3.3.2 Reviewing Sample Database Application

Sample Database Application demonstrates how to display summary information, use reports and forms for viewing, updating, and adding information, include charts and maps, and create dedicated mobile pages that replicate most functionality available in the desktop version. Home Page

The home page contains the following main regions:

  • Dashboard - Demonstrates the use of a Badge List plug-in. This regions displays a value based on an underlying SQL statement. Links in this region take you to reports on Monthly Sales, Monthly Orders, Total Products, and Total Customers.

  • Top Customers - Demonstrates the Slider Tooltip plug-in. This regions displays a value based on an underlying SQL statement. Links in this region take you to reports on Monthly Sales, Monthly Orders, Total Products, and Total Customers.

  • Top Products - Top Products is an interactive report. The report is based on an underlying SQL statement and displays a subset of the information that appears on the Customers page. Users can view the additional details by clicking the product or by clicking the view Products icon (a right arrow) in the upper right corner of the region.

  • Top Orders by Date - Demonstrates the use of a HTML5 Bar Chart plug-in. This chart displays orders by date and order amount, based on an underlying SQL statement. Users can view the Orders page by clicking the right arrow in the upper right corner.

  • Tags - Demonstrates the use of a Tag Cloud plug-in. This region displays a value based on an underlying SQL statement. Links in this region take you to search results matching the selected tag. About the Navigation Menu

Applications using newer themes, such as Universal Theme - 42, provides navigation with a navigation menu. Sample Database Application includes a navigation menu on the left side of the page. Use this menu to move between application pages.

A Expand and Collapse Navigation icon displays to the left of the application title and functions as a toggle to collapse and expand the navigation menu. The following illustration shows that the Home page with the navigation menu collapsed.

To expand the navigation menu again, click the icon again. Customers Page

The Customers page enables users to view and edit customer information.

Customers is an interactive grid tracking customer information. To search for a customer information, enter search terms in the Search field and click Go. To sort by customer, click the column heading and then select the sort icons.

You can change the appearance of the report using the Actions menu. Using the Customers Page

Use the Customers page to edit existing customers, create new customers, or upload data. Editing a Customer

To edit an existing customer:

  1. Click Customers in the navigation menu.
    The Customers page appears
  2. To update a customer:
    1. Click the customer name.
    2. On the Customer Details page, edit the fields and click Apply Changes.
  3. To delete a customer:
    1. Click the customer name.
    2. On the Customer Details page, click Delete. Creating a Customer

To add a new customer:

  1. Click Customers in the navigation menu.
    The Customers page appears
  2. Click the Create Customer button.
    The Customer Details page appears.
  3. Add the appropriate details and click Add Customer. Uploading Data

To upload data:

  1. Click Customers in the navigation menu.
    The Customers page appears
  2. Click Upload Data.
  3. For Import From, select either:
    • Upload file, comma separated (*.csv) or tab delimited.
    • Copy and Paste.
    The UI changes based on the import option you select.
  4. If you select Upload file, comma separated (*.csv) or tab delimited:
    1. File Name - Click and locate the file to upload.
    2. Separator - Identify a column separator character. Use \t for tab separators.
    3. Optionally Enclosed By - Enter a delimiter character. See field-level Help for more details.
    4. First Row has Column Names - Select or deselect this option.
    5. Use Advanced Settings - Select this option to view the additional settings.
    6. Click Next.
  5. If you select Copy and Paste:
    1. Copy and Paste Delimited Data- Copy and paste into the field provided.
    2. Separator - Identify a column separator character. Use \t for tab separators.
    3. Optionally Enclosed By - Enter a delimiter character. See field-level Help for more details.
    4. First Row has Column Names - Select or deselect this option.
    5. Use Advanced Settings - Select this option to view the additional settings.
    6. Click Next.
  6. On Data/Table Mapping, review the mappings and click Next.
  7. On Data Validation, review the data and click Load Data.
  8. Review the results.
  9. Click Finish. Products Page

Products page enables users to view and edit product information. The Products page features an interactive report based on a SQL query that uses a custom function for displaying images stored in the database.

By default, this page displays in Report view. You can change the view by clicking View Icons and View Detail to the left of the Actions menu. In Report view, you can sort by column by clicking the column heading and then selecting the icons. Users can change the appearance of the report using the Actions menu. Using the Products Page

Use the Products page to edit or add products. Editing a Product

To edit or delete a product:

  1. Click Products in the navigation menu.
  2. To update a product:
    1. On the Products page, click the product name.
    2. On the Product Details page, edit the fields and click Apply Changes.
  3. To delete a product:
    1. On the Products page, click the product name.
    2. On the Product Details page, click Delete. Adding a Product

To add a new product:

  1. Click Products in the navigation menu.
  2. Click the Add Product button.
  3. On the Product Details page, edit the fields and click Add Product. Orders Page

The Orders page enables users to create, view, and edit customer orders. The Orders page is an interactive report for tracking order information. To sort by column, click the column heading and then select the appropriate sort icon. You can change the appearance of the report using the Actions menu. To edit an order, click the Order #. Using the Orders Page

Use the Orders page to edit or place orders. Editing an Order

To edit or delete an order:

  1. Click Orders in the navigation menu.
  2. To update an order:
    1. Click the Order number.
      The Order Details page appears.
    2. Edit the cells and click Apply Changes.
  3. To delete an order:
    1. Click the Order number.
      The Order Details page appears.
    2. Click the check box next to product to be deleted and click Delete. Placing an Order

To create an order:

  1. Click Orders in the navigation menu.
  2. Click the Place order button.
    The Identify Customer wizard appears.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to enter order information.
  4. Click Complete Order.

    The order confirmation page appears.

  5. Click Close. Reports Page

Access the Reports page to view information in various formats, including bar chart, pie chart, map, tree, and tags. To view a report or chart, select it. Administration Page

Use the Administration page to manage sample data, manage state codes and names, edit the defined Theme Style, and enable and manage user feedback, and view activity and performance reports.

The Administration page features the following regions:

  • Manage Sample Data - Re-create or remove sample data delivered with this application.

  • Manage States - Manage state codes and names.

  • Theme Styles - Change user interface theme styles for all users.

  • Feedback Settings - Manage if attachment should be allowed.

  • User Feedback - View a report of all submitted feedback.

  • Top Users - Displays top views aggregated by user.

  • Application Error Log - Report of errors logged by this application.

  • Page Performance - Reports of activity and performance by application page.

  • Page Views - Report of each page view by user inclusing date of access and elapsed time.