4.8 Managing Feedback

Feedback provides a mechanism for end users to post general comments for application administrators and developers.

4.8.1 About Feedback

Adding Feedback enables you to gather and track real-time comments, enhancement requests, and bugs from application users. Feedback enhances communication between the user community and the application owners.

Feedback provides a mechanism for end users to post general comments for application administrators and developers. The posts include useful session state information to help developers determine where the end user sent the feedback from. Providing such an easy feedback loop enhances communication between the user community and the application owners, which leads to greatly improved end user satisfaction.

Creating Feedback:

  • Adds a Feedback navigation bar icon in the running application which users can click to leave feedback.
  • Creates an report for viewing and triaging feedback.
  • Captures the application name, page ID and name, feedback comments, date and time, and user information.

Choosing How to Add Feedback

You can create a Feedback page automatically using a wizard when you create a new application, or by adding a page to an existing application. In both the Create Application Wizard and the Create Page Wizard, you simply select the Feature, Feedback.

How Customers Submit Feedback

Users can submit feedback by clicking the Feedback navigation bar icon in the upper right of a running application. In the Feedback window, they can rate their user experience by selecting an emoji, entering feedback comments, or uploading files.

Viewing Feedback within an Application

Administrators and developers can track and manage Feedback at the application level by running the application and accessing the Feedback region on the Administration page. To control whether users can upload attachments, click Feedback Settings. To view feedback entries, select User Feedback to view the Manage Feedback report.

Tracking Feedback in Team Development

Administrators and developers can track all feedback within a workspace in Team Development, Feedback. Each feedback entry tracks the application and page ID and name, displays any feedback comments. Administrators and developers can assign a status and create an issue.

4.8.2 Adding Feedback Using the Create Application Wizard

Add a Feedback page when running the Create Application Wizard.

To create an application which includes a Feedback page:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
  2. Click the Create button.
  3. Click Application.
  4. For Name, enter the name used to identify the application to developers.
  5. For Appearance, accept the default Theme Style and menu layout (Vita, Side Menu) or change it by clicking the Set Appearance icon adjacent to the Appearance field.
  6. To add a new page (such as a blank page, calendar, chart, form, report, and so on), click Add Page and select the desired page type.
  7. Under Features, select Feedback.
  8. Under Settings, specify settings used to generate this application. To learn more about an attribute, click the Help icon adjacent to Settings.
  9. Click Create Application.

4.8.3 Adding Feedback Using the Create Page Wizard

Use the Create Page Wizard to add Feedback to an existing application.


This section describes how to create a feedback by running the Create Page Wizard from the Application home page. You can also run this wizard in Page Designer by clicking the Create menu and selecting Page.

To add a feedback page:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click App Builder.
  2. Select an application.
    The Application home page appears.
  3. Click the Create Page button.
  4. For Create a Page:
    1. Page Type - Select Feature and then Feedback.


      Component pages provides page-level functionality and can be added multiple times within a given application such as reports, forms, charts, or calendars. Feature pages provide application-level functionality and can only be added once per application.

      The Create Feedback Page appears.
    2. Click Next.
  5. On the Create Feedback Pages:
    1. Starting Page Number - Enter an unused starting page number. This feature will create multiple pages starting with the number specified.
    2. Page Group - Identify the name of the page group to associate with this page. Page groups help developers manage the pages within an application. To use an existing page group, select the name from the list.
    3. Build Option - The listed build option(s) to be created to support this feature.
    4. Include in Navigation Bar - Select On to create a navigation bar entry within the current application to invoke your new feedback page.
    5. Navigation Bar Label - Enter the name of the new navigation bar entry used to access the new feedback page.
    6. Administration Page Preference - Specify the administration page to which a list will be added for this feature.

      Options include:

      • Create a new page

      • Identify an existing page

      Depending upon your selection, the UI changes.
    7. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  6. Click Create.

4.8.4 Submitting Feedback Within a Running Application

Users can submit feedback by clicking the Feedback navigation bar icon in the upper right of a running application.

To submit feedback managed with the application:

  1. Run the application for which you want to submit feedback.
  2. Click the Feedback navigation bar icon in the upper right corner.
    A Feedback window appears.
  3. In Feedback:
    1. Experience - Select an emoji that reflects your user experience (Positive, Neutral, or Negative).
    2. Feedback - Enter a comment.
    3. Attachment - Click Choose File to upload an attachment.


      Administrators can enable and disable attachments by selecting Administration and editing Feedback Settings.

  4. Click Submit Feedback.

4.8.5 Reviewing Feedback Within an Application

View feedback within a running application by clicking User Feedback on the Administration page.

To view feedback within an application:

  1. Run the application.
  2. Click Administration in the left navigation bar.
  3. Click User Feedback.

    The Manage Feedback page displays an interactive report.

  4. Click the Edit icon adjacent to the entry you wish to view.
  5. On the Feedback page:
    1. Review the user feedback.
    2. Response - Respond to the feedback.
    3. Status - Select one of the following:
      • No Action
      • Acknowledged
      • Open
      • Closed
  6. To delete the feedback, click Delete.
  7. To save your changes, click Apply Changes.

4.8.6 Configuring Feedback to Support Attachments

Configure feedback to add support for attachments.


For this feature to work, an administrator must set Enable Feedback File Repository to Yes for the workspace. See Configuring Team Development in an Existing Workspace in Oracle APEX Administration Guide.

Developer and administrators can also configure Feedback Settings to enable support for attachments.

To configure Feedback Settings:

  1. Run the application.
  2. Click Administration in the left navigation bar.
  3. Click Feedback Settings .
    Feedback Settings appears.
  4. For Enable Attachments, select On to enable users to upload attachments or Off to disable this functionality.
  5. To save your changes, click Apply Changes.