Configuration and Administration

glog.mbean Properties

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.


New in Version




There is a configuration collector 'Alerts' that is available to quickly identify application-tier error conditions. glog.mbean properties allow you to set time parameters.

The concept of a "recent" metric is based on the following properties:

glog.mbean.alert.<metric>.recent=<recent duration>

glog.mbean.alert.<metric>.poll=<poll duration>

where the duration of a recent metric is given by <recent duration> and the metric is polled every <poll duration>. For example, assume you have:

glog.mbean.alert.ConnectionAvailability.recent=30 M
glog.mbean.alert.ConnectionAvailability.poll=5 M

Every 5 minutes Oracle Transportation Management will check whether a connection pool is exhausted. If it is, general connection pool status is marked as exhausted for 30 minutes. If the pool remains availability for over 30 minutes, the status will revert to OK.



Affects the Long Running Tasks performance collector. That collector lists tasks that are not completed, or have a start time within the number of days defined by this property.

=<the factor divided into the read/execution ratio>


See glog.mbean.verbose.

=<threshold for the read/execution ratio for display>


See glog.mbean.verbose.



For DBA users, OTM has a set of technical diagnostics, available from the Configuration and Administration > Technical Support > Performance Collection. In particular, the ALERTS collector provides an overall summary state for the following subsystems:

Event Queue: The event queue test is successful if, for each event queue, the # of (# backed up events) * (average processing time) / (# of threads) does not exceed an alert threshold given by glog.mbean.alert.EventQueueBakcup.threshold. This property should be a duration (e.g. 5 M, 1 H).

Mediator: The mediator test is successful if, for each mediator group, the number of entries held by the group does not exceed an alert threshold given by glog.mbean.alert.MediatorBlockage.threshold. This property should be a scalar # of entries.

Object Locks: The object lock test is successful if the age of all object locks is less than an alert threshold given by glog.mbean.alert.ObjectLockExpiration.threshold. This property should be a duration (e.g. 5 M, 1 H).

Another collector, SQL STATEMENTS, lists long-running SQL statements that may be adversely impacting performance. The determination of which SQL statements to list is based on statements whose read to execution ratio exceeds some threshold. This ratio check can be callibrated via the following properties:

  glog.mbean.sql.executionFactor=<the factor divided into the read/execution ratio>

  glog.mbean.sql.readToExecutionThreshold=<threshold for the read/execution ratio for display>

Finally, the following collectors can collect summary or verbose information.  

Verbose information includes:

  Event Queue: each event waiting in queue

  Mediator: each item blocked by a mediator group

  Object Lock: each object lock with a current owner

To set verbose collection, set glog.mbean.verbose=true.

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