Logistics Network Modeling

Rate Change Use Case for Network Modeling

Different options are available for setting up logistics network modeling based on the scenario that you want to model. This use case, we'll look at a scenario regarding a rate change which uses scenario data changes to model the scenario.

This  scenario will model a rate change. The rate change can happen at the rate offering level or the rate record. We'll compare two scenarios

  • No Rate Changes – This is the base scenario so no changes needed.
  • Set Max Stop 2 on a Rate – In this scenario, a constraint of 2 maximum stops is applied on the rate.

Creating the Rate Change Use Case Project

Create a modeling project. You can create one project and then two scenarios each using a different scenario data. You can name it something like RATE ANALYSIS DEMO.

  1. Enter the parameter set to use.
  2. Select the Saved Query Type "Order Releases" since order releases are going to be planned.
  3. Provide the Order Saved Query that you want  to use. This could be defined on the scenario.

Create modeling scenarios:

The first scenario will use the existing data so no changes needed.

The second scenario will change the maximum stop constraint and set the limit to 2 stops.

  1. Provide the scenario ID, such as "Set Max Stop 2 on Rate Demo".
  2. Define the scenario data changes to set the max stop 2 on the rate. In order to perform this change, the total_stops_constraint column on the rate offering needs to be modified and set to 2.

Define scenario data changes:

  1. Go to the Scenario Data Changes tab in the Modeling Scenario screen.
  2. Click “New Object” to create a new scenario data change.
  3. In the Scenario Data Changes page, select the Object type – Rate Offering in this case.
  4. In the Object ID field, enter the rate offering ID that needs to be changed.  
  5. In the Data Changes grid, select the column to modify. “TOTAL_STOPS_CONSTRAINT” in this case.
  6. Enter a New Value of 2.
  7. Click Save.

Review the project. In the Modeling Scenarios section. You will see each of the scenarios.  

Run the project action Scenario Bulk Plan to perform the bulk plan for the scenarios. Select the scenarios and click Submit.

View the Results on the Scenario Bulk Plan Comparison screen.

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