10.2 Creating a Form

Developers can create forms using a number of wizards including the Create Application Wizard, Create Page Wizard, and Create Region Wizard.

10.2.1 Creating a Form Using the Create Page Wizard

Use the Create Page Wizard to create a wide variety of forms.


Using the Create Page Wizard creates a complex form region which includes multiple form items and processes. Although you can create a region directly in the Rendering tree or drag a region from the Gallery, these approaches will not create these additional components.

To create a form using the Create Page Wizard:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
  2. Select an application.
  3. Click Create Page.
  4. For Create a Page:
    1. Page Type - Select Component and then select either Form or Master Detail.


      Component pages provides page-level functionality and can be added multiple times within a given application such as reports, forms, charts, or calendars. Feature pages provide application-level functionality and can only be added once per application.

    2. If you select Form, select a form type:
      • Form

      • Editable Interactive Grid

      • Report with Form

      • List View with Form (Optimized for mobile apps)

      • Form on Local Procedure

    3. If you select Master Detail, select a type:
      • Stacked - Creates single page master detail with editable interactive grids. With this page, users can query, insert, update, and delete values from two tables or views which are related. You choose the tables on which to build the master and detail regions.

      • Side by Side - Create a single page master detail with a master table and detail table. In addition, the page includes a searchable region on the left that displays a primary and secondary column from the master table. Use this region to select a record to display.

      • Drill Down - Creates a two page master detail creates one interactive grid on the first page for the master table and on the second page it creates a standard form (for the master) and interactive grid for the detail.

    4. Click Next.
  5. What appears next depends upon the form you select. Follow the on-screen instructions.
    To learn more about an attribute, see field-level Help.

10.2.2 Creating a Report and Form on New Page Using External Data Sources

Run the Create Page Wizard to add a new page with a report and form that uses an external data source.


Using the Create Page Wizard creates a complex form region which includes multiple form items and processes. Although you can create a region directly in the Rendering tree or drag a region from the Gallery, these approaches will not create these additional components.

To create a report and form that uses an external data source:

  1. Create REST Enabled SQL reference.
  2. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
  3. Select the application.
  4. Click Create Page.
  5. On Create a Page, for Page Type, Form.
  6. Create Page - Select Report with Form.
  7. For Page Attributes:
    1. Report Type - Select Interactive Report or Classic Report.
    2. Report Page Number - Enter a page number. If you identify a new page number, the wizard creates a new page. If you identify an existing page number, the wizard adds the component to that page.
    3. Report Page Name - Enter the title of the page that to contain the report.
    4. Form Page Number - Enter the page number of the form to be generated. If the page does not exist it will be created.e.
    5. Form Page Name - Enter the form name. This text becomes the page title, name, and subtitle.
    6. Form Page Mode - Identify the page mode. To learn more, see field-level Help.
    7. Breadcrumb - Select whether you want to use a breadcrumb navigation control on your page, and which breadcrumb navigation control you want to use.
    8. Click Next.
  8. For Navigation Preference:
    1. Select how you want this page integrated into the Navigation Menu. To learn more, see field-level Help.
    2. Click Next.
  9. On Data Source, select a Data Source. Options include:
    • Local Database - Data is sourced from a local database.
    • REST Enabled SQL Service - Data is sourced from a remote database, where the connection is defined using an Oracle REST Enabled SQL Service (ORDS) endpoint.
    • Web Source - Data is sourced any arbitrary REST Service (Oracle or non-Oracle).

    Select either REST Enabled SQL Service or Web Source.

    What displays next changes based on your selection. Follow the on-screen instruction. To learn more about an attribute, see field-level Help.

10.2.3 Form Options When Running the Create Page Wizard

Learn about form options when running the Create Page Wizard.


Universal Theme - 42 is optimized to work equally well in either a mobile or desktop environment. In previous releases and in earlier themes, the Mobile user interface is based on jQuery Mobile. Because jQuery Mobile is desupported, you must migrate existing mobile applications to the Universal Theme.

Available Forms in the Create Page Wizard

The Create Page Wizard supports the following forms.

Table 10-1 Create Page Wizard — Available Forms

Form Type Description To Learn More


Creates a form that enables users to update a single row on the specified data source, which can be a table, SQL Query or Web Source Module.

"Creating a Form Using the Create Page Wizard"

Editable Interactive Grid

Creates an editable interactive grid based on a table your select or a SQL query.

An interactive grid presents users a set of data in a searchable, customizable report. In an editable interactive grid, users can also add to, modify, and refresh the data set directly on the page. Functionally, an interactive grid includes most customization capabilities available in interactive reports plus the ability to rearrange the report interactively using the mouse.

See "Managing Interactive Grids"and "Making an Existing Interactive Grid Editable"

Report with Form

Creates a report and form based on the data source you specify. For the report, you choose a report type (Interactive Report, Interactive Grid, or Class Report)

Note: This wizard does not support tables having more than 127 columns. Selecting more than 127 columns generates an error.

Not applicable.

List View with Form

Optimized for mobile applications.

Creates a form and list view that enables users to update a single row in a database table. You choose the table on which to build the form and select the column to be used for displaying text in the List View.

Not applicable

Form on Local Procedure

Builds a form based on stored procedure arguments. Use this approach when you have implemented logic or Data Manipulation Language (DML) in a stored procedure or package.

Not applicable.

Available Master Detail Options in the Create Page Wizard

The Create Page Wizard supports the following master detail options.

Table 10-2 Create Page Wizard — Available Master Detail Options

Form Type Description To Learn More


Creates a single page (or Stacked) master detail with editable interactive grids. Users can query, insert, update, and delete values from two tables or views which are related. You choose the tables on which to build the master and detail regions.

See "Creating a Stacked Master Detail Using the Create Page Wizard"

Side by Side

Creates a single page (or Side by Side) master detail with a master table and detail table. The left side contains a master list to navigate to the master record. The right side contains the selected master record and the associated detail report

See "Creating a Side by Side Master Detail Using the Create Page Wizard"

Drill Down

Creates a two page (or Drill Down) master detail form. The first page contains an interactive report for the master table. The second page features a standard form for the master and interactive grid for the detail.

See "Creating a Two Page Drill Down Master Detail Using the Create Page Wizard"

10.2.4 Creating a Form Using the Create Application Wizard

Use the Create Application Wizard to create a form.

To create a form using the Create Application Wizard:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
  2. Click the Create button.
  3. Click New Application.
  4. For Name, enter the name used to identify the application to developers.
  5. For Appearance, accept the default Theme Style and menu layout (Vita, Side Menu), or change it by clicking the Set Appearance icon adjacent to the Appearance field.
  6. To add a form, click Add Page and select then select Form.
  7. On Create Form Page:
    1. Page Name - Enter a name for this page.
    2. Set Icon - Select an icon to display in the navigation menu for this page.
    3. Table - Select the table for the form.
    4. Include Report - Select Include Report to create a report and form. The first page is an interactive report. Each row provides a link to a form where users can update a record.
    5. Advanced - Expand Advanced:
      • Page Help - Enter text to be displayed when the user selects Page Help.


        This setting requires you select the About Page feature. If you select the About Page feature, a help icon is generated in the navigation bar with an entry for page help.

    6. Click Add Page.
  8. Under Features, select features to include with the application. Features provide application-level functionality and can only be added once per application. To learn more, click the Help icon adjacent to Features.


    Click the Check All button to select all features.

  9. Under Settings, specify settings used to generate this application. To learn more about an attribute, click the Help icon adjacent to Settings.
  10. Click Create Application.