13.1 Create Users

APPLIES TO: Applicable Data Transforms that is available as a separate listing on Marketplace called Data Integrator: Web Edition.

The User Management page of the Administration tab of Oracle Data Transforms helps you to manage users.

A user corresponds to the login name used to connect to a repository, and can have privileges depending on the role assigned. The SUPERVISOR user is assigned the Oracle Data Integrator Admin (odiadmin) role by default. The odiadmin role allows users to:

  • Assign the odiadmin role to a user
  • Change user password
  • Delete users

The SUPERVISOR user can assign this role when creating new users.

To create a new user:

  1. In the left pane, click Administration.

    A warning message appears.

  2. Click Continue.
  3. In the left pane, click User Management.

    User Management screen appears, which displays the list of users.

  4. Click Create User.
  5. In the Create User page, enter the name. Maximum length is 50 characters.
  6. Select the Allow managing other users checkbox to allow this user to reset passwords or delete users.


    This option is only available if you are the SUPERVISOR user or have been assigned the odiadmin role.
  7. Enter and reenter and password for the new user.


    The password should:
    • contain alpha-numeric characters,
    • be 6-12 characters in length,
    • not start with a number,
    • contain at least one alphabet in upper case,
    • contain at least one special character. Only $, # and _ are allowed.
  8. Click Create User.

    The newly created user appears in the list.