2.5.2 Understanding the App Builder Home Page

Use App Builder to create new applications, select an application to edit, import previously exported applications, view the Dashboard, or access workspace utilities.


In a new workspace, the first time you access the App Builder home page, a Get Started Now region appears. Click Create New App to access the launch the Create Application Wizard. See Choosing an Application Creation Method. Click Install a Starter or Sample Appto access the Gallery. See Using the App Gallery. App Builder Home Page Icons and Navigation Bar

Learn about using the icons and navigation bar on the App Builder home page.

About App Builder Home Page Icons

The App Builder home page features four large icons (Create, Import, Dashboard, and Workspace Utilities) and the bottom of the page displays all currently installed applications.

The top of App Builder home page contains four large icons:

  • Create. Launches the Create Application Wizard. Use the Create Application Wizard to build a complete application containing multiple pages. See Creating Applications.

  • Import. Launches the Import Wizard. Use this wizard to import export files from the export repository. See Importing Export Files.

  • Dashboard. Links to the App Builder Dashboard which displays metrics about applications in the current workspace.

  • Workspace Utilities. Use the Workspace Utilities page to access REST Enabled SQL Services, Remote Servers, Application Groups, Web Credentials, Workspace Themes, Export, Oracle APEX Views, Manage Backups, and REST Source Catalog. See Using Workspace Utilities.

About the Navigation Bar

The bottom of App Builder home page displays all installed applications. You can customize how the applications display using the navigation bar in the center of page.

Available controls include:

  • Select columns to search - This control features a magnifying glass button. Click this button to narrow your search to only specific columns. To search all columns, select All Columns.

  • Text area - Enter case insensitive search criteria (wildcard characters are implied) and click Go.

  • Go button - Executes a search or applies a filter.

  • View Icons (default) - Displays each application as a large icon identified by the application name.

  • View Report - Displays each application as a line in a report with the following columns: Application (ID), Name (application), Pages, Updated, Working Copies, and Run.

  • Actions menu - Displays the Actions menu. Use this menu to customize the report view. For example, display additional columns by selecting Actions, Columns.


In a new workspace, the bottom of the App Builder home page displays two regions: Create a New App and Install a Starter or Sample App. Follow the on-screen instructions. Once you create or install an application, these region disappear. Create Button

Learn about the App Builder home page Create button.

The Create button displays in the center of the page to the right of the navigation bar.

Click Create to create a new application. The Create an Application page appears and prompts you to select how to create the application. To learn more, see Choosing an Application Creation Method. App Builder Home Side Bar

Learn about links on the App Builder home page side bar.

The App Builder home page feature two regions on the side bar: Recent and Tasks.


The Recent region contains links to recently viewed applications. Click an application name to view it on Application home page.


The Tasks region contains the following links:

  • Manage Backups - Links to the Manage Backups page. See Managing Application Backups.

  • Export Applications - Links to the Export Application page. See Exporting an Application.

  • Browse by Facets - Links to the Search Applications page. Use Search Applications find applications in the current workspace.