13.2 Change User Passwords

APPLIES TO: Applicable Data Transforms that is available as a separate listing on Marketplace called Data Integrator: Web Edition.

You must have the odiadmin role assigned to be able to change the password of any of the listed users. If you are not assigned the odiadmin role, you can only change the password of the logged in user.

In this case, the Actions menu is available only for the logged in user. You cannot change the password of any of the other users, even the ones that you have created.

To change the user password:

  1. On the User Management page, click Change Password from the user's Actions icon (Actions icon).
  2. Enter the new password and click Update User.

To change the password of the SUPERVISOR user:

  1. On the User Management page, click Change Password from the user's Actions icon (Actions icon).
  2. Enter the new password and click Update User.

    You are logged out of Data Transforms.

  3. Restart the jetty server. Log in as OPC user and execute the following commands:
    ssh -i <path to id_rsa>  opc@<Instance IP>
    sudo su
    systemctl stop|start jettyserver.service
  4. Launch Oracle Data Transforms from the Database Actions page.