6.11 Creating a Workspace and Adding APEX Users

Before you can develop or install applications, you must create a workspace, add Oracle APEX users, and sign in to your workspace.

6.11.1 About Workspaces and Users

A workspace enables multiple users to work within the same Oracle APEX installation while keeping their objects, data, and applications private.

You access the APEX home page by logging in to a workspace using a JavaScript enabled Web browser.

Each workspace has a unique ID and name. An instance administrator can create a workspace manually within APEX Administration Services or have users submit requests. APEX Administration Services is a separate application for managing an entire APEX instance.

6.11.2 Signing In To Administration Services

Sign in to Oracle APEX Administration Services using the Instance administrator account and password created or reset during the installation process.

To manually create a workspace and user accounts, you sign in to a separate application for managing an entire Oracle APEX instance called Oracle APEX Administration Services.

To sign in to Oracle APEX Administration Services:

  1. In a Web browser, navigate to the Administration Services Sign In page:


    By default, the context root for accessing Oracle APEX through Oracle REST Data Services is /ords. If you wish to have a context root of /apex for accessing Oracle APEX, rename the ords.war file to apex.war before installing Oracle REST Data Services. See Deploying and Monitoring Oracle REST Data Services in Oracle REST Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide.

    By default, Administration Services installs to the following location:



    • hostname is the name of the system where Oracle REST Data Services is installed.

    • port is the port number assigned when configuring Oracle REST Data Services. In a default installation, this number is 8080. To learn more, see Installing and Configuring Oracle REST Data Services in Oracle REST Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide.

    • ords is the service name defined when configuring Oracle REST Data Services.

  2. On the Sign In page:
    1. Username - Enter the Instance administrator account username specified in Creating or Updating Your Instance Administration Account.
    2. Password - Enter your Instance administrator account password.
    3. Click Sign In to Administration.

      Oracle APEX Administration Services appears.

    Note that, depending on your setup, you might be required to change your password when you log in for the first time.

See Also:

Oracle APEX Administration Services in Oracle APEX Administration Guide

6.11.3 Creating a Workspace Manually

Sign in to Oracle APEX Administration Services to create workspace manually.

To manually create a workspace you sign in, sign in to APEX Administration Services using the ADMIN account and password created or reset during the installation process.

To create an APEX workspace manually:

  1. Access APEX Administration Services.

    Administration Services appears. Next, create a workspace.

  2. Click Manage Workspaces.
  3. Under Workspace Actions, click Create Workspace.

    The Create Workspace Wizard appears.

  4. For Identify Workspace, enter the following:
    1. Workspace Name - Enter a unique workspace name.
    2. Workspace ID - Leave Workspace ID blank to have the new Workspace ID automatically generated. A Workspace ID must be a positive integer greater than 100000.
    3. Workspace Description - Enter a workspace description.
    4. Click Next.
  5. For Identify Schema, specify whether you are re-using an existing schema or creating a new one.

    If you are using an existing schema:

    1. For Re-use existing schema, select Yes.
    2. Select a schema from the list.
    3. Click Next.

    If you are creating a new schema:

    1. For Re-use existing schema, select No.
    2. Enter a schema name and password.
    3. Specify a space quota.
    4. Click Next.
  6. For Identify Administrator, enter the Workspace administrator information and click Next.
  7. Confirm your selections and click Create Workspace.

See Also:

6.11.4 Creating APEX Users

Create new users in Oracle APEX Administration Services.

Create new users by signing into the APEX Administration Services application using your Instance administrator password.

To create an APEX user account:

  1. Sign in to APEX Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Workspaces.
  3. Under Workspace Actions, click Manage Developers and Users.
    The Manage Developers and Users page appears.
  4. Click Create User.
  5. Under User Attributes, enter the appropriate information. Fields marked with an asterisk are required.


    Most attributes in APEX include field-level Help. Attributes with field-level Help, have light gray icon that resembles a question mark (?). To view field-level Help, click the Help icon.

  6. Under Account Privileges:
    1. Workspace - Select a workspace from the list.

    2. Default Schema - Specify the default schema used for this user

      When using workspaces that have more than one schema available, this schema is the default. This setting does not control security, only the user's preference.

    3. User is an administrator - Specify if this user should have workspace administrator privileges.

      Administrators are given access to all components. Additionally, they can manage user accounts, groups, and development services. Components may not be available if they are switched off by Instance Administrators.

    4. User is a developer - Specify if this user should have developer privileges.

      Developers must have access to either App Builder, SQL Workshop, or both. These components may not be available if they are switched off by the Instance Administrator.

    5. App Builder Access - Determines whether a developer has access to the App Builder.

    6. SQL Workshop Access - Determines whether a developer has access to the SQL Workshop.

    7. Team Development Access - Determines whether a developer has access to the Team Development.

    8. Set Account Availability - Select Locked to prevent the account from being used. Select Unlocked to allow the account to be used.

      If the user has exceeded the maximum log in failures allowed, specified in Workspace Preferences, then their account will be locked automatically.

    1. Workspace - Select a workspace in which to create the user.
    2. Default Schema - Select the default schema for this user.
    3. Accessible Schemas (null for all) - Enter a colon-delimited list of schemas for which this developer has permissions when using the SQL Workshop.
      The list of schemas you enter here restricts the user to a subset of the full set of schemas provisioned for the workspace and determines what schema names the user sees in SQL Workshop.
    4. User is an administrator - Select Yes or No to specify if this user should have workspace administrator privileges.
      Administrators are given access to all components. Additionally, they can manage user accounts, groups, and development services. Components may not be available if they are switched off by an Instance Administrator.
    5. User is a developer - Select Yes or No to specify if this user should have developer privileges.
      Developers must have access to either the App Builder, SQL Workshop, or both. Components may not be available if they are switched off by Instance Administrators.
    6. App Builder Access - Determines whether a developer has access to App Builder
    7. SQL Workshop Access - Determines whether a developer has access to the SQL Workshop.
    8. Team Development Access - Determines whether a user has access to the Team Development.
    9. Account Availability - Select Locked to prevent the account from being used. Select Unlocked to allow the account to be used.
  7. Under Password:
    • Password - Enter a case sensitive password.

    • Confirm Password - Enter the password again.

    • Require Change of Password On First Use - Select No to allow the user to use the same password until it expires. Select Yes to require the user to change the password immediately when logging in the first time.

  8. Click Create User or Create and Create Another.

See Also:

Managing Users Across an Oracle APEX Instance in Oracle APEX Administration Guide

6.11.5 Signing In to Your Workspace

Sign in to a workspace by navigating to the Oracle APEX Sign In page.

After you creaste a workspace and APEX users, you can sign in to your workspace using your credentials (that is, your workspace name, user name and password).

To sign in to a workspace:

  1. In a Web browser, navigate to the APEX Sign In page:


    • hostname is the name of the system where Oracle REST Data Services is installed.
    • port is the port number assigned when configuring Oracle REST Data Services. In a default installation, this number is 8080. To learn more, see Installing and Configuring Oracle REST Data Services in Oracle REST Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide.
    • apex is the service name defined when configuring Oracle REST Data Services.

    The Sign In page appears.

  2. On the Sign In page, enter:
    • Workspace - Enter the name of your workspace.
    • Username - Enter your user name.
    • Password - Enter your case-sensitive password.
  3. Click Sign In.

    Note that, depending on your setup, you might be required to change your password when you log in for the first time.

See Also: