Cycle Count Adjustment screen Statuses

  • In Progress: This status only applies to counts performed in non-active locations. This status is triggered when you scan the first LPN in a location.
  • No Variance: When a Cycle Count is complete and the count did not have ANY inventory discrepancies, the record is updated to ‘No Variance’ status.
  • Approved: Record in ‘Pending’ status changes to ‘Approved’ status after approving a record by clicking the ‘Approve’ button, provided that all validations are passed. Note that inventory adjustments and Inventory History records are posted at this point.
  • Rejected: Record in ‘Pending’ status changes to ‘Rejected’ status after rejecting a record by clicking the ‘Reject/Recount’ button, provided that all validations are passed. Rejecting a record triggers another CC task.
  • Cancelled: Record in ‘Pending’ status changes to ‘Cancelled’ status after rejecting a record by clicking the ‘Cancel’ button. Cancelling a record does not trigger a CC task.