2 Known Issues for AutoML UI

Learn about the issues you may encounter when using the Automated Machine Learning UI (AutoML UI) feature in Oracle Machine Learning on Autonomous Database and how to work around them.

2.1 Deleted Workspace Remains in the Manage Workspace Dialog Initially

After you delete a workspace in the Manage Workspace dialog, the deleted workspace still remains in the dialog. You must close the Manage Workspace dialog, and open it again to see the refreshed list without the deleted workspace.

2.2 Entries to Projects and Workspace are Reflected after Session is Refreshed

Edits done to project and workspaces in the Select Project or Manage Workspace dialogs are not reflected immediately. The edits are reflected after you refresh the page.

2.3 Resize your Database to Handle Large Data

AutoML UI experiments with very large data may not work correctly if the database is not sufficiently sized. The status is displayed as Failed or Stopped for a specific failed stage. The detailed information about experiment stage failures is not available at this point in time.


  • Increase the compute resource on Compute Resources page. See Oracle Resources.
  • Use Medium or High Resource Service Level for an experiment with large data.

2.4 AutoML UI Experiments and Maximum Run Duration Setting

AutoML UI experiments may run past the time entered in the Maximum Run Duration setting.


Use Medium or High Resource Service Level for an experiment with large data.

2.5 Incorrect Status of Experiments may be Displayed if an Experiment is Stopped Manually

If you stop an experiment manually while it is running, then the status of the experiment may be displayed incorrectly in the detailed progress dialog.