15.2 Map Autonomous Database User to Data Transforms User

APPLIES TO: Applicable Data Transforms instance that is registered with Autonomous Database.

The Administration tab of Oracle Data Transforms helps you to map the database user (created during provisioning) to Oracle Data Transforms User.

The administrator in Oracle Data Transforms is called the SUPERVISOR. By mapping the users, you can directly access the Oracle Data Transforms application from Database Actions page. For more details, refer to Access Oracle Data Transforms From Database Actions page.

For mapping the users,

  1. In the left pane, click Administration.

    A warning message appears.

  2. Click Continue.

    User Mapping screen appears.

  3. In the Database URL text box, enter the Database URL created during Autonomous Database instance creation, for example - https://u6dx8gx07phfkil-db202003100909.adb.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloudapps.com/.

    To get this URL,

    • From OCI console, click the Hamburger icon and navigate to Autonomous Database and select the autonomous database instance for which you created the repository.
    • Click the Service Console and navigate to DevelopmentSQL Developer. You can find the database URL here and copy it to the Database URL text box.
  4. Click the Add icon (Add icon) to add a new column in the User Mapping table.
  5. Double click the Database User column to create a user mapping for the required Database User.
  6. Double click the ODI User column and click the drop-down arrow to list all the ODI users available for mapping in Oracle Data Transforms application.
  7. From the ODI User drop-down select the required ODI user, to whom you wish to map the newly added Database user.
  8. Click Save.

    A confirmation message regarding the user mapping update appears.

  9. Click the Refresh icon (Refresh icon) next to the + icon, to see the newly created user mapping column in the User Mapping table.
  10. If you wish to delete the created user mapping, select the user and click the Action icon (Actions icon) next to the user and select Delete.
  11. For deleting user mappings in bulk, select the respective user check-boxes and click Delete.

    Upon confirmation the selected user mappings are deleted.

You can search for the required user mapping from the User Mapping table, through Name filter.
  • Enter the name of the user mapping that you are looking for in the Name text box.

    The respective user mapping column is displayed.