5.2 Creating a Database Application Based on a Table or Query

Run the Create Application Wizard and select New Application to create a database application containing multiple pages based on a table you select, or by providing a valid SQL query.

5.2.1 Running the Create Application Wizard in App Builder

Run the Create Application Wizard in App Builder from either the App Builder menu, or by clicking the Create button on the App Builder home page.

You can run the Create Application Wizard in App Builder in two ways:

  1. Access the Create Application Wizard:
    • From the App Builder menu:

      • Click the App Builder menu at the top of the page and click Create.

      • On the Create an Application page, click New Application.

    • From the App Builder home page:

      • On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.

      • Click the Create button.

      • On the Create an Application page, click New Application.

  2. Use the Create Application Wizard.

5.2.2 Using the Create Application Wizard

Use the Create Application Wizard to create a database application containing multiple pages based on the tables you select, or by providing valid SQL queries.

To use the Create Application Wizard:

  1. Access the Create Application Wizard.

    The Create an Application page appears.

  2. For Name, enter the name used to identify the application to developers.
  3. For Appearance, accept the default or click Set Appearance to change it.

    In the Appearance dialog, configure the following:

    • Theme Style - Select the default theme style used to display the application.


      You can change the style to another pre-defined style, or modify it post generation. To change the style run the application and then click Theme Roller in the Developer toolbar.
    • Navigation - Select a type of navigation menu. Options include:

      • Side Menu - Renders a navigation tree on the side of the screen that can be collapsed when not in use.

      • Top Menu - Renders the navigation as a menu bar in the application header.

      • Mega Menu - Renders the navigation in an collapsible floating panel that displays all navigation items at once.

    • Application Icon - Click Choose New Icon to change the icon. Your selection displays on the home page of the application.

    • Click Save Changes.

  4. To add a page, click Add Page and select the desired page type. The user interface changes based on the selected page type.

    Pages you create display under Pages.

    You can edit existing pages as follows:

    • Change the page order. To change the order in which pages appear in your application, click and hold the Drag to reorder page icon and drag and drop it to a new location in the list.

      The Home page always displays first and cannot be reordered. For administrative pages, the page order dictates the order they appear in the Application Administration list on the Administration page.

    • Edit a page. To edit a page click Edit. In the dialog, edit the attributes and click Save Changes.

    • Delete a page. To delete a page, click Edit and the click Delete .

  5. For Features, select features to include with your application.

    Features provide application-level functionality and can only be added once per application. To learn more, see Help. Click the Check All button to select all features.

  6. For Settings:
    1. Application ID - Enter a unique, numeric identifier for your application. This field contains an automatically generated identifier by default. Application IDs between 3000 to 9000 are reserved for internal use by Oracle Application Express.
    2. Schema - Select the database schema which stores the database objects you want to use in this application. Each application obtains its privileges by parsing all SQL as a specific database schema.
    3. Languages - The primary language used in the app. To change the primary language, click the Select Languages icon.
    4. Authentication - Select how you want users to authenticate into your application..
    5. Advanced Settings - Click the icon adjacent to the Advanced Settings to edit the application definition settings and preferences and security and globalization attributes. To learn more, see Help.
    6. User Interface Defaults - Click the icon to apply User Interface Defaults to this application.
  7. Click Create Application.