15.1 Manually Register the Created Oracle Data Transforms Instance to Autonomous Database

APPLIES TO: Applicable Data Transforms instance that is registered with Autonomous Database.

The RegisterODI.sh script allows you register your Oracle Data Transforms instance with Autonomous Database.

To manually register the Oracle Data Transforms instance to Autonomous Database after creating your instance,

  • Connect to the compute instance running Oracle Data Transforms as described in Connect to Oracle Data Transforms Instance.
  • Execute the RegisterODI.sh file using the following commands:
    cd u01/oracle/transforms_home/common/scripts
    sh RegisterODI.sh
  • A terminal window appears allowing you to enter the following details of the Autonomous Database instance which you had already created in Create the Oracle Data Transforms Instance step:
    • Admin username - User name of the Autonomous Database instance.
    • Admin password - Password of the Autonomous Database instance.
    • URL Scheme - Press Enter to select the default value - http.
    • IP Address - IP address of the computer which you wish to register to Autonomous Database.


      You are prompted to provide all the above details repeatedly until you provide a valid IP address.
    • Oracle Data Transforms Port - It is the port in which Oracle Data Transforms runs on the local computer. Press Enter to select the default value - 9999.
  • Map the database user (created during ODI provisioning) to Oracle Data Transforms User. See Map Autonomous Database User to Data Transforms User for details.

After configuring the above details, the created instance is successfully registered to the Autonomous Database. After successful registration, you can launch Oracle Data Transforms directly from the Autonomous Database, Database Actions page. For more details on this, refer to Access Oracle Data Transforms From Database Actions page.

In some cases, you may encounter an error ("401 Not Authorised") when launching Oracle Data Transforms from the Database Actions page. To resolve this issue, you will need to restart the Jetty server.

To stop, start, or restart the jetty server, login as OPC user and execute the following commands:

ssh -i <path to id_rsa>  opc@<Instance IP>
sudo su
systemctl stop|start jettyserver.service