Required Configuration for Replenishment

Configuring a Replenishment Wave requires the following steps:

  1. Setting up locations for replenishment
  2. Setting up replenishment rules
  3. Setting up task templates
  4. Creating a Replenishment Template

Step 1: Setting up Replenishment and Allocation Zones

Replenishment requires two types of locations: replenishment and allocation zones. Replenishment zones are locations that you replenish to, while allocation zones are locations that you pick from for replenishment.

To Configure the Replenishment Zone:

  1. Go to the “Replenishment Zone” screen.
  2. Define the different replenishment zones for the warehouse using the Create button.
  3. Once the replenishment zones are created, go to the “Locations” screen.
  4. Choose a location to replenish to by assigning it a replenishment zone. To do this, select the location and click Edit.
  5. Scroll down to the “Replenishment Zone” field and select the appropriate zone from the drop-down.
  6. Locations with replenishment zones also require item assignments. Item assignments tell the system what item this location is replenished with. To do so, change the location’s “Item Assignment Type” to “Permanent” and populate the SKU code in the “Item” field.
  7. Click “Save”.

Configuring the Allocation Zone:

  1. Go to the “Locations” screen.
  2. Select the location that you will replenish from and click Edit.
  3. Scroll down to the “Alloc zone” field and populate an allocation zone. This value is used in the replenishment template for defining which allocation zone will provide the replenishment.
  4. Click “Save”.

Step 2: Create the Replenishment Template

Next, you need to create the Replenishment template and define the parameter:

  1. Go to the “Replenishment Template” screen.
  2. Click Create () to create a new template.
  3. Fill in the desired parameters.
  4. Click Save.

Description of Fields

  • Area: Configures WMS to exclusively look at the populated area to replenish to.
  • Template Name: Enter the template name.
  • Replenishment Zone: Determines which replenishment zones the template searches for.
  • Replenishment Rule: Allows you to select which rule to use for the current template.
  • Task Creation Template: Allows you to select which task template to use for the current template.
  • Replenishment Trigger Mode: Determines the trigger mode (see replenishment modes described in section 5.1).
  • Wave Search - Wave Search Templates are used as filters for selecting specific Orders during a wave. Each search template has a set of fields that are configurable.
  • Percentage of Max: Triggered when the volume of items in the location goes below the location’s pre-configured percentage of maximum volume. Additional configurations:
    • Locations with Replenishment Zones need the Length, Width, and Height fields populated.
      • Locations with Replenishment Zones require Min/Max Volumes populated.
      • You should populate the “Percentage of Max” field in the replenishment template. This percentage value is used as criteria for triggering a location based on the location’s maximum volume.
        • For example, say that Location A’s Max Volume = 100 and Percentage of Max = 20%. If the location’s total volume goes below 20 (100*0.2 = 20), the location is triggered for replenishment.
  • Allow Expired Inventory: If the flag is enabled, the system allows you to replenish inventory that exceeds the expiry date.

Step 3: Setting up Task Templates

  1. Go to the “Task Creation Template” screen.
  2. Click “Create” () to create a new Task Template.
  3. Select this template and click on Details () to view its details.
  4. Click “Create” () to create the appropriate task types and their ordering/selection criteria.
    • For LPN replenishment, select “Full LPN Replenishment”.
    • For Cases replenishment, select “Cases Replenishment”.
    • For Units replenishment, select “Consolidate Replenish”.
  5. Click Save

Step 4: Setting up Replenishment Rules

Much like the Wave Template’s “Allocation Mode”, the Replenishment Template uses Replenishment Rules to define the types of allocations that are used for replenishment.

  1. Go to the “Replenishment Template” screen.
  2. Click on the “Replenishment Rule” button to access the rules.
  3. Click Create to create a new rule. To access its details, select it and click Details.
  4. To create a new allocation UOM, from the Replenishment Rule Sequence screen click Create and populate the appropriate fields.
  5. Click Save

Description of Fields

  • Replenishment Rule: allows you to select which rule to use for the current template.
  • Sequence Nbr: Sequence for creating task types, if there are more than one within the template.
  • Location Type: Locations in WMS represent storage locations in the warehouse. Locations have different types depending on how they are used within the warehouse.
  • Restrict area: populating this field tells WMS to exclusively look at the populated area to replenish from.
  • Restrict alloc zone: populating this field tells WMS to exclusively look at the populated allocation zone (which was defined earlier) to replenish from.
  • Allocation Method: defines the order in which LPNs are selected for replenishment.
  • Replenishment UOM: defines the UOM that is allocated for replenishment.
    • Note: Units replenishment only works for Active locations.
  • Consolidate and Distribute Replen: if this flag is checked, WMS allocates replenishment from multiple locations. This flag only works with Unit and Cases replenishment.
    • Note: Units replenishment only works for Active locations.
  • Consolidate and Distribute Replen: if this flag is checked, WMS allocates replenishment from multiple locations. This flag only works with Unit and Cases replenishment.
  • Round Up One Uom: The Round Up One UOM flag allows you to replenish beyond the need by one extra UOM (LPNs/cases/packs) for all of the eligible locations. When the Round Up One UOM flag is configured in the Replenishment Rule Header, the system replenishes by one extra UOM compared to the outstanding need of the location (see example below). When the Round Up one UOM flag is combined with the Ignore Capacity for Last Permanent Location Flag, the required need is replenished to the destination location when the replenishment UOM is LPNs/cases/packs. If the Ignore Capacity for Last Permanent Location Flag is set to no and the Round Up one UOM flag is enabled, then the destination location is replenished by one extra UOM when the need is not an integral multiple of the LPN/case/pack quantity.

Step 5: Wave Inquiry

The Wave Group Inquirty screen will show the status of the Wave run. Choose the Allocation View in this screen. Once Allocation completes, the wave will generate a Task. It will also create an internal order.