

  • WMS: Computer System utilized to manage inventory within a Distribution Center, managing Receipt through Shipment of goods.
  • ASN (Advanced Shipment Notice): A notification of pending deliveries, similar to a packing list, sent in an electronic format or uploaded manually. Usually represents the entire contents of an inbound trailer.
  • License Plate Number (LPN): Unique barcode assigned to trailers so that they can be traced in WMS.
  • Inbound LPN: A unique LPN is required for each inbound receipt (Trailer) and for outbound shipments.
  • SKU: A Stock Keeping Unit (Item)
  • Reserve Location: Systematic locations used to track IBLPNs in the warehouse.
  • Drop Zone: An intermediary location. Orders cannot be allocated to Drop Zones.
  • Wave: Waves are records that match open Orders with allocatable inventory in the warehouse. When an allocation is created, WMS also creates a Picking Task.
  • Allocation: The process of matching an Outbound Order with LPNs available in the inventory.
  • Outbound LPN (OBLPN): An LPN that is packed for shipping. For Full LPN allocations, the IBLPN equals the OBLPN.

Description of Statuses

See these topics for a description of various statuses in WMS:

IBLPN Statuses

  • Quality Check: LPN pending Quality Check.
  • In Receiving: LPN is in the process of receiving at the Receiving Station. Only applies to flows using the “Sort and Receive” RF module.
  • Received: This status defines an LPN received with no location specified (i.e. LPN not received at a dock).
  • Located: LPN is located to a WMS location (Dock, Reserve, Drop, etc.).
  • Reserved: IBLPN is pending distribution (only applies to IBLPNs in Put To Store flows).
  • Partly Allocated: Part of the LPN’s contents are allocated to orders.
  • Allocated: LPN is allocated to orders.
  • Consumed: This status defines an LPN received and located to an active location
  • Lost: LPN is lost during cycle counting.

OBLPN Statuses

  • Outbound Created: OBLPN is created from a wave (either through Full LPN or cubed allocation).
  • In Picking: OBLPN is in the process of being picked (only applies when LPN has an intermediate “Picked” status).
  • Picked: OBLPN is picked.
  • In Packing: OBLPN is in the process of being packed.
  • Packed: OBLPN is packed.
  • Loaded: OBLPN is currently loaded into an Outbound Load.
  • Shipped: OBLPN is shipped.
  • Delivered: OLBPN is delivered to its destination facility (another warehouse).
  • Cancelled: OBLPN is cancelled (when a packed OBLPN is converted back to an IBLPN).

Task Statuses

  • Ready: Task is generated in “Ready” status when the “Create Held Flg” in the Task Template is disabled. This Task appears in the RF’s Task List.
  • HELD: Task is generated in “HELD” status when the “Create Held Flg” in the Task Template is enabled. This Task does NOT show up in the RF’s Task List.
  • Processing Started: User started the Task (at least one LPN is scanned).
  • Completed: User ended the Task (all OBLPNs are placed in the drop location).
  • Cancelled: User cancels the Task from the UI (Tasks screen).

Cycle Count Adjustment screen Statuses

  • In Progress: This status only applies to counts performed in non-active locations. This status is triggered when you scan the first LPN in a location.
  • No Variance: When a Cycle Count is complete and the count did not have ANY inventory discrepancies, the record is updated to ‘No Variance’ status.
  • Approved: Record in ‘Pending’ status changes to ‘Approved’ status after approving a record by clicking the ‘Approve’ button, provided that all validations are passed. Note that inventory adjustments and Inventory History records are posted at this point.
  • Rejected: Record in ‘Pending’ status changes to ‘Rejected’ status after rejecting a record by clicking the ‘Reject/Recount’ button, provided that all validations are passed. Rejecting a record triggers another CC task.
  • Cancelled: Record in ‘Pending’ status changes to ‘Cancelled’ status after rejecting a record by clicking the ‘Cancel’ button. Cancelling a record does not trigger a CC task.

Roles and Permissions

Refer to the following sections (by Role) for more details about permissions.

Administrator Permissions

Permissions for role: ADMINISTRATOR
1 Add company 11 Change facility 21 Modify view columns
2 Delete company 12 Delete facility 22 Reorder view columns
3 Change company 13 Modify view columns 23 Save group view
4 Add user 14 Reorder view columns 24 Save user view
5 Delete user 15 Save company view 25 Modify menus
6 Change user 16 Save group view 26 Save company menu
7 Add group 17 Save user view 27 Save group menu.
8 Delete group 18 Modify menus
9 Change group 19 Save company menu
10 Add facility 20 Save group menu
Note: By default, Administrators have access to all companies that the facility is eligible for.

Management Permissions

Permissions for role: MANAGEMENT
1 Change user 11 Save group menu
2 Add user 12 Modify view columns
3 Add facility 13 Reorder view columns
4 Change facility 14 Save group view
5 Delete facility 15 Save user view
6 Modify view columns 16 Modify menus
7 Reorder view columns 17 Save group menu.
8 Save group view
9 Save user view
10 Modify menus

Supervisor Permissions

Permissions for role: SUPERVISOR
1 Change user
2 Change facility
3 Modify view column
4 Reorder view columns
5 Save group view
6 Save user view
7 Modify menus
8 Save group menu.

Guard Permissions

Permissions for role: GUARD
1 Read-only access; users cannot create, copy, edit or delete.

Employee Permissions

Permissions for role: EMPLOYEE
1 Read-only access; users cannot create, copy, edit or delete.

Inbound Sorting Criteria

Inbound Sorting Criteria Description
Destination Area Directed Putaway Area
Destination Aisle Directed Putaway Aisle
Destination Allocation Zone Directed Putaway Allocation Zone
Location Size Type Directed Putaway Location Size Type

Task Template Type: Regular

Selection Criteria Fields

Item Fields Location Fields Inventory (LPN) Fields Order Fields
Putaway Type To Task Zone IB LPN Nbr Shipto Facility Code
Item External Style From Active Task Zone LPN is Pallet Dest Company Code
Item Sortable Flag From Reserve Task Zone Pallet Number Dest Facility Code
Item Conveyable Flag From Active Aisle Customer Address
Item Custom Attribute 1 From Active Area Customer Number
Item Hierarchy Code 1 From Inventory Item Code Customer Name
Item Hierarchy Code 2 From Reserve Aisle Order Nbr
Item Hierarchy Code 3 From Reserve Area Order Type
Item Hierarchy Code 4 From Reserve Level Cust PO Nbr
Item Hierarchy Code 5 Location Pick Sequence Cust Field 1
VAS Group Code From Location Barcode
Location Alloc Zone

Ordering Criteria Fields

Item Fields Location Fields Inventory (LPN) Fields Order Fields
Putaway Type To Task Zone IB LPN Nbr Shipto Facility Code
Item External Style From Active Task Zone LPN is Pallet Dest Company Code
Item Sortable Flag From Reserve Task Zone Pallet Number Dest Facility Code
Item Conveyable Flag From Active Aisle Customer Address
Item Custom Attribute 1 From Active Area Customer Number
Item Hierarchy Code 1 From Inventory Item Code Customer Name
Item Hierarchy Code 2 From Reserve Aisle Order Nbr
Item Hierarchy Code 3 From Reserve Area Order Type
Item Hierarchy Code 4 From Reserve Level Cust PO Nbr
Item Hierarchy Code 5 Location Pick Sequence Cust Field 1
VAS Group Code From Location Barcode
Location Alloc Zone

Task Template Type - CC

Selection Criteria Fields

Location Fields Item Fields Inventory (LPN) Fields
Dedicated company Calculated code Batch
Area Alternate code Expiry Date
Aisle Description
Bay Barcode
Level Unit cost
Position Hazmat
Type Create Timestamp
Barcode Mod Timestamp
To be counted flag Mod User
Create Timestamp Part a
Mod Timestamp Part b
Lock Code Part c
Last Count Timestamp Part d
Last Count User Part e
Size Type Part f
Allow Reserve Partial Pick Flag External Style
Alloc Zone VAS Group Code
Lock for Putaway Flag Pre Pack Code
Pick Zone Short Description
Replenishment Zone Putaway Type
Task Zone Is Parent Flag
Cust field 1 Product life
Cust field 2 Velocity Code
Cust field 3 Season Code
Cust field 4 Brand Code
Cust field 5 Hierarchy 1 Code
Pick Sequence Hierarchy 2 Code
Putaway Sequence Hierarchy 3 Code
Hierarchy 4 Code
Hierarchy 5 Code
Require Batch flag
Conveyable Flag
Sortable Flag

Ordering Criteria Fields

Location Fields
Dedicated company Pick Zone
Area Replenishment Zone
Aisle Task Zone
Bay Cust field 1
Level Cust field 2
Position Cust field 3
Type Cust field 4
Barcode Cust field 5
To be counted flag Pick Sequence
Create Timestamp Putaway Sequence
Mod Timestamp
Lock Code
Last Count Timestamp
Last Count User
Size Type
Allow Reserve Partial Pick Flag
Alloc Zone
Lock for Putaway Flag

Serial Number Transactions

The following is a list of RF transactions that support Serial Number validation:

Inbound Transactions

  • Receive Shipment
  • Receive Load
  • Create LPN and Create LPN Location
  • Split Inbound LPN
  • Modification of Inbound LPN
  • Putaway to Active/Reserve Location
  • Distribute LPN
  • Cycle Counting
  • RF Audit Inbound LPN

Outbound Transactions

  • Pack OB LPN
  • Pick Cart
  • Pack NC Active LPN
  • Pick from Reserve
  • Bulk Pick from Reserve/Active
  • Distribute LPN
  • RF-Repack OBLPN
  • Split Combine OBLPN
  • RF Loading
  • Modify/Cancel OB LPN
  • RF Audit OBLPN