Contract and Rate Management

Rate Factor Rule Detail

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > General > Rate Factor Rule. Then click New Rate Factor, or click Edit if one exists.

Use this page to specify how to calculate the accessorial cost from the rate factor value.

How To Set Effective Dates For Accessorials

You can specify the effective and expiration date for the generated accessorial cost in a number of different ways. You can:

  • inherit the effective date or expiration date from the rate factor.
  • inherit the effective date or expiration date from the rate factor and add a number of days using the offset fields.
  • Note: Using an offset of 31 days always forces the accessorial's effective or expiration date into, at least, the following month (depending on if your Effective Date Source is in the beginning or end of the month).

  • inherit the effective date or expiration date from the rate factor and specify a day in that same month using the fixed date fields.

In the Fixed Eff. Day of Month field, enter a fixed effective day as the number of the day in the month. For example, enter 15 for the 15th of the month specified in effective date source. You can also use a negative value to count from the end of the month. For example, using -1, would set the effective date to the last day of the month.

In the Fixed Exp. Day of Month field, enter a fixed expiration day as the number of the day in the month. For example, enter 15 for the 15th of that month. You can also use a negative value to count from the end of the month.

  1. Note: It is possible to use both the offset and fixed fields at the same time. For example, setting the Effective Date Offset to 31 and the Effective Date Fixed to -1 would first add 31 days to your Effective Date Source and then set the accessorial's effective date to the last day of whatever month the 31 days brings you to.

In the Apply To list box, specify if the rule should create a percentage based accessorial or a "per unit" based accessorial. This is used for generating a per mile or per pound accessorial, such as a fuel surcharge. Select a Cost Type to specify how Oracle Transportation Management should calculate the accessorial cost.
  • Copy Factor: Oracle Transportation Management copies the rate factor value into the accessorial (Apply Discount Of field) and uses that value as a multiplier. With this option, make sure your rate factor value can be directly interpreted as a discount percentage.
  • Lookup: Oracle Transportation Management finds the cost value that corresponds to that rate factor value and copies it into the accessorial (Apply Discount Of field) and uses that value as a multiplier.

If you select lookup as your cost type, enter the following.

    • Maximum Factor Value. For cases where your rate factor value is higher than your largest Maximum Rate Factor Value, enter a Factor Increase.
    • A discount percentage for the accessorial cost in the Cost Value field. For example, enter -2 to increase the accessorial cost by 2%. That is a negative discount increases the cost.
    • A Cost Increase for each Factor Increase. If your rate factor value is higher than your largest maximum rate factor value, Oracle Transportation Management increases the corresponding cost value with cost increase for every factor increase in rate factor value.

max rate factor value = 3
cost value(max rate factor value=3) = 10
your actual rate factor value = 5
factor increase = 0.5
For example, say that your cost increase = 1

Then Oracle Transportation Management calculates the cost value to 10+((5-3)/0.5)*(1) = 10+(2/0.5)*(1) = 10+4*(1) = 14.

  • Escalator: Oracle Transportation Management calculates the percentage increase of the current rate factor value from the first rate factor value and copies the value into the accessorial cost and uses that value as a multiplier.

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