copying an existing location. All the fields except the Location ID are copied, but can be changed before saving.

Location (GTM)

See Copy Location.

Logic Configuration

See Logic Configuration Actions and SmartLinks.

Manager Layout

This action creates a new manager layout by copying an existing manager layout. All the fields except the Manager Layout ID are copied, but can be changed before saving. See Copy Manager Layout for more details.

Menu, Screen Set, User Preferences

This action creates a new menu, screen set or user preferences by copying an existing menu, screen set or user preferences. All the fields except the object ID are copied, but can be changed before saving.

Milestone Template

See Copy Milestone Template Action.

Order Base/Order Release

  • Order Base/Release and Ship Unit ID: these must be unique for each new order. You can enter new IDs for order and ship unit (if the copied order was based on ship units) or have Oracle Transportation Management generate these IDs by leaving these fields blank.

    Release Instructions
    must be specific to each order. The release instructions are blank for the copied order until you specify new instructions.

Note: The property glog.webserver.obshipunit.defaultIsShippableToTrue indicates what the Shippable flag should be set to when adding an order base, creating an order base from a template, and when copying an order base. The default is true.

  • Status Types and Values are set to the statuses of a new order.
  • The GLOG Reference Number Qualifier will not be copied when copying an order release.
  • If copying an order release from an order template with an order configuration of 'Ship Unit', a default line item will be populated in the new order release.

Order Movement

See Copy Order Movement.

Parameter Set

See Parameter Actions and SmartLinks.

Power Unit

Creates a new power unit. Copies values from the power unit being copied except the Power Unit ID.

Power Unit Type

Creates a new power unit type. Copies values from the power unit type being copied except the Power Unit Type ID.


This action creates a new quote by copying an existing quote. All the fields except the Quote ID are copied, but can be changed before saving.

Rate Offering

This action creates a new rate offering by copying an existing rate offering. All the fields except the Rate Offering ID are copied, but can be changed before saving.

Rate Offering Type

Copy Rate Offering Type creates a new rate offering type by copying an existing rate offering type.

Rate Record

After you click Copy Rate Record, Oracle Transportation Management displays the rate offering Search page so you can associate the new rate record with a rate offering.

If the rate record is linked to a rate offering with a rate offering type of Spot Rate then; the original rate selected will have its expiration date set to "now". Also, the newly created record gets a new reference number with the qualifier 'Original Spot Rate' and a value indicating the original rate record GID.

Resource Schedule

Creates a new resource schedule by copying the data from the selected resource schedule.

Route Instance

This lets you create additional instances for the route template. This is important since there is no other way to create additional instances for a week where some were deleted. The Route Instance and Route Instance Leg IDs will be cleared. When copying instances, the new instances are set to Inactive. The Deviated check box will be set to No. All other fields will be copied as they are.

Route Template

This copies the route template and populates all the fields except the ID.


This copies the modeling scenario along with the modeling scenario data rules and delta changes.

Service Provider

This action creates a new service provider by copying an existing service provider. All the fields except the Service Provider ID are copied, but can be changed before saving.


Click here to learn about shipment copy.

Sourcing Bid

See Copy Bid.

Sourcing Bid Round

See Copy Bid Round.

Sourcing Project

See Copy Sourcing Project.

Sourcing and Cooperative Routing Shipment

See Copy Shipment (Sourcing) or Copy Shipments To Shipment Set.

Sourcing Solution

See Copy Solution Details to Scenario.

Tracking Event

See Tracking Event Actions and SmartLinks.

Trade Item (GTM)

See Copy Item.

Trade Item Structure (GTM)

See Copy Trade Item Structure.

Trade Transaction (GTM)

See Copy Trade Transaction.


When you copy the voyage, Oracle Transportation Management prompts you to enter the first activity date. Click OK and Oracle Transportation Management will calculate the activity dates based on the original voyage dates.

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