2WMS Web Service APIs

WMS Web Service APIs

Oracle WMS Cloud provides REST based Web Service APIs to perform various operations within the WMS. The currently available APIs are focused primarily towards data integration for getting data in and out of the application. A few additional APIs are available for key WMS operations. See the Technical Notes section for a detailed description of how Oracle WMS Cloud API request headers must be structured. The section also has some background information on APIs and Web Services in general. You can use the Chrome plugin Postman to try out accessing Oracle WMS Cloud web services. Make sure that the user you use has the permission listed below.

Authentication and Authorization

In order to access an endpoint, the request must contain, using BasicAuth, a valid WMS username and password. Within the WMS, the user must have the WMS permission "can_run_ws_stage_interface". The user must also have eligibility to any facility/company combinations represented in the data.

Response Structure

Oracle WMS Cloud API's respond with the following XML response (sample):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     <message>Process stage item submitted for file group 41415472</message>

API Description Category Initial Supported Version
Run Stage Interface Trigger validation & processing of data already in stage tables. Setup and transactional data 6.1
Update OBLPN Tracking Number Update tracking number and other OBLPN parcel stats. Automation & Operations 6.1
Run MHE Stage Interface Invoke an MHE interface to process data in MHE stage tables Automation & Operations 6.2
Update OBLPN Dimensions Update OBLPN weight, volume etc. Automation & Operations 6.2
Ship OBLPN Automation & Operations 6.2
Init Stage Interface Main API for input data integration. Pass data in to validate and process Setup and transactional data 6.4.0
Get Next Number Get next number from specified counter Automation & Operations 7.0.0
Get Status Get status of an entity Automation & Operations 7.0.0
Assign OBLPN to Load Automation & Operations 7.0.0
Create LPN Automation & Operations 7.0.1
Receive LPN Automation & Operations 7.0.1
Lock/Unlock LPN Automation & Operations 8.0.0
Update Output Interface Set status and error message if any on a transmitted output interface Setup and transactional data 8.0.0
Induct LPN Induct LPN into MHE Automation & Operations 8.0.0
Divert Confirm LPN Divert confirmation from MHE Automation & Operations 8.0.0
MHE API to perform cubed or non cubed picking Automation & Operations 8.0.1
Extended Property Fetch an extended property for the requested entity. Setup and transactional data 8.0.1
Load LPN Automation & Operations 8.0.2
Entity Update API Updates certain attributes of an entity Setup and transactional data 8.0.2
Object Inquiry Returns a standardize representation of the queried object Setup and transactional data 8.0.2
From MHE Distribution Pack Automation & Operations 8.0.2
From MHE Distribution Short Automation & Operations 8.0.2
Update Carrier LPN Label Setup and transactional data 8.0.2
Update Active Inventory Setup and transactional data 8.0.2

Run Stage Interface

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/init_stage_interface/"

Initial WMS Version: 6.1


API to run the data import process for a stage table. It works on data already in the staging table. To load and process data, please use the InitStageInterfaceAPI.

  • If no file_group_nbr is supplied, then the interface is run for every record in status Ready for the Company/Facility.
  • If file_group_nbr is supplied, then all records for that group in status Ready for the Company/Facility are processed. Note that not all interfaces support the use of file_group_nbr.
    Note: This API is not meant to upload data and process. It’s only meant to process data that has been loaded through other means. For uploading and processing data, please refer to the "Init Stage Interface" API.

Update OBLPN Tracking Number

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/update_oblpn_tracking_nbr/"

Initial WMS Version: 6.1


API to update an OBLPN's tracking number and optionally weight and/or ship via.

If a Carrier LPN record for the OBLPN does not exist, the API will attempt to create it. The ship via from the allocated order will be used if one is not supplied in the arguments.

  1. The LPN must exist for the facility/company provided
  2. The LPN must be of type outbound
  3. The LPN status cannot be CANCELLED
  4. The ship via must exist for the same company as the LPN

Table Request Arguments

Argument Name Function Required Data Type
company_code WMS Company Code X string
facility_code WMS Facility Code X string
oblpn_nbr Container number to be updated X string
tracking_nbr Carrier tracking number X string
ship_via_code Updated ship via string
weight Updated weight decimal
rate Update rate string
master_tracking_nbr 2nd tracking number string
estimated_delivery_time Estimated delivery date (yyyymmdd) string
dry_ice_weight Updated Dry Ice Weight decimal
  • Since version 9.0.0, new company parameter max_allowed_wt_vol_dim_decimal_scale controls the decimal precision for the following fields: weight and dry_ice_weight
  • The precision of rate is set at 2

Run MHE Stage Interface

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/run_mhe_stage_interface/"

Initial WMS Version: 6.2

API to run the data import process for a staged MHE data or to run a custom MHE function.

Requires Celery to be enabled as all messages are run asynchronously by default.

Table Request Arguments

Argument Name Function Required Data Type
entity Interface name X string
company_code WMS Company Code X string
facility_code WMS Facility Code X string
mhe_vendor_code MHE Vendor X string
python_function Name of custom MHE function to be run. Required if entity is 'custom'. string

Table Supported Entities

Entity Value Interface Name Initial WMS Version
from_mhe_lpn_diverts LPN Divert Confirmation 6.2
custom Custom MHE Function 6.2

Update OBLPN Dimensions

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/update_oblpn_dims/"

Initial WMS Version: 6.2


API to update an OBLPN's dimensions (length, width, height, weight, and volume).

Any association to a container type for the OBLPN will be overwritten by the specific values provided in the API request.


  1. The LPN must exist for the facility/company provided
  2. The LPN must be of type outbound
  3. The LPN status cannot be SHIPPED or CANCELLED
  4. Decimal values must be greater than or equal to 0.00

Table Request Arguments

Argument Name Function Required Data Type Initial Supported Version
shipping_location Barcode of shipping location. Required if shipping OBLPN. C string 7.0.0
company_code WMS company code X string 6.4.2
facility_code WMS facility code X string 6.4.2
oblpn_nbr Container number to be updated X string 6.4.2
length Container length X decimal 6.4.2
width Container width X decimal 6.4.2
height Container height X decimal 6.4.2
calc_vol_flg Recalculate volume based on length, width, and height X boolean 6.4.2
weight Container weight decimal 6.4.2
volume Container volume. Ignored if calc_vol_flg is true. decimal 6.4.2
ship_oblpn Ship the OBLPN after making dims updates. boolean 7.0.0
Note: Since version 9.0.0, new company parameter max_allowed_wt_vol_dim_decimal_scale controls the decimal precision for the following fields: Length, Width, Height, Weight and Volume.


URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/ship_oblpn/"

Initial WMS Version: 6.2


API to locate and ship an eligible OBLPN in WMS.

  1. The LPN must exist for the facility/company provided
  2. The LPN must be of type outbound
  3. The LPN status must be PACKED
  4. The LPN cannot already be on a load
  5. The LPN cannot have any pending allocations
The ship location must be of type SHIPPING

Table Request Arguments

Argument Name Function Required Data Type
company_code WMS company code X string
facility_code WMS facility code X string
oblpn_nbr Container number to be shipped X string
locn_barcode Barcode of WMS shipping location. Updated on container as the final WMS location before being shipped. X string
output_file_to_generate Values supported: "LPN Inventory" or "OBLPN Shipping Info". string

Init Stage Interface

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/init_stage_interface/"


API to insert data into stage table(s) and run the interface to process the data.
Note: This is the API to be used by external systems to exchange setup and transactional data with the WMS.

All information regarding the interface entity and file groupings are within the XML in the <Header> tag.

This API supports XML format for all supported entities and flat format for a subset.

Table Request Arguments

Argument Name Function Required Default Value Data Type Initial Supported Version
xml_data XML to be processed C string -
async Run stage table entity asynchronously True boolean -
validate_xml Throws hard error on XML structure or data issues False boolean 7.0.1
flat_data Pipe-delimited data to be processed C '' string 8.0.0
entity Type of flat data being interfaced. Only used in conjunction with flat_data. C '' string 8.0.0
  • Either xml_data or flat_data must be passed - not both.
  • "async" is applicable for both XML and flat for the processing of stage data
Flat File Data
  • Mimics the same process as if you had uploaded it via Input Interface UI
  • API keys 'flat_data' and 'entity' are required
  • Only entities "item" and "order'" are currently supported
  • Supported Entity Formats
  • order - Hierarchical format only (ORR)
  • item - One Line format only (ITM)
  • File group number format: _API_{username}_yyyymmddHHMMSSffffff
  • Where ffffff is micro-seconds
  • Example: _API_mrafalko_20161209112224184531

    Table Supported Entities

    Name Entity Version
    Vendor vendor 7.0.0
    Appointment appointment 7.0.0
    Item item 7.0.0
    Item Barcode item_barcode 7.0.0
    Site site 7.0.0
    Store store 7.0.0
    Purchase Order purchase_order 7.0.0
    IB Shipment ib_shipment 7.0.0
    Order order 7.0.0
    Work Order work_order 7.0.0
    Planned OB Load planned_ob_load 7.0.2
    Item Prepack item_prepack 7.0.3
    Consolidation Location consolidation_location_config 8.0.0
    IB Shipment Serial Number ib_shipment_serial_nbr 8.0.0
    Item Facility item_facility 8.0.0
    Order Instructions order_instructions 8.0.0
    Literals literals 18C
    Outbound Load Outbound_load 18C

Get Next Number

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/get_next_numbers/"

Initial WMS Version: 7.0.0


API to get a next up number from given sequence counter.


  • A sequence counter is defined for the given facility/company/code.

    Table Request Arguments

    Parameter Description Initial Version Required Data Type Default
    counter_code Sequence counter code - X string
    company_code WMS company code - string User's default context
    facility_code WMS facility code - string User's default context
    count Number of sequences returned - integer 1

Get Status

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/%3cenv_name%3e/wms/api/get_status/"

Initial WMS Version: 7.0.0


API to get the status of an object in WMS.

  1. Supported entity
  2. Object currently exists for the given facility/company
  3. The "key" parameter is a value that corresponds to the field used by the object for identification
Supported Entities & Key Fields
  • ib_shipment (shipment_nbr)
  • purchase_order (po_nbr)
  • order (order_nbr)
  • lpn (container_nbr)
  • wave (run_nbr)
  • load (load_nbr)
  • dock (dock_nbr)
  • appointment (appt_nbr)
  • manifest (manifest_nbr)
  • task (task_nbr)

Table Request Arguments

Parameter Description Initial Version Required Data Type Default
entity Object type - X string
key Object identifier value - X string
company_code WMS company code - string User's default context
facility_code WMS facility code - string User's default context

Assign OBLPN to Load

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/%3cenv_name%3e/%3cwms%3e/%3capi%3e/%3cassign_oblpn_to_load%3e/"

Initial WMS Version 7.0.0


API to assign OBLPN(s) to a new or existing Load.


  1. If load does not exist, a new one will be created
  2. If the load exists in status Shipped or Cancelled, the load will be reused
  3. If the load exists in greater than Created status, but less than Shipped status, an error will be thrown
  4. Supports bulk mode if more than one OBLPN given in "oblpn_nbr" parameter, separated by character defined in "delimiter" parameter
  5. OBLPN must be less than Loaded status
  6. If you have the "reassign_load_flg" parameter set to True, then this will not apply as the LPN will be unloaded first.

Table Request Arguments

Parameter Description Initial Version Required Data Type Default
oblpn_nbr Delimited list of OBLPN numbers - X string
company_code WMS company code - string User's default context
facility_code WMS facility code - string User's default context
trailer_nbr Trailer updated on the load - string ""
carrier_code Carrier updated on the load - string ""
reassign_load_flg Reassign the OBLPN to new load, if already assigned to different load - boolean True
require_specific_oblpn_status Validate OBLPN has matching status (Default is Packed) - integer 80
delimiter Character used to separate oblpn_nbr list - string |
load_nbr Load OBLPN(s) will be assigned to - X string
Note: Since version 9.0.0, new company parameter max_allowed_wt_vol_dim_decimal_scale controls the decimal precision for the following weight fields: oblpn_weight.

Create LPN

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/create_lpn/"

Initial WMS Version: 7.0.1


API to create a single SKU IBLPN and associated inventory.

Can also be used to cross-dock the IBLPN to an OBLPN for a given destination facility.

  1. The inventory is created out of thin air - it is not taken from some location in the warehouse
  2. The container created is an IBLPN
  3. If cross-dock mode then final container will be an OBLPN of same number
  4. Appropriate inventory history records are written
  5. Inventory attributes are not currently within scope

Table Request Arguments

Parameter Description Initial Supported Version Required Data Type Default
lpn_nbr - X string
qty - X integer
company_code WMS company code - string User's default context
facility_code WMS facility code - string User's default context
item_barcode - C string ""
item_alternate_code - C string ""
batch_number - C string ""
expiry_date YYYYMMDD - C date ""
xdock_lpn_flg Create container then cross-dock? - boolean True
order_type Cross-dock only: xdock order type - C string ""
dest_facility_code Cross-dock only: xdock destination facility - C string ""
drop_locn_barcode Cross-dock only: Location of final OBLPN - string ""
lpn_weight Created IBLPN's weight - decimal ""
lock_code If provided, container will be given lock once created or cross-docked - string ""
  • item_barcode or item_alternate_code must be provided. If both are give, item_barcode is evaluated first.
  • When xdock_lpn_flg is True:
  • order_type is required
  • dest_facility_code is required
  • drop_locn_barcode is of type DROP or STAGING
  • If the item characteristics required batch number, then batch_number is required
  • If the item metrics require an expiration date, then expiry_date is required, except if you've provided an existing batch number that already has an expiry date. The expiry of an existing batch is preserved, even if expiry_date is given.
  • expiry_date is in the format YYYYMMDD
  • expiry_date cannot be in the past
  • Since version 9.0.0, new company parameter max_allowed_qty_decimal_scale controls the decimal precision for the following quantity fields: qty
  • Since version 9.0.0, new company parameter max_allowed_wt_vol_dim_decimal_scale controls the decimal precision for the following weight fields: lpn_weigh

Receive LPN

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/receive_lpn/"

Initial WMS Version: 7.0.1


API to receive and optionally xdock an IBLPN.

  • For cross dock mode, a valid allocation must exist.
  • If receiving_location is an MHE induct location, the container will be inducted and corresponding MHE logic will be triggered.
  • Requires location to be type Drop with an MHE System configured of type Conveyor.

    Table Request Arguments

    Parameter Description Initial Version Required Data Type Default
    company_code WMS company code - string User's default context
    facility_code WMS facility code - string User's default context
    xdock_lpn_flg Do you want to cross dock the IBLPN after receiving? - boolean True
    receiving_location Container will be located here at the end of the process, if provided - string ""
    received_ts If provided, will be the received timestamp on the container - datetime
    xml_data Allows updating of cust fields for IB Shipment Details or Order Details - string ""
    rcvd_trailer_nbr If provided, will be the received trailer for the container - string ""
    lpn_nbr Container to be received - X string
    • receiving_location must of type "Dock" or "Drop" for non-xdock.
    • "Staging" is also allowed for xdock.
    xml_data sample:

Lock/Unlock LPN

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/lock_unlock_lpn/"

Initial WMS Version: 8.0.0


API to lock/unlock an LPN or shipment detail.


  • All user's eligible companies are examined unless specific company_code is provided

Table Request Arguments

Parameter Description Initial Version Required Data Type Default
lpn_nbr Container number to be locked/unlocked - X string
action Valid values are "lock" and "unlock" - X string
lock_code Parent company lock to be applied/removed - X string
remove_lock_from_shipment_dtl_flg Check for shipment detail if container doesn't exist. Unlock only. - Boolean True
company_code WMS company code - string User's default context
facility_code WMS facility code - string User's default context

Update Output Interface

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/update_output_interface/"

Initial WMS Version: 8.0.0


API for external systems to update an output interface record.

This is typically used for external systems to communicate failure and an error message so that it's visible to user in the UI.

Also allows triggering resend of an existing file.

Table Request Arguments

Argument Name Function Required Default Value Data Type
filename Output filename X string
facility_code Output record's facility User's default facility string
company_code Output record's company User's default company string
interface_type_code Interface type "" string
cust_intf_code Custom interface identifier "" string
status_id Desired status of output record C integer
message Message of output record C "" string
run_output_interface_flg Trigger file resend flag False boolean
  • status_id, message, or both are required
  • company_code, facility_code, interface_type_code, and cust_intf_code are used to identify a unique record
  • Valid statuses: Ready (10), Processed (90), Failed (99), Cancelled (101)
  • If the status is set to Read (10) and no message is provided, any existing message is cleared
  • run_output_interface_flg is only valid for records in status Ready (10)
  • This mimics the same functionality as pressing the "Resend" button in Output Interface UI

Induct LPN

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/induct_lpn/"

Initial WMS Version: 8.0.0


Gives the ability for automated systems (MHE) to induct an LPN to a Drop location tied to an MHE conveyor system.

This will trigger the MHE Route Config rules to generate an appropriate Route Instruction message in Output Interface.

The logic mimics that of RF Induct LPN transaction.

Table Request Arguments

Argument Name Function Required Default Value Data Type
xml_data Required data in XML format C string
flat_data Required data in delimited format C string
Note: Either xml_data or flat_data must be provided.

Table Data Format

Field Name Function Required Data Type
facility_code Container's facility string
company_code Container's company string
lpn_nbr Container to be inducted X string
induct_location Barcode of induction location X string
  • Flat (pipe-delimited) data is valid when using flat_data input argument
  • Data must follow the order specified above in the format: facility_code|company_code|lpn_nbr|induct_location
  • Multiple containers are separated by a new line
  • XML data is valid when use xml_data input argument
  • The "Header" section may be omitted - it is not used at this time
  • If facility_code and/or company_code are not provided, the requesting user's default context is used
  • The user must be eligible for all facility/company combinations
  • The LPN can be Inbound or Outbound
  • The induct_location must be of type DROP with an MHE Conveyor system configured
  • The base induction logic is used (same as RF Induct LPN):
  • An MHE Message must be active for "LPN ROUTE" for the MHE system
  • Valid container statuses for induct are controlled via Facility Parm "ALLOWED_LPN_STATUSES_TO_MHE_INDUCT"
Example XML

Divert Confirm

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/divert_confirm/"

Initial WMS Version: 8.0.0


Gives the ability for automated systems (MHE) to confirm that an LPN was diverted or located.

This will trigger the update of the LPN's location as well as possibly completing any putaway allocations.

Table Request Arguments

Argument Name Function Required Default Value Data Type
xml_data Required data in XML format C string
flat_data Required data in delimited format C string
Note: Either xml_data or flat_data must be provided.

Table Data Format

Field Name Function Required Data Type
facility_code Container's facility string
company_code Container's company string
mhe_system_code MHE system code that did the divert X string
lpn_nbr Container that was diverted/putaway X string
divert_lane The divert lane pushed down C string
dest_locn_brcd Barcode of specific location C String
pallet_nbr Pallet that was diverted/putaway - String
  • Flat (pipe-delimited) data is valid when using flat_data input argument
  • Data must follow the order specified above in the format: facility_code|company_code|mhe_system_code|lpn_nbr|divert_lane|dest_locn_brcd
  • Multiple containers are separated by a new line
  • XML data is valid when use xml_data input argument

    See exmaple below:

    The "Header" section may be omitted - it is not used at this time
  • If facility_code and/or company_code are not provided, the requesting user's default context is used
  • The user must be eligible for all facility/company combinations
  • The LPN can be Inbound or Outbound
  • divert_lane or dest_locn_brcd must be provided
  • When divert_lane is provided:
  • System will locate LPN to Drop location in the given facility with the corresponding divert lane configured
  • When dest_locn_brcd is provided:
  • Locate the LPN to the specific location provided

    If IBLPN:

  • Cannot locate to a Consolidation location
  • Cannot locate to a Drop location used for IB Sort
  • Must be located to a VAS location if LPN requires VAS
  • Must be located to a QC location if LPN requires QC
  • If putaway allocation exist
  • LPN cannot have a Prevent Putaway lock
  • If dest_locn_brcd matches the directed location, putaway will be completed
  • If dest_locn_brcd does not match the directed location, putaway allocations will be deallocated
  • Putaway allocations must be for a single location
  • If OBLPN:
  • Cannot locate to Active or Reserve
  • Must be in status In-Picking, Picked, In-Packing, or Packed
Example XML

MHE API to perform cubed or non cubed picking

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/pick_confirm/"


Gives the ability for automated systems (MHE) to complete allocations of the LPN (ie. pack, pick, etc)

This will trigger the update of WMS to complete the packing operations.

Table Request Arguments

Argument Name Function Required Default Value Data Type
xml_data Required data in XML format C string
flat_data Required data in delimited format C string
Note: Either xml_data or flat_data must be provided.

Table Data Format

Field Name Function Required Data Type Default
facility_code string User default facility
company_code string User default company
wave_nbr wave number X string
order_nbr Order number of LPN C string
item_alternate_code Item alternate code C string
item_barcode C string
qty quantity packed C number
pick_location pick location of ib LPN X string
from_container_nbr If Picking is performed from reserve location then inbound LPN number is mandatory if picking from active location then inbound lpn number is not mandatory C string
to_container_nbr Outbound LPN number picked and packed into. C


action_code X string
mhe_system_code X string
reason_code string
update_inventory_on_short_flg Boolean False
close_container_status Value sent is PICKED or PACKED depending on operation string Packed
short_on_close_flg Boolean False
allocation_uom Depicts the UOM in which the corresponding inventory is allocated. Possible values UNITS, PACKS, CASES String
uom_qty Depicts the corresponding inventory pack or inventory case qty. Populate the value if allocation uom is packs or cases. uom_qty will be blank if the allocation uom is Units or LPNs. Value shared will be in integers. Integer
batch_nbr MHE can send the batch number corresponding to the item that is been picked String
  • User needs to be eligible for facility and company
  • wave number needs to exist in the system
  • qty must be an integer
  • from_container_nbr needs to be either "partial allocated" or "allocated" status
  • LPN allocation must be associated with the mhe system given in the mhe_system_code
  • Valid values for ob_lpn_status : "PACKED" "PICKED"
  • Valid values for action_code : "PICK", "SHORT", "CLOSE", "COMPLETE"
  • order_nbr is required if action code is pick or short
  • if action code is pick or short at least item_alternate_code or item_barcode must be passed
  • qty is required if action code is pick or short
  • If it is pick or short you need have at least pick_location or from_containter_number)
  • if action code close or pick or short, then to container nbr is required

Extended Property

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/extended_property/entity_name/key/extended_property"


Initial WMS Version: 8.0.1


API is used to fetch an extended property for the requested entity. Sometimes customers would like to get more information like fetching the number of LPN's for an order. The following are additional details about extended property:

  • Entity and extended property for the entity are provided in the requesting URL. URL should also contain the entity key against which the extended property is asked for.
  • Response provided will be a value of the extended property being inquired.
  • From 8.0.1, support is provided for order entity and a couple of extended properties provided below. Same API will be expanded for additional entities and other extended properties for future releases.
If facility code and company code is provided search for the entity key is done for the specific facility code and company code. If facility code and company code is not provided then entity key is searched across for the default facility and company for the API invoked users and also the user's eligible facility and company combination.

Table Request Arguments

Argument Name Function Required Default Value Data Type
company_code WMS Company Code string
facility_code WMS Facility Code string

Table Supported Entity and Extended Property

Entity Extended property Initial Supported Version Usage
order number_of_oblpns 8.0.1 Fetches the total count of outbound LPN's for the order number passed in the API, which are from outbound created status till cancelled status (cancelled status outbound LPN's are excluded).
order number_of_packaged_oblpns 8.0.1 Fetches the total count of outbound LPN's for the order number passed in the API, which are in Packed, Loaded, Shipped and Delivered status.

Load LPN

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/assign_and_load_oblpn/"

Initial WMS Version: 8.0.2

Method: POST


API to perform loading of outbound LPNs or Pallet

API can also be used to assign LPN's to load and also perform loading

  1. If OBLPN is not assigned to a load then it must be assigned to a load before loading
  2. If OBLPN is already assigned to a load and load Nbr passed is different from the already assigned load then system will assign it to a different load and perform loading.
  3. OBLPN being loaded must belong to an eligible facility and company for the WMS user who is invoking the API
  4. OBLPN Weight cannot be negative.
  5. API will not support Load by Order Flow.
  6. If LPN is associated with a Pallet and API is invoked for the LPN, we do not auto load all the other LPN's on the pallet.
  7. If Weight is passed when a Pallet number is passed then weight is ignored.

Table Request Arguments

Parameter Description Initial Supported Version Required Data Type Default
oblpn_nbr Required if pallet number is not provided. - C string
pallet_nbr Required if outbound LPN number is not provided. - C string
company_code WMS facility code - X string If facility code is not provided then users default facility will be considered
company_code WMS company code - X string If company code is not provided then users default facility will be considered
load_nbr outbound load number against which the lpn or pallet needs to be assigned and loaded. - X string
trailer_nbr Used to search load number for assignment based on trailer number passed. - X string

Used to search load number for assignment based on trailer number passed.

- X string
oblpn_weight Using the API outbound LPN's weight can also be updated - X decimal

Important Validations:

  • Outbound LPN passed should not be less than Packed status.
  • If OBLPN is in loaded or Shipped or delivered status then API responds with an error message.
  • If neither Load Nbr, Dock or Trailer Nbr are passed and appropriate load number to assign is not found API responds with error.
  • If OBLPN number passed is in Packed Status and is also marked for Audit company parameter, "ALLOW_LOAD_SHIP_WITH_AUDIT_PENDING" if set to “No" then API responds with appropriate error.
  • While performing Loading of Pallet, if some of the LPN's are not eligible for loading, then loading of pallet fails, Error response will be for the first LPN which encountered error.
  • Checks based on lock code assigned to outbound LPN and also stop ship flag on the order will be considered before performing loading.
  • If the OB LPN is associated with Order whose stop ship flag is set to true, API responds with appropriate error.
  • If instead of OBLPN Nbr, Pallet Nbr is passed as input pallet number passed should be valid for user’s eligible facility and company.
  • Outbound LPN's associated with the pallet should be in packed status. If any of the outbound LPN's fails validations, API responds with appropriate error.
  • If neither Load Nbr, Dock and Trailer number is not provided, and oblpn_number or pallet_number is not already assigned to a load, respond with error.

Additional Pointers:

  • If outbound LPN is not assigned to the load, API also assigns appropriate load based on the load number passed or load number determined from the trailer passed or load determined from the dock door.
  • If outbound LPN is already assigned to a load, it’s not mandatory to send load_number or trailer number or dock door number exclusively, LPN will be loaded against the already assigned load.
  • Load number provided in the API will be used to assign and load the LPN/pallet, even if the LPN/Pallet is assigned to a different load.
  • Load number determined from the trailer number or dock door is used to assign and load the LPN/pallet, even if the LPN/Pallet is assigned to a different load.
  • If Pallet or OBLPN is successfully loaded then return a success message "Pallet/OBLPN <Pallet/OBLPN Nbr> successfully loaded".
  • If Pallet or OBLPN is successfully loaded then all the OBLPN's must be set to loaded status
  • If all OBLPNs for an order are loaded then order is also updated to loaded status.
  • If the OBLPN Weight is sent (i.e non blank) then the weight of the OBLPN must be updated.
  • If Load Nbr, Dock and Trailer all three are passed then Load Nbr provided in the API takes the precedence for assigning the oblpn/pallet to the load and perform loading.
  • If trailer and dock door number is provided, precedence will be given to the load associated to the trailer for assigning the oblpn/pallet to the load and perform loading.
  • If trailer number is only provided, WMS will search for an open load for the trailer number for assigning and loading the outbound LPN's or pallet.
  • If dock door is only provided, WMS will search for open load for the dock door for assigning and loading the outbound LPN's or pallet.

Entity Update API

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/entity/entity_name/key/sequence_number/"


Initial WMS Version: 8.0.2


API is used for updating certain attributes of an entity. Sometimes the clients would want to update certain fields of an entity like stop ship flag on the order. Entity Update API provides for an ability to modify certain fields on the requested entity.

  • Entity name should be provided as part of the URL. URL should also contain the key against which the specific attributes needs to be updated.
  • Sequence number key will be required if the updates are being done for supported detail tables.
  • API will respond with a success or error message.
  • Not all entities are supported, supported entities are mentioned below.
  • If facility code and company code is provided search for the entity key is done for the specific facility code and company code. If facility code and company code is not provided then entity key is searched across for the default facility and company for the API invoked users and also the user's eligible facility and company combination.
  • If the fields provided for update in xml_data is not supported API will respond with an error.

Table Supported Entities for Entity Update

Entity Usage
order_hdr Refer to the following section for additional details and columns exposed. For example, to update order related fields:


xml_data needs to be specified which encapsulates the attributes to be updated. . Below mentioned are the arguments that needs to be passed for updating order when the entity passed is Order.


Parameter Name Required Default Value Data Type Comments
company_code Optional string WMS Company Code, if not specified, API invoked users eligible companies will be evaluated
facility_code Optional string User eligible facility code, if not specified, API invoked users eligible companies will be evaluated.
xml_data X Fields to be updated with specific values for the corresponding entity.

Refer the below section for additional details and columns exposed.Example to update purchase order dtl related fields


https:////<xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com>//<env_name>/wms/api/entity>/purchase_order_dtl/POTST001/1 (will update columns for particular sequence number passed).

https:////<xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com>//<env_name>/wms/api/entity>/purchase_order_dtl/POTST001/0 (will update all columns on the purchase order detail).

https:////<xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com>//<env_name>/wms/api/entity>/purchase_order_dtl/POTST001/ (will update all columns on the purchase order detail).

xml_data needs to be specified which encapsulates the attributes to be updated. Below mentioned section provides details about the arguments.


Parameter Name Required Default Value Data Type Comments
company_code Optional string WMS Company Code, if not specified, API invoked users eligible companies will be evaluated
facility_code Optional string User eligible facility code, if not specified, API invoked users eligible companies will be evaluated.
xml_data X Fields to be updated with specific values for the corresponding entity.

Refer the below section for additional details and columns exposed.

  • Example to update active_inventory with item not tracking batch numbers, expiry date or any of the attributes(a-g) and quantity down adjusted by 2.
    • PATCH wms/api/entity/active_inventory/<location_barcode>/?reason_code=value&item_code=value&adjustment_qty= -2
  • Example to update active_inventory with item is tracking batch number only and not tracking expiry date or any of the attributes (a-g) and quantity increased by 2.
    • PATCH wms/api/entity/active_inventory/<location_barcode>/?reason_code=value&item_code=value&adjustment_qty= 2&batch_number=value
    • PATCH wms/api/entity/active_inventory/<location_barcode>/?reason_code=value&item_alternate_code=value&adjustment_qty= 2&invn_attr_a=value (This will try to search for inventory in specified location for item passed in item_alternate_code argument with attribute_a value passed in the API and rest of the other fields with blank.
Below mentioned section provides details about the arguments to be passed when Entity is active_inventory.


Parameter Required Data Type Default Comments
location X string Location barcode - Passed in URL
reason_code X string Reason Code provided will be updated on the corresponding inventory history record generated
facility_code string User's default facility User eligible facility code
company_code string User's default company User eligible company code
item_code C string Only one of item_code or item alternate code or item barcode is required
item_alternate_code C string Only one of item_code or item alternate code or item barcode is required
item_barcode C string Only one of item_code or item alternate code or item barcode is required
adjustment_qty C numeric Non-zero value. Only one of adjustment qty or actual_qty needs to be provided.
actual_qty C numeric Non-zero value. Only one of adjustment qty or actual_qty needs to be provided.
batch_number string New or existing batch tied to the inventory. If item is tracking batch number, batch_number argument needs to be passed.
expiry_date C date Required if a new batch is being created and item is tracking expiration date
invn_attr_a string Used to filter target inventory for update.
invn_attr_b string Used to filter target inventory for update.
invn_attr_c string Used to filter target inventory for update.
invn_attr_d string Used to filter target inventory for update.
invn_attr_e string Used to filter target inventory for update.
invn_attr_f string Used to filter target inventory for update.
invn_attr_g string Used to filter target inventory for update.

If the corresponding item/batch/expiry/inventory attributes do not exist in the specified location system does create a new inventory record for the location, If record found then current quantity can be passed.


The following table describes the fields to be passed in xml_data argument:

Table Order

Field Supported Version
8.0.2 (can pass value of true or false)


Below mentioned describes the fields to be passed in xml_data argument:

Table Purchase Order Detail

Field Supported Version
8.0.2 (can pass value of true or false)

Object Inquiry

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/entity/key/"

Method: Get

Initial WMS Version: 8.0.2


REST API developed to return a standardized output representation of the queried object.


  1. The entity specified in the URL is valid
  2. A key was supplied
  3. A single object was found for the entity and key


  1. The existing Update Entity API will be combined with this new API differentiated by the HTTP method.
  2. Supports an output format of XML (default) or JSON
  3. Data will have empty tags trimmed by default (minimize = True)
  4. Supported entities: order, item, company, iblpn, oblpn

Output Format

The requester may choose the returned format of the data by specifying it in the URL. Allowed formats are 'xml' and 'json'. The format is specified by adding "/.format" to the end of the URL, before any options parameters. XML is the default format if none is specified.

* Default XML:   .../wms/api/entity/{entity}/{key}
* Output JSON: .../wms/api/entity/{entity}/{key}/.json
* Output XML:   .../wms/api/entity/{entity}/{key}/.xml
* With Additional Parameters: .../wms/api/entity/{entity}/{key}/.json?facility_code=ABC123&...

Table URL Parameters

Argument Name Function Value
Entity Type of Object Identifier order/item/company/iblpn/oblpn
Key Unique Identifying Key Explained below

Table Supported Entities

Name Entity Version
Order order 8.0.2
Company company 8.0.2
Item item 8.0.2
Inbound LPN iblpn 8.0.2
Outbound LPN oblpn 8.0.2

Table Unique key Value for each entity

Entity Identifier Key
order order_nbr
company code
Item item_code or item_barcode or item_alternate_code
Inbound LPN container_nbr
Outbound LPN container_nbr

Table Request Arguments

Parameter Description Default
facility_code Context Facility Requesting user's default context
company_code Context Company Requesting user's default context
minimize Trim data to remove empty nodes True
Note: Since version 9.0.0, fields will be return based on the set up of following company parameters: max_allowed_wt_vol_dim_decimal_scale and max_allowed_qty_decimal_scale

From MHE Distribution Pack

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/from_mhe_distribution_pack/"

Initial WMS Version: 8.0.2

Method: POST


Rest API to perform packing updates when MHE System is performing distribution and packing of inducted inventory.

New API which provides information related to the outbound LPN's packed by Tilt Tray Sorter or Put to Light System or Distribution Sorter. Once outbound LPN is completely packed MHE system makes an API call to perform packing updates for LPN distributed.

Table Request Arguments

Argument Name Function Required Default Value Data Type
xml_data Required data in XML format C string
  • API can be invoked by sending xml_data
  • API can be invoked with packing information for one for more outbound LPNs.

Data Format

Below mentioned section describes the data elements that needs to be passed in the xml_data. Information for one or more outbound LPN's to be packed can be sent xml data.

Table Data Format

Field Name Function Required Data Type Default
facility_code If facility code is not sent all relevant allocations to be packed will be searched for all eligible facilities for the API invoked user. If facility code is sent allocations to be packed will be searched for the specific facility passed. string Users default facility
company_code If company code is not sent all relevant allocations to be packed will be searched for all eligible companies for the API invoked user defined in WMS. If company code is sent allocations to be packed will be searched for the specific company. string Users default company
mhe_system_code MHE System code which has performed the packing R string
ob_lpn_nbr outbound LPN number which is created and packed as part of distribution R string
destination_facility_code WCS system needs to send the destination facility code information associated with the outbound LPN packed R string
pallet_nbr WCS can send the pallet number if outbound LPN is palletized post packing. Field is not mandatory. If pallet number is specified, routing will not be performed even if induction location is provided. string
current_location WCS can send the barcode of the location where the packed outbound LPN is currently located. string
induction_location Once outbound LPN is packed, if the outbound LPN is to be routed, corresponding induction location barcode can be provided. If valid induction location barcode is provided (location with mhe system of type conveyor) then WMS will try to determine the appropriate divert. Induction Location shared should be of type "Drop". string
distro_control_number R string
wave_number string
ib_lpn_nbr Specifies the inbound LPN number from which the corresponding item is packed in the outbound LPN. This field will be required for consuming the pending distribution allocations. R string
item_alternate_code Alternate Code of the sku to be distributed. Either send the item alternate code or associated item parts or item_barcode C string
item_part_a C string






item_part_e C


item_part_f C string
item_barcode WCS can send the specific item_alternate_code or the corresponding item parts or the item_barcode. Item_barcode if sent will be matched with the corresponding barcode of the item or from a corresponding alternate item barcode list. C string
batch_number WCS can send the batch number corresponding to the item to be packed. R string
expiry_date WCS can send the expiry date for the item to be packed Format : YYYYMMDD000000 date
invn_attr_a WCS can send the inventory attribute_a value corresponding to the item to be packed from inbound LPN string
invn_attr_b WCS can send the inventory attribute_b value corresponding to the item to be packed from inbound LPN string
invn_attr_c WCS can send the inventory attribute_c value corresponding to the item to be packed from inbound LPN string
invn_attr_d WCS can send the inventory attribute_d value corresponding to the item to be packed from inbound LPN string
invn_attr_e WCS can send the inventory attribute_e value corresponding to the item to be packed from inbound LPN string
invn_attr_f WCS can send the inventory attribute_f value corresponding to the item to be packed from inbound LPN string
invn_attr_g WCS can send the inventory attribute_g value corresponding to the item packed in the outbound LPN string
allocation_uom Depicts the UOM in which the corresponding inventory is allocated. Valid Values to be passed are UNITS, PACKS, CASES string
uom_qty WCS can send the inventory attribute_f value corresponding to the item packed in the outbound LPN decimal
packed_qty WCS can send the inventory attribute_g value corresponding to the item packed in the outbound LPN R decimal
  • If the individual records do fail for any business validations system, the respective errors can be seen in the application.
  • API does not perform incremental packing updates, once the message is received, outbound LPN shared in the API will be updated to packed status.
Additional Pointers
  • Outbound LPN number passed as part of API will be updated to packed status upon successful processing of a record.
  • One outbound LPN can be packed from multiple inbound LPN's, in which case the xml will contain information of all inbound LPN's which got distributed into the corresponding outbound LPN.
  • API can be used to pass induction location so that packed outbound LPN information sent from WCS can be subjected for route instruction message generation.
  • Once API is invoked and appropriate outstanding allocations determined for the inbound LPN passed, corresponding packed qty shall be reduced from the inbound LPN.
  • Relevant Order updates and container detail packed inventory history records shall be written.
  • Since version 9.0.0, new company parameter max_allowed_qty_decimal_scale controls the decimal precision for the following fields: uom_qty and packed_qty

From MHE Distribution Short

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/from_mhe_distribution_short/"

Initial WMS Version: 8.0.2

Method: POST


Rest API to perform shorting updates when MHE System is performing distribution and packing of inducted inventory.

This will trigger the update of WMS to perform shorting related updates.

Table Request Arguments

Argument Name Function Required Default Value Data Type
xml_data Required data in XML format C string
flat_data Required data in delimited format C string
  • Either xml_data or flat_data must be provided.
  • API can be invoked with shorting information for one for more inbound LPN/sku combination. Xml or flat file data shared through API can contain multiple inbound lpn/sku combination for performing shorting updates.

    Table Data Format

    Field Name Function Required Data Type Default
    facility_code If facility code is not sent all relevant allocations to short will be searched for all eligible facility for the API invoked user defined in WMS. If facility code is sent allocations to be shorted will be searched for the specific facility passed. string Users default facility
    company_code If company code is not sent all relevant allocations to short will be searched for all eligible companies for the API invoked user defined in WMS. If company code is sent allocations to be shorted will be searched for the specific company. string Users default company
    mhe_system_code MHE System code where inventory short was observed R string
    ib_lpn_nbr Inbound LPN number against which the shorting updated has to be performed. R string
    destination_facility_code WCS system to share the destination facility code information for which the short needs to be performed. R string
    item_alternate_code Alternate Code of the sku to be distributed. Either send the item alternate code or associated item parts or item_barcode C string
    item_part_a C string






    item_part_e C


    item_part_f C string
    item_barcode WCS can send the specific item_alternate_code or the corresponding item parts or the item_barcode. Item_barcode if sent will be matched with the corresponding barcode of the item or from a corresponding vendor barcode list. C string
    short_qty If sent the short qty cannot be greater than the outstanding allocation for inbound LPN /sku combination. If short qty is not sent then system will perform distribution shorting updates for the outstanding allocations to be packed for Inbound LPN/Sku/Combination. R decimal
    distro_control_number WCS system can send the distro control number corresponding to the ib_lpn/sku combination for which shorting needs to be performed. string
    reason_code Reason_code for performing shorting. Should correspond to a valid reason code in the system string
    batch_number WCS can send the batch number corresponding to the item to be shorted string
    expiry_date WCS can send the expiry date for the item to be shorted Format : YYYYMMDD000000 date
    invn_attr_a WCS can send the inventory attribute_a value corresponding to the item to be shorted from inbound LPN string
    invn_attr_b WCS can send the inventory attribute_b value corresponding to the item to be shorted from inbound LPN string
    invn_attr_c WCS can send the inventory attribute_c value corresponding to the item to be shorted from inbound LPN string
    invn_attr_d WCS can send the inventory attribute_d value corresponding to the item packed in the outbound LPN string
    invn_attr_e WCS can send the inventory attribute_e value corresponding to the item packed in the outbound LPN string
    invn_attr_f WCS can send the inventory attribute_f value corresponding to the item packed in the outbound LPN string
    invn_attr_g WCS can send the inventory attribute_g value corresponding to the item packed in the outbound LPN string
    wave_number string
  • If multiple records are shared in single API call, response is sent back to the caller once the API request is made and response is not sent back for every error occurrence.
  • Deferred shorting updates is not possible through the API, once the relevant shorting record passes validations, appropriate qty will be reduced from the inbound LPN.
Additional Pointers
  • User needs to be eligible for facility and company code passed.
  • Inbound lpn number passed should be present in the system for performing shorting and should have relevant outstanding distribution allocations.
  • mhe_system code shared should be a valid code configured in WMS.
  • Destination facility code should be present in the system and open allocations needs to be present for the destination facility code shorted.
  • Item information shared by sending item_alternate_code/item parts or item_barcode should correspond to a valid item for the company code shared or users eligible company list.
  • Open allocation for Inbound LPN shared must be associated with the mhe_system_code shared and also the item and associated parts like batch number/expiry date and inventory attributes.
  • short_qty passed should not be greater than the pending allocations determined for lpn/item and associated parts.
  • Once the relevant record passes the validations
  • order qty will be reduced depending upon the order type flag.
  • Shorting related updates and relevant inventory history record will be written.
  • Since version 9.0.0, new company parameter max_allowed_qty_decimal_scale controls the decimal precision for the following fields: short_qty

Update Carrier LPN Label

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/update_carrier_lpn_label/"

Method: POST

Initial WMS Version: 8.0.2


API to update the carrier LPN Label image.

  • Label is a required argument for Update Carrier LPN Labe API
  • Label is a base64.pdf type
  • Carrier_webservice label type would support image or pdf.
  • User will be able to send info 1 LPN at a time.

Table Request Arguments

Arguments Function Required Default Value Data Type
facility_code Corresponds to a valid facility code User default string
company_code Corresponds to a valid company code User default string
oblpn_nbr LPN number being routed X string
label Carrier LPN Label Image X string

Update Active Inventory

URL: "xxx.wms.ocs.oraclecloud.com/env_name/wms/api/entity/active_inventory/location_barcode/"

Method: PATCH

Initial WMS Version: 8.0.2


API to update the inventory in an active location.

The API will attempt to first find any existing inventory to update for the location/item/batch/invn_attr combination provided. New inventory may be created for positive adjustments

  • Only one of item_code, item_alternate_code, or item_barcode should be provided
    • Item require batch number and invn_attr_X_tracking are considered
    • The item may NOT track serial numbers
    • If item has Require Expiry Date set then expiry_date is required
      • If the item requires an expiry date and batch_number is provided for an existing batch, and expiry_date is not provided, then the expiry date will be taken form the batch.
      • If the item requires an expiry date and batch_number is provided for an existing batch, and expiry_date is provided, the expiry date must match that of the batch.
  • Only one of adjustment_qty or actual_qty should be provided
    • actual_qty must be a positive number
    • adjustment_qty must be a non-zero number
  • Location must pass attribute checks
    • Item assignment type (Permanent/Dynamic)
    • Restrict batch number
    • Restrict inventory attribute
    • Allow multi-SKU
  • If locn_capacity_check_flg is set to true, location must pass capacity checks.
    • Min/Max units
      • In-transit inventory is considered
    • Min/Max volume
      • In-transit inventory is considered
  • If batch_nbr is passed for a positive adjustment and the batch does not exist, it will be created
  • If positive adjustment and no inventory exists for the combination, inventory will be created
    • If negative adjustment, the adjustment may be spread across multiple inventory records
    • Open allocations from the active location are considered in the calculations
      • Cannot down adjust the location’s quantity below was is already allocated
If the location has a lock code with ‘treat_as_attribute’ to one of the inventory attribute letters (a-g), and if the item updated has invn_attr_X_tracking_id=NOT_REQUIRED (where X is the same letter), then the value of lock_code will override the corresponding inventory attribute passed into the API.

Table Request Arguments

Arguments Function Required Default Value Data Type
facility_code Corresponds to a valid facility code User default string
company_code Corresponds to a valid company code User default string
reason_code Reason for the adjustment X string
item_code Item whose inventory will be updated C string
item_alternate_code Item whose inventory will be updated C string
item_barcode Item whose inventory will be updated C string
adjustment_qty Positive or negative adjustment C decimal
actual_qty Positive actual quantity C decimal
batch_number Batch tied to inventory string

Expiry date of inventory/batch.


invn_attr_a Inventory attribute A string
invn_attr_b Inventory attribute B string
invn_attr_c Inventory attribute C string
invn_attr_d Inventory attribute D string
invn_attr_e Inventory attribute E string
invn_attr_f Inventory attribute F string
invn_attr_g Inventory attribute G string
locn_capacity_check_flg Location Capacity Check Flag True boolean
Note: Since version 9.0.0, new company parameter .max_allowed_qty_decimal_scale controls the decimal precision for the following fields: actual_qty and adjusted_qty