Combining / Splitting IB LPNs

If two or more IB LPNs for the same item need to be combined into a single LPN, you can do this through the “Split Cntr” RF module. This module is used to either split or combine two IBLPNs into one IBLPN.

  1. Go to the RF transaction “Split Cntr”.
  2. Scan the LPN that needs to be moved into another LPN or from which part of the inventory it will be moved.
  3. Scan the SKU Barcode of the item being moved to the other LPN.
  4. Enter the quantity that will be moved from the old LPN to the new LPN.
  5. If the LPN is being combined, enter the full quantity being moved.
  • If the entire quantity of the original LPN is being moved, the original LPN will be cancelled. Press ‘CTRL-A’ to accept.