Barcode Types

You can also configure the company to have a fixed barcode format depending on the barcode type. The configurable barcode types are:

  • Asset
  • Seal
  • Batch
  • Cart
  • Inbound LPN
  • Inbound Shipment
  • Item
  • Location
  • Outbound LPN
  • Pallet

Description of Fields

  • Barcode Type: Denotes the barcode type that is being edited/created.
  • Sequence Nbr: Used as a number identifier for a group of Barcode Types.
  • Description: Displays the barcode type’s description.
  • Length: Denotes the string length required for the barcode type. Note that the Prefix is included in this count. For example, if the Prefix = “LPN” and Length = 10, the system accepts the value “LPN0000001” (10 digits total). NOTE: If you want to disable to the barcode type validation in the system, the length must be set to “-1”. This will override any other configuration existing for that barcode type.
  • Prefix: Denotes the prefix used for the barcode type.
  • Remove Prefix: If this flag is checked, the barcode type ignores the “Prefix” field.
  • Numeric_flg: Forces the barcode type to only accept numeric values.

Custom_barcode: Calls custom scanning logic for scanning inbound LPNs into the system.