4.3 Access Oracle Data Transforms

This topic provides information on how you can access the Oracle Data Transforms from a web browser.

You can access Oracle Data Transforms interface on Oracle Cloud Marketplace by:
  • Navigating to Autonomous Database Data Tools Page

    For more details, refer to Access Oracle Data Transforms From Database Actions page.

  • Click the link in OCI Stack Details page available in the Application Information tab.
  • In a web browser that has network access to the Oracle Data Transforms Instance, type in <ip address>:9999/oracle-data-transforms/ in the toolbar and click Enter.

You are navigated to the login page.

In the Sign Into Oracle Data Integrator page, enter the following login credentials and click Connect:
  • Username - SUPERVISOR
  • Password - Use the password that you provided during the ODI stack provisioning.
The Oracle Data Transforms interface appears allowing you to perform the data transformations. The very first screen you will see after you log in is the Home tab, which provides easy wizards to complete the following two actions:
  • Load Data – Allows you to load multiple tables from the source connection schema to the target connection schema. You can also do this by clicking the required project tile in the Projects tab, clicking Data Loads, and then clicking Create Data Load.
  • Transform Data - Allows you to create data flows to map data and run transformations. You can also do this by selecting an existing project and on the Project Details page, clicking Create Data Flow.