2.7.2 Adding, Editing, and Deleting Extension Menu Links

Add, edit, and delete Extension menu link in Workspace Administration. Adding Links to the Extension Menu

Add links to the Extension menu in Workspace Administration on the Manage Service, Links page.


The Extension menu only appears on the menu bar if a Workspace Administrator has added Extension menu links.

To add links to the Extension menu:

  1. Navigate to the Links page:
    1. Sign in to APEX.
    2. On Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Manage Service and then Manage Extension Links.

    The Links page appears and displays as an editable interactive gird. You can add a new link by either:

    • Clicking the Create Link button.
    • Adding a row manually to the report.
  2. To add a new link by clicking the button:
    1. Click Create Link.
    2. On the Create / Edit Link page:
      • Name - Enter the label for the link to display in the Extensions menu.
      • Display Sequence - Specify the display sequence for the link entry. The sequence determines the display order in the Extensions menu.
      • URL - Enter a valid URL target for this link. Links can include substitutions. See About the Extension Menu.
      • Description - Enter informational comments about the link.
      • Public - This attribute only displays in Workspaces that are configured to host Extension Applications. Set Public to Yes to make a link visible in the Extension menu of subscribing workspaces.
      • Click Create.
  3. To add a new link by adding a row manually to the report:
    1. Click Add Row.
      A blank row appears.
    2. Select and edit the following cells in the new row:
      • Sequence - Specify the display sequence for the link entry. The sequence determines the display order in the Extensions menu.
      • Label - Enter the label for the link to display in the Extensions menu.
      • URL - Enter a valid URL target for this link. Links can include substitutions. See About the Extension Menu.
      • Description - Enter informational comments about the link.


      Press Tab or Shift + Tab to edit an adjacent cell in the row or Enter or Shift + Enter to edit an adjacent cell in the column.
    3. Click Save to save your changes.

    The link appears on the Links page.

See Also:

Using Interactive Grids in Oracle APEX End User’s Guide. Editing Extension Menu Links

Edit links on the Extension menu on the Create / Edit Link page in Workspace Administration.

To edit links on the Extension menu:

  1. Navigate to the Links page:
    1. Sign in to APEX.
    2. On Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Manage Service and then Manage Extension Links.

    The Links page appears and displays as an editable interactive grid.

  2. Find the row and click the Edit icon.
  3. On the Create / Edit Link page:
    1. Name - Enter the label for the link to display in the Extensions menu.
    2. Display Sequence - Specify the display sequence for the link entry. The sequence determines the display order in the Extensions menu.
    3. URL - Enter a valid URL target for this link. Links can include substitutions. See About the Extension Menu.
    4. Public - This attribute only dispslays in Workspaces that are configured to host Extension Applications. Set Public to Yes to make a link visible in the Extension menu of subscribing workspaces.
    5. Description - Enter informational comments about the link.
    6. Click Apply Changes.


    To learn more about editing rows in an interactive grid, see Editing Rows in an Interactive Grid in Oracle APEX End User’s Guide. Deleting Extension Menu Links

Delete links on the Extension menu on the Create / Edit Link page.

To delete links on the Extension menu:

  1. Navigate to the Links page:
    1. Sign in to APEX.
    2. On Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Manage Service and then Manage Extension Links.

    The Links page appears.

  2. Find the row for the link to be deleted and click the Edit icon.
  3. On the Create / Edit Link page, click Delete.


    You can also delete individual rows by selecting Delete on the Row Action menu. See Deleting a Row in an Interactive Grid in Oracle APEX End User’s Guide.