Contract and Rate Management

Rate Factor

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > General > Rate Factor. Click New, then click New Rate Factor.

Use this page to periodically enter new rate factor values.

  1. Enter Effective Date and Expiration Date.
  2. Select what type of rate factor you want to create in the Factor Type field. For example, fuel price, fuel surcharge, or exchange index. This field is for information only.
  3. Enter a Factor Value.
  4. Use the Run Group ID to help you group multiple rate factor values.
  5. Select the Processed check box to reprocess for a given factor.

Note: When the optional feature "ENABLE RATE FACTOR IN MEMORY PROCESSING" is enabled and you try to manually select the Processed check box for a rate factor, there is no impact on the accessorial cost being generated. 
The optional feature is enabled by default. We recommend you not disable it. OTM doesn't support the functionality when the optional feature is disabled as the functionality has been deprecated since the 6.4.3 release. 

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