Creating Users

You can create new users through the “Users” screen. Here, you can define the following:

  • Username and password
  • The Facilities and Companies the user will have access
  • The user’s role (Administrator, Management, Supervisor, etc.)
  • The user’s default Group (UI and RF Menus)
  • The user’s Language (corresponding/desired/appropriate supported language)
  • The user’s default printer
  • The user’s fixed Equipment Type

How to create new users:

  1. Go to the “Users” screen.
  2. Click ‘Create’ (Create) and populate the necessary fields:

    Creating New Users
  3. Click Save.
  4. To configure the Facilities and Companies that the user has access to, select user and click the Eligible Facilities and Eligible Companies buttons.

    Viewing the user’s Eligible Facilities/Compan

  5. This will take you to a new screen displaying all of the records the user currently has access to. Click ‘Create’ (Create) to add new Facilities or Companies:

    Updating the user’s eligible records
  6. When finished, click ‘Back’ to return to the main screen.
  7. To assign Equipment Types to the user, from the user screen, select the user, select an Equipment Type from the drop-down menu, and click “Assign Equipment Type”.
    Note: Equipment Types must be defined first in the “Equipment Types” screen before assigning them to users.
    Assigning users with Equipment Types