12.5 Creating Charts

You can add a chart by running a built-in wizard or creating it manually in Page Designer.

12.5.1 About Supported Charts

App Builder supports two types of charts: Charts (based on the Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit (Oracle JET) Data Visualizations) and AnyChart Charts.

App Builder supports the following charts:

  • Chart - Chart support in Oracle Application Express is based on the Oracle JET Data Visualizations. Oracle JET empowers developers by providing a modular open source toolkit based on modern JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5 design and development principles. The Oracle JET data visualization components include customizable charts, gauges, and other components that you can use to present flat or hierarchical data in a graphical display for data analysis. Each Oracle JET visualization supports animation, accessibility, responsive layout, internationalization, test automation, and a range of inter activity features. The charts provide dozens of different ways to visualize a data set, including bar, line, area, range, combination, scatter, bubble, polar, radar, pie, donut, funnel, and stock charts..

See Also:

"Working with Data Visualizations" in JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET) Developing Applications with Oracle JET.

  • AnyChart Chart - AnyChart chart support is based on a third party charting solution provided by AnyChart. This is a flexible Flash and JavaScript (HTML5) based solution that enables developers to create animated and compact interactive charts. AnyChart charts have been categorized as a legacy component and may be deprecated in the future release.

12.5.2 Sample Charts

Developers can view chart examples by installing the Sample Charts sample application.

The following is a sample chart from Sample Charts sample application.

Description of sample_charts.png follows
Description of the illustration sample_charts.png

The chart includes the following attributes:

  • Extra Y axis - Displays the title Y2 Axis Title, and associated with Shop C series of data.

  • Split Dual Y Axis - Displays two series of data, Store A and Acme Store, stacked and associated with the Y axis, and the third series of data, Shop C, associated with an extra Y axis and rendered as a separate chart below the other two series of data.

Expand the Bar Chart Information region at the bottom of the page to view information on the chart.

See Also:

"Installing a Productivity and Sample App" for more information on installing the Sample Charts application

12.5.3 Adding a Chart on a New Page Using a Local Database

Add a chart on a new page using a local database:

To add a chart on a new page:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
  2. Select an application.
  3. Click Create Page.
    The Create Page Wizard appears.
  4. For Create a Page:
    1. Page Type - Select Component and then Chart.


      Component pages provides page-level functionality and can be added multiple times within a given application such as reports, forms, charts, or calendars. Feature pages provide application-level functionality and can only be added once per application.

    2. Select select a chart type.


      If you select Gantt, you are prompted to select a Gantt chart type.

  5. For Page and Region Attributes:
    1. Page Number - Enter a page in which the chart object is to appear.
    2. Page Name - Enter a page name.
    3. Page Mode - Select a page mode.
      • Normal - The page displays as a normal Application Express application page.

      • Modal Dialog - The page displays as a modal dialog. A modal dialog is an overlay window which remains active and focused until the end user closes it. The underlying page is grayed out which prevents the end user from interacting with the rest of the page until the dialog closes.

    4. Breadcrumb - Select whether you want to use a breadcrumb navigation control on your page.
    5. Click Next.
  6. For Navigation Preference, specify the type of navigation to include on this page and click Next. The navigation options (for example, navigation menu or tabs) depends upon the current application theme.


    The steps that follow assume you selected an Oracle JET chart. If you select a non-Oracle JET chart (for example, Gantt) the steps that follow may differ. Follow the on-screen instructions.

  7. The steps that follow depend upon the Source Type: Table or SQL Query.
    • If the Source Type is Table:

      1. Location - Select Local Database.

      2. Source Type - Select Table.

      3. Table/View Owner - Select the owner of the table on which you are building the chart.

      4. Table/View Name - Select the table or view on which the chart is based.

      5. Page Items to Submit - Enter a comma separated list of page items on the current page to be set into session state when the chart data gets read with a separate request.

      6. Maximum Rows - Enter the maximum number of rows you want to use to display the chart.

      7. Click Next.

    • If the Source Type is SQL Query:

      1. Location - Select Local Database.

      2. Source Type - Select SQL Query.

      3. SQL Query - Enter the SQL SELECT statement to be used for the chart. The SQL SELECT statement must include at least two columns.

      4. Page Items to Submit - Enter a comma separated list of page items on the current page to be set into session state when the chart data gets read with a separate request.

      5. Maximum Rows - Enter the maximum number of rows you want to use to display the chart.

      6. Click Next.

  8. For Column Mapping:
    1. Select the columns to be mapped to the chart. The options that display vary depending upon the chart type selected. To learn more about an attribute, click the field-level Help.
    2. Click Next.
  9. Click Create.

12.5.4 Adding a Chart on a New Page Using External Data Sources

Run the Create Page Wizard to add a new page with a chart using an external data source.

The component(s) described in this topic include built-in support for REST Enabled SQL and Web Sources which enables read and write access to remote data sources. In order to build a component on a remote data source, you must first create the application and configure the external data source.


To learn more about external data sources, see "Managing REST Enabled SQL References" and "Managing Web Source Modules."

To add a chart on a new page using an external data source:

  1. Run the Create Page Wizard:
    1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.
    2. Click the App Builder icon.
    3. Select an application.
    4. On the Application home page, click Create Page.
      The Create Page Wizard appears.
  2. On Create a Page:
    1. Page Type - Select Component.
    2. Click Chart.
  3. For Chart Type, select a chart type.


    If you select Gantt, you are prompted to select a Gantt chart type.

  4. For Page and Region Attributes:
    1. Page Number - Enter a page in which the chart object is to appear.
    2. Page Name - Enter a page name.
    3. Page Mode - Select a page mode. Normal presents the page as a normal Application Express application page. Modal Dialog presents the page as an overlay window positioned which remains active and focused until the end user dismisses (closes) it. The underlying page is grayed out and the end user is prevented from interacting with the rest of the page until the dialog is closed.
    4. Breadcrumb - Select whether you want to use a breadcrumb navigation control on your page.
    5. Click Next.
  5. For Navigation Preference, specify the type of navigation to include on this page and click Next. The navigation options (for example, navigation menu or tabs) depends upon the current application theme.


    The steps that follow assume you selected an Oracle JET chart. If you select a non-Oracle JET chart (for example, Gantt) the steps that follow may differ. Follow the on-screen instructions.

  6. For Source, select a remote data source:
    • REST Enabled SQL Service - Data is sourced from a remote database where the connection is defined using a REST Enabled SQL service.

    • Web Source - Data is sourced from an arbitrary REST Service (Oracle or non-Oracle) using Web Source Modules.

  7. The steps that follow depend upon the Source Type: Table or SQL Query.
    • If the Source Type is Table:

      1. Source Type - Select Table.

      2. Table/View Owner - Select the owner of the table on which you are building the chart.

      3. Table/View Name - Select the table or view on which the chart is based.

      4. Page Items to Submit - Enter a comma separated list of page items on the current page to be set into session state when the chart data gets read with a separate request.

      5. Maximum Rows - Enter the maximum number of rows you want to use to display the chart.

      6. Click Next.

    • If the Source Type is SQL Query:

      1. Source Type - Select SQL Query.

      2. SQL Query - Enter the SQL SELECT statement to be used for the chart. The SQL SELECT statement must include at least two columns.

      3. Page Items to Submit - Enter a comma separated list of page items on the current page to be set into session state when the chart data gets read with a separate request.

      4. Maximum Rows - Enter the maximum number of rows you want to use to display the chart.

      5. Click Next.

  8. For Column Mapping:
    1. Select the columns to be mapped to the chart. The options that display vary depending upon the chart type selected. To learn more about an attribute, click the field-level Help.
    2. Click Next.
  9. Click Create.

12.5.5 Adding a Chart in Page Designer

Add a chart by creating it manually in Page Designer.

To add a chart to an existing page in Page Designer:

  1. View the page to contain the chart in Page Designer.
  2. In the Gallery at the bottom of the central pane, click Regions and locate Chart.

    The Gallery lists all controls or components you can add to a page. Passing the cursor over a control or component displays a tooltip that describes it.

  3. From the Gallery, right-click Chart to view a context menu. Select Add To and then the desired location.


    You can also click Chart in the Gallery and drag it to the appropriate location in the Layout tab.

    Page Designer indicates what actions are required next. If there is an error, the Show Messages icon displays next to the Save button. Click the Show Messages icon to view a dialog listing all the errors. Select an error to highlight the associated attribute in the Property Editor.

  4. Edit the required attributes.


    To learn more about an attribute, select the attribute in the Property Editor and click the Help tab in the central pane.

  5. (Optional) Select the location of the database you want to use. Options include:
    • Local Database - Data is sourced from a local database. (This location is selected by default.)
    • Remote Database - Data is sourced from a remote database, where the connection is defined using REST Enabled SQL Reference.
    • Web Source - Data is sourced from a RESTful web service defined using Web Source Modules.
  6. Edit the chart attributes:
    1. In the Rendering tab, select the Attributes node.

      The Property Editor displays Attributes.

    2. Edit the required chart attributes.
  7. Edit the series:
    1. In the Rendering tab, select the Series node.

      The Property Editor displays Series.

    2. Enter the series SQL query and define its associated column mappings for the chosen chart type.
  8. Edit the axes:


    The Axes node only displays for chart types that support axes (such as area, bar, bubble, combination, line, line with area, polar, radar, range, scatter, and stock).

    1. In the Rendering tab, select the Axis node.

      The Property Editor displays Axis.

    2. Edit the required axis attributes and define any data formatting to be applied to the axis values.
  9. Click Save or Save and Run Page.

12.5.6 Managing Charts

You can alter how a chart displays by editing chart attributes in Page Designer. Editing Chart Attributes

To edit chart attributes:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the left pane, locate the chart in the Rendering tab.
  3. Under the chart, select the Attributes node.

    Property Editor displays chart Attributes. Attributes are organized in groups.

  4. To find a group or attribute:
    • Search for the group or attribute - Enter keywords in the Filter Properties field. The Property Editor displays the group or attributes. To return to the default display, delete the keywords.

    • Use Go to Group - Click Go to Group and select the group. To return the default display, click Go to Group again and select Expand All.

  5. Edit the chart attributes.
  6. Click Save. Switching Chart Type

Once you create a chart, you can switch its chart type by editing chart attributes.

To switch a chart type:

  1. View the page to contain the chart in Page Designer.
  2. In the Rendering tab, select the Attributes node.

    Property Editor - Attributes appears.

  3. To find a group or attribute:
    • Search for the group or attribute - Enter keywords in the Filter Properties field. The Property Editor displays the group or attributes. To return to the default display, delete the keywords.

    • Use Go to Group - Click Go to Group and select the group. To return the default display, click Go to Group again and select Expand All.

  4. Find Chart section.
  5. For Type, select the chart type you want to switch to. For example, Combination.

    To learn more about an attribute, see field-level Help.

  6. In the Rendering tab, select the Series node

    Property Editor - Series appears.

    1. Ensure all required Column Mapping columns have been defined.


      Column mappings may differ for different chart types, so you must ensure all required column mappings are defined for the selected chart type.

    2. For Type, select the chart series type. For example, Bar Range.


      Only certain chart types support combining different types of series on the same data plot. The Series Type attribute will only be visible for chart types combination, polar, radar, and range.

  7. Click Save or Save and Run Page. Enabling Automatic Refresh

Charts can monitor information by enabling the Automatic Refresh attribute on the Chart attributes page, or using a dynamic action with the Refresh action. Enabling the Automatic Refresh Attribute

Enabling the Automatic Refresh attribute updates the chart to reflect changes in the underlying data within a specified time interval.

To enable automatic refresh updates:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the chart and select the Attributes node
    The attributes display in the Property Editor.
  3. Find Automatic Refresh.
  4. For Automatic Refresh, select On.
  5. Click Save . Creating a Refresh Dynamic Action

To create a Refresh dynamic action:

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. Click the Dynamic Actions tab in the left pane.
  3. Under Dynamic Actions, right-click Events and select Create Dynamic Action.

    Page Designer indicates what actions are required next. If there is an error, a Messages icon displays next to the Save button. Click the Messages icon to view a dialog listing all the errors. Select an error to highlight the associated attribute in the Property Editor.

  4. In the Property Editor, edit the following Dynamic Action attributes:


    To learn more about an attribute, select the attribute in the Property Editor and click the Help tab in the center pane.

    1. Identification, Name - Enter a name of the dynamic action.

    2. Execution Options, Sequence - Specify the sequence for this component. The sequence determines the order of evaluation.

    3. When, Event - Specify the event that causes the dynamic action to fire.

    4. When, Selection Type - Select the type of page element or construct to be used to trigger the event. For examples, select the attribute in the Property Editor and click the Help tab in the center pane.

  5. In the Rendering tab, select the first action under True:
    1. Action - Select Refresh.

    2. Selection Type - Select Region.

    3. Region - Select the region containing the chart.

  6. Click Save.

12.5.7 Using Custom JavaScript with Charts

Control the look and feel of a chart by adding custom JavaScript.

To use custom JavaScript:


The Sample Charts application contains a number of examples of using custom JavaScript with chart. See "Installing a Productivity and Sample App" for more information on installing sample applications.

  1. View the page in Page Designer:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. Select an application.
    3. Select a page.
    Page Designer appears.
  2. In the Rendering tab, locate the region containing the chart and select the Attributes node.
    The Property Editor displays attributes for the page. Attributes are organized in groups.
  3. To find a group or attribute:
    • Search for the group or attribute - Enter keywords in the Filter Properties field. The Property Editor displays the group or attributes. To return to the default display, delete the keywords.

    • Use Go to Group - Click Go to Group and select the group. To return the default display, click Go to Group again and select Expand All.

  4. Find Advanced.
  5. In JavaScript Code, enter the code to customise your chart.

    For example:

    function( options ){
        // Setup a callback function which gets called 
       // when data is retrieved, it allows to manipulate the series
        options.dataFilter = function( data ) {
            // e.g Set the first series of chart to the colour red
            data.series[ 0 ].color = "red";
        // Set chart initialization options
        // e.g. Set chart type to Line
        options.type = "line";
        return options;
  6. Click Save.


    For more information on supported chart options, see "ojChart" in JSDoc pages for the Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET).