Running an Application or Page

To view a rendered version of your application, you run or submit it to the Application Express engine. The Application Express engine dynamically renders and processes pages based on data stored in database tables.

Run Application and Run Page Buttons

As you create new pages, you can run them individually, or run an entire application. The Run Application button displays on the Application home page and resembles an application window with a green run (or play) button. To run the application from the application home page, click Run Application.

The Run Page button resembles a small, gray play button and displays in the upper right corner of many pages within App Builder. Clicking the Run Page button runs the current page or the last selected page.

How Your Browser Impacts the Way Applications Run

When you run an application, the application displays in a new window. Whether that new window is a new tab or new browser windows depends upon how you have configured your web browser. If you are using Google Chrome or Apple Safari,the running application displays in a new tab by default. If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, the application displays in a new browser window by default. You can further control how Oracle Application Express manages tabs and windows when running an application by editing your account preferences.

Running an Application from the App Builder Home Page

To run an application from the App Builder home page:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
  2. Click the View Report icon (optional).
    Selecting View Report displays each application as a line in a report. Each line includes the application ID, the application name, the number of application pages, and update information.
  3. Locate the application to be run.
  4. To run the application:
    • In Report view - Click Run Page icon in the far right column.
    • In Icon view - Click the Run Application icon at the top of the page.
    The application displays in a new window.

Running an Application from the Application Home Page

To run an application from the Application home page:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    The App Builder home page appears.
  2. Select an application.
  3. Click the Run Application icon in the middle of page.
    The application displays in a new window.

Running a Page on the Application Home Page

To run a page from the Pages list:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
  2. Select an application.
  3. Click the View Report icon.

    Selecting View Report displays each page as a line in a report. Each line includes the page number, the page name, when the page was last updated, who last updated the page, the page type, the selected user interface, a lock icon, and a Run button.

  4. Locate the page you want to run.
  5. Click Run Page in the far right column.
    The application displays in a new window.