1System Overview

Parent Child Company Hierarchy

In WMS, companies are divided into parent and child companies. This structure exists in order to help 3PLs view and manage their clients’ inventory separately. Depending on how many clients and how many warehouses the 3PL has, views can be managed accordingly:

Parent-Child company example diagram

To toggle a specific Distribution Center (DC) view for a company, select the choices from the two drop-down menus located at the top right of the UI screen.

In the following screen, the first drop-down denotes a facility (DC), while the second drop-down denotes the companies in the environment:

Facility and Company views from the U

User Menu Configuration

The Oracle WMS Cloud organizes the user structure in the following way:

User, Group and Menu organization

Users, Groups and Menus

Users are separated into Groups based on their operational purpose in the warehouse. Every user within a Group will share the same UI and RF menus. Within each menu, users can configure permissions (and Parameters for RF Menus).

What is a UI menu?

The UI menu is a series of screens that are accessible to the user in WMS via the browser. See a screenshot of a UI screen below:


What is an RF menu?

The RF menu is the series of transactions that are made with the RF gun on the warehouse floor. These screens, or modules, perform processes such as Receiving, Putaway, Picking, and Loading. See a screenshot of an RF menu in the following figure.

The RF Menu

*When using the RF gun, the user must make sure that the RF is in the correct facility. You can view the facility at the top right of the RF menu:

validating the user's current facility in the RF

To change facilities, press Ctrl-F and type in the Facility code.

Creating Users

You can create new users through the “Users” screen. Here, you can define the following:

  • Username and password
  • The Facilities and Companies the user will have access
  • The user’s role (Administrator, Management, Supervisor, etc.)
  • The user’s default Group (UI and RF Menus)
  • The user’s Language (corresponding/desired/appropriate supported language)
  • The user’s default printer
  • The user’s fixed Equipment Type

How to create new users:

  1. Go to the “Users” screen.
  2. Click ‘Create’ (Create) and populate the necessary fields:

    Creating New Users
  3. Click Save.
  4. To configure the Facilities and Companies that the user has access to, select user and click the Eligible Facilities and Eligible Companies buttons.

    Viewing the user’s Eligible Facilities/Compan

  5. This will take you to a new screen displaying all of the records the user currently has access to. Click ‘Create’ (Create) to add new Facilities or Companies:

    Updating the user’s eligible records
  6. When finished, click ‘Back’ to return to the main screen.
  7. To assign Equipment Types to the user, from the user screen, select the user, select an Equipment Type from the drop-down menu, and click “Assign Equipment Type”.
    Note: Equipment Types must be defined first in the “Equipment Types” screen before assigning them to users.
    Assigning users with Equipment Types

Configuring Menus for Users

This section describes how to configure Menus for users. See the following topics for more details:

Four Steps to Add Group Menus

There are four steps to add Group menus

  1. Adding Screens
  2. Adding Screens to different Menus
  3. Assigning Menus to Groups
  4. Assigning Groups to Users

Adding Screens

Adding Screens

  1. Go to the “Screens” UI screen.
  2. Click “Generate Screens”.
  3. Select all the necessary screens for the Group (e.g. ASNs, Appointments, Loads, etc.). Here the user will add both UI and RF screens. Click “Save”.
    Note: For RF menus, for RF menus, extra configuration might be required (RF module parameters). To modify its parameters, select the RF screen and click on the Details button.

Adding Screens to Different Menus

  1. Go to the “Menu Configuration” screen.
  2. Create a new Menu (one for the UI and one for the RF).
  3. To begin adding Screens to the menu, select the menu and click on Details.
  4. In this new window, the user will be able to separate screens into different folders. To name a folder, select the folder and type in the name in the field to the right.

    Naming folders
  5. To add a screen within the folder, select the folder first, click on “Insert Screen”, and pick the screen to add from the drop-down menu.

    Adding screens to a folder
  6. Repeat steps 4-5 until all the screens are added.
  7. Press “Save”.
Note: For RF menus, extra configuration might be required (RF module parameters). To modify its parameters, select the RF screen and click on the Details button.

Assigning Menus to Groups

Once you set up the Menus, you can these menus to the Groups.

  1. Go to the “Group Configuration” screen
  2. Create a new Group with the Create (Create) button.
  3. Type in the Group Name, and select the UI/RF menus from the drop-down menus.
  4. Click “Save”.
List of Permission Activities

Assigning Groups to Users

Now that you have created Groups, you must now add the Users to each Group.

  1. Go to the “Users” screen.
  2. Select the user to assign the Group to.
  3. Click on “Groups”.
  4. Using the Create (Create Button) button, add the Group(s) to assign the user the Group.
Note: If the user is assigned to multiple groups, the user can toggle between different groups by clicking the gear button at the top right, hovering the mouse over the “View” menu, and selecting the Group name.

Additional: Creating and Assigning Facilities and Companies to Users

After user and group setup is complete, you must create facilities and companies in WMS.

Step 1: Creat Companies

  1. Go to the “Companies” screen.
  2. Click the Create (Create) button.
  3. Populate the company’s information such as the Code, Name, and Address. Note that the first company will be the parent company in the environment by default. To verify this, see the “Parent Company” column.
  4. Click “Save”.

Step 2: Create Facilities

Facilities are controlled at the company level. This means, that every company has its own set of facilities. This link is defined in the “Parent Company” column in the “Facilities” screen. By default, all parent and child company facilities are displayed.

  1. Go to the “Facilities” screen.
  2. Click the Create (Create) button.
  3. Populate the facility’s information such as the Code, Name, and Address.
Functional field description:
  • Default ship via code: This field is used when ‘ship via’ codes are activated through the company’s “PACKING_ROUTING_MODE” parameter. The system will default to this ship via value if the order header does not have a ship via code specified.
  • Parent Company: Denotes the company that the facility belongs to.
  • Accept Transfer Shipment: If checked and if this facility is a warehouse in WMS, this facility will accept ASNs from other facilities configured in the environment.

Step 3: Assign Facilities to Users

Once you have created the Companies and Facilities, the next step is to assign them to users. This step defines the list of companies and facilities that you will have access to.

  1. Go to the “Users” screen.
  2. Select the user to modify.
  3. Click on “Eligible Facilities”.
  4. Using the Create (Create) button, add the Facilities that this user will have access to.
  5. Repeat steps three and four for adding Companies (using the “Eligible Companies” button). Assigning Users to Facilities and Companies

The following is an example of a User/Group set up:

Sample User/Group set up in WMS

System Integration Framework

Oracle WMS Cloud uses the following methods for processing interface files into and out of WMS:

Interfacing methods in WMS

Interfacing methods in WMS

Supported Formats

Oracle WMS Cloud supports the following formats (both inbound/outbound) with interfaces:
  • Flat files
  • XML files
  • CSV files
  • XLS files
  • EDI files (translated through a 3rd party application)
  • MHE messages (translated through a 3rd party application)
  • FedEx web services
  • UPS web services

Input Interfaces

  • Purchase order
  • Item
  • Item (facility specific)
  • Item barcode
  • Item pre-pack
  • Inbound shipment
  • Order
  • Vendor
  • Appointment
  • Store
  • Locations
  • Route
  • Price label
  • Ship to company
  • Site
  • Asset
  • Cubiscan
  • Point of sale

Output Interfaces

  • ASN verification
  • Parcel Manifest shipment confirmation
  • LTL Shipment confirmation
  • Inventory Summary
  • Inventory History
    Note: For more details on each interface, please refer to the “Oracle WMS Cloud Interface File Formats” file.

Uploading Interface files with WMS

If you are manually preparing the input interface file via Excel, it is important to follow following best practices:
  1. The filename must start with the phrase as specified in the Input File Formats document (e.g. the filename must begin with “ORR” for uploading Order files).
  2. You must populate the columns specified as ‘required’ in the interface specification document.
  3. For Purchase Order, Order, and Inbound Shipment interfaces, the user must populate [H1] for every distinct header record [H2] for each of its detail records.
  4. The user must populate the correct sequence in the ‘seq_nbr’ field (i.e. no duplicate values).

Setting Email Notifications for Failed Interfaces

Users can set up email notifications for interfaces that fail to process into Oracle WMS Cloud. The email notification will provide the following information:
  • The interface file that failed.
  • Error message – the reason why the file failed.
Complete the following steps to set up the email notification:
  1. Go to the “Company Parameters” screen.
  2. Select “INTF_ERROR_EMAIL_LIST” parameter and click Edit.
  3. In the “Parameter Value”, populate the emails that will receive the error notifications. Separate multiple emails without spaces between emails.

    Configuring email notifications