Cycle Count

A cycle count is one of the Inventory Management operations that allows you to count components of an inventory or an item in a specific location on a specified day.

Cycle count transactions will always consider to be in deferred mode for Mobile App irrespective if the company or facility parameter INVN_ADJ_APPROVAL_REQUIRED is set to YES or NO.

The Mobile App cycle count allows you to count for following location:

  • Active Locations
  • Reserve Locations

Active Location

If you scan an active location in the location prompt screen. However, you must count all the items in the active location. If you don’t scan an item that is currently in the location, the system will consider that this item is no longer in the location.
  1. The Cycle Count main screen displays the Location screen:
  2. Scan or enter the Active Location barcode. The screen takes you to scan items.
  3. Enter the item barcode in the Scan Item screen.
  4. Enter the quantity in the Number of Units screen. If you have more items to cycle count, tap Next item button. The application takes you to Scan Item screen.

    Active Location

    Note: Currently, the cycle count transaction does not track attributes.
  5. After you finish counting the items, tap End Location to end the cycle count. If you wish to continue scanning, enter the quantity in the Number of Units screen.

    Active Location

  6. After the transaction is completed (cycle count transactions are deferred), the system writes a record in the CC adjustment UI where you can accept or reject the variance.

Reserve Location

  1. Scan or enter the Reserve location.
  2. The system displays a Warning pop-up message. Tap Accept the message to continue or Cancel to discard.

    Warning Message
    Note: The warning message is displayed only for locations for inventory from an unverified shipments.
  3. The Cycle Count mode screen appears with following two options:
    • Count numbers of LPNs
    • Scan LPN

      Reserve Location

  4. When you select the Count number of LPNs radio button, the application displays the enter Quantity of LPNs screen.
  5. You can manually enter the quantity or tap the decrement (v) or increment (^) icons to specify the quantity.

    Count by Number of LPNs

  6. If the number of LPNs does not match with the actual count or if there are any discrepancies, the application displays a warning icon in the Cycle Count field.
    • If you tap Confirm count, the application displays a Count mismatch warning message.
    • If you tap Recount LPNs, the application takes you to scan the LPNs you see in the location. Just like if you have clicked on LPN scan mode.
    • If your count matches, the application displays a correct green icon in the Cycle Count field and the Confirm count button for your confirmation.
  7. When you select the LPN Scan radio button, the application takes you to scan the LPN number.
  8. You can continue to scan the next LPN in the Scan LPN screen.
    Note: The application displays the number of LPNs that are already scanned on the top right of the screen.
  9. Once completed, tap Done.

    LPN Scan Mode

    The summary screen will display Location counted, Cycle Count mode, Last Scanned LPN and Counted quantity (sum of scanned LPNs for the location).

  10. Tap End Location to end the count for the location and writes IHT 38 Reserve Location Cycle Count Complete after completion of counting for a reserve location.

    If you don’t scan the LPN, the application will display a message either for you to accept or recount if there are any missing LPNs.

  11. Tap Accept count without LPN(s) to complete the cycle count. Otherwise, tap Recount to scan the LPNs. The application routes you to the Scan LPN screen.

    Location Count Screen