Trade Agreements

Approve Campaign/Approve Campaign Line

This page is accessed via:

  • Trade Agreements > Campaigns > Actions > Solicitations > Approve Campaign.
  • Trade Agreement > Campaign Lines > Actions > Solicitations > Approve Campaign Line.

A campaign owner can review the details provided by the partners on the campaign lines and approve. This action will copy the campaign line details to item origin or item qualification as per the approve data configuration present in the logic configuration of the campaign type. This action will set the campaign line status as 'APPROVED'.

Note: Running the action Approve Campaign from the Campaign page will approve only the campaign lines that are in the status 'RESPONDED'. Only for these lines, the status will be changed to 'APPROVED'. The status of all other campaign lines will remain the same. You can set the status of individual lines via the Campaign Lines page.

Note: You can run the action Approve Campaign Line on lines with a status either 'RESPONDED' or 'DECLINED'.

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