Trade Agreements

Trade Incentive Program Process Steps

The high-level steps followed for the Trade Incentive Program feature are:

  1. Record Entries into Programs: Run this action on entry declarations or trade transactions. Based on the data setup and logic configuration, the application does the following:
    1. Identifies all the applicable trade incentive programs for the items. If there are no applicable trade incentive programs configured for the item, all the trade incentive programs will be assumed to be applicable.
    2. Checks if the entry profiles of the applicable trade incentive programs match with the entry declarations. 
      1. If the profile type is "Procedure", the procedure on the declaration is matched to the list of procedures on the profile. 
      2. If profile type is "Other", reference numbers and remarks on the declaration are matched to the details present on the profile.
    3. Identifies all the trade incentive program rules and corresponding product specific rules applicable and derives the maximum discharge period. Then, the maximum discharge date is calculated using the entry date and maximum discharge period.
    4. If all the conditions are satisfied, then an inventory record and an inventory movement record of "Receipt" type are created.
  2. Match Exits to Entries: Run this action on exit declarations or trade transactions. Based on the data setup and logic configuration, the application does the following:
    1. Identifies all the applicable trade incentive programs for the items. If there are no applicable trade incentive programs configured for the item, all the trade incentive programs will be assumed to be applicable.
    2. Checks if the exit profiles of applicable trade incentive programs match with the exit declaration/transaction(s). 
      1. If profile type is "Procedure", the procedure on the declaration is matched to the list of procedures on the profile. 
      2. If profile type is "Other", reference numbers and remarks of the declaration or trade transaction is matched to the details present on the profile.
    3. Identifies all the trade incentive program rules and corresponding product specific rules applicable and iterates over those in the order of priority. 
      The application iterates over the inventories according to the "Accounting Method" defined on the trade incentive program. Balance quantities are deducted from one or more inventories as needed. Inventory Movements of "Issue" type are created against those inventories.
      Also, the inventory record and the inventory movement statuses are updated.

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