9.1 Creating a Report Using the Create Application Wizard

Run the Create Application Wizard to create a new application containing one or more pages. Supported report pages include cards, faceted search, interactive grid, interactive report, and classic report.

9.1.1 Report Options When Running the Create Application Wizard

Learn about supported report options available when running the Create Application Wizard.

Available Reports When Creating Applications

The Create Application Wizard supports the following report types.

Table 9-1 Create Application Wizard - Available Reports

Report Type Description


A cards page consists of individual boxes, which resemble index cards, laid out on a page. Each card displays three pieces of information: Card Title, Description Column, and Additional Text Column. First, you select a table or view on which to build the page. Second, you select the Card Title, Description Column, and Additional Text Column.

See Also:

Faceted Search

Creates a faceted search region and report. First, you select a report type (Report or Cards). Second, you select the Table or View on which to build the faceted search region and report.

If you select a Table, facets are auto discovered using APEX Data Dictionary Cache. If you select a View, facets are not auto-discovered. Developers can create the faceted report page based on a View, but the facets region will only contain a search field, which searches the VARCHAR2 columns.

See Also:

Interactive Grid

An interactive grid presents users a set of data in a searchable, customizable report. Functionally, an interactive grid includes most customization capabilities available in interactive reports plus the ability to rearrange the report interactively using the mouse.

First, you select a page source (that is, Table or View or SQL Query). Second, you determine if the interactive grid is editable by selecting Allow Editing or Read Only.

If you select Allow Editing, users can add to, modify, and refresh the data set directly on the page. Functionally, an interactive grid includes most customization capabilities available in interactive reports plus the ability to rearrange the report interactively using the mouse or keyboard. You choose a table on which to build the interactive grid.

See Also:

Interactive Report

Creates a page that contains the formatted result of a SQL query. First, you select a page source (that is, Table or View or SQL Query). Second, you select a report type,Interactive Report. To include a form page for creating or updating records, select Include Form.

Select Include Form to include a form page for creating or updating records.

If the report is based on table which has a foreign key constraints to another table, the developer can also define Lookup Columns. Use Lookup Columns to replace identifiers with a display column, such as showing the department name instead of the department number.

See Also:

Multiple Reports

Creates mutlitple report pages containing an interactive report with form. For each page, you choose a table on which to build the interactive report with form. Click Edit to change the default options (such as providing a custom SQL Query), specifying another report type (such as, selectingClassic Report instead of Interactive Report).

Select Include Form to include a form page for creating or updating records.

See Also:

Classic Report

Creates a page that contains the formatted result of a SQL query. First, you select a page source (that is, Table or View or SQL Query). Second, you select the report type Classic Report). To include a form page for creating or updating records, select Include Form.

If the report is based on table which has a foreign key constraints to another table, the developer can also define Lookup Columns. Use Lookup Columns to replace identifiers with a display column, such as showing the department name instead of the department number.

See Also: