B Configuring OCI and JDBC Applications for Column Authorization

B.1 About Using OCI to Retrieve Column Authorization Indicators

Oracle Call Interface (OCI) applications can access database tables that have data security policies enabled and then test columns for authorization indicators.

  • If the column is determined to be unauthorized to the user, a null column value is returned to the user with indicator "unauthorized".

  • If the column authorization cannot be determined, the evaluated column (or column expression) value will be returned to the user along with the indicator "unknown." If any of the underlying table columns involved in the top column expression evaluation is unauthorized, the authorization indicator can be "unknown" and a null value will be used as the underlying column value for expression valuation.

  • If the column is determined as authorized to the user, the evaluated column value and indicator will be returned to the user without authorization indicator.

The OCI return code is to communicate column authorization information to the user. To obtain the authorization information for a column, you must provide a return-code buffer when the column buffer is bound or defined. After the column data is returned to the user buffer, you can check the return code associated with the column for authorization information. The column authorization indicator is applicable to define variables or out-bind variables defined by the application. The return code buffer does not have to be provided if the application is not retrieving the column authorization indicator.

B.1.1 Example of Obtaining the Return Code

The following return codes are used to find the column authorizations:

  • ORA-24530: column value is unauthorized to the user

  • ORA-24531: column value authorization is unknown

  • ORA-24536: column authorization unknown

If the unknown value authorization indicator (ORA-24531) is returned for any column, the OCI function status will be OCI_SUCCESS_WITHINFO and the error ORA-24536 will be returned in the error handle as warning. To suppress the warning, the application can set attribute, OCI_ATTR_NO_COLUMN_AUTH_WARNING to TRUE in the statement handle before fetching:

 no_warning = TRUE;
 OCIAttrSet(stmthp, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, (void *)&no_warning, 0,
            OCI_ATTR_NO_COLUMN_AUTH_WARNING, errhp);

The default boolean value of OCI_ATTR_NO_COLUMN_AUTH_WARNING is FALSE.

Example B-1 shows OCI code that retrieves the return codes.

Example B-1 Retrieving Return Codes from OCI for a Column Authorization

OCIDefineByPos(stmthp, &dfnhp, errhp,  1, (void *)data_bufp,  (sb4)data_bufl,
               data_typ, (void *)&data_ind, (ub2 *)&data_rlen, 
               (ub2 *)&data_rcode, (ub4)OCI_DEFAULT);
status = OCIStmtFetch(stmthp, errhp, 1, OCI_FETCH_NEXT, OCI_DEFAULT);
if (data_rcode == 24530)
    printf("column value not authorized, indicator=%d\n", data_ind);
else if (data_rcode == 24531)
         printf("column value authorization unknown, indicator=%d\n", data_ind);
else  {
       printf("column value authorized, indicator=%d\n", data_ind);
       /* process column data */

B.1.2 About Using the Return Code and Indicator with Authorization Indicator

To access tables with column security, you should access the return code at least when the column is bound or defined. If the return code is not accessed, the application needs to know if the column value is authorized with other means so that it can correctly interpret the indicator and the value.

You should also provide the indicator for the bind or define if column security is enabled. If the indicator is not provided and the column value is not authorized or unknown, Oracle Database returns error ORA-1405.

If column value authorization is unknown, the authorization indicator (for ORA-24531) will take precedence over the regular return codes that may otherwise be returned to the user. For example, column null fetch (ORA-1405) and column truncation (ORA-1406) may occur at the same time when a non-null column value is returned along with unknown authorization indicator. In that case, the application gets ORA-24531 as the return code for this column, instead of getting ORA-1405 or ORA-1406. Hence the application should not rely on column return code ORA-1405 or ORA-1406 to find the exact column that is null fetched or truncated.

Table B-1 and Table B-2 summarizes the behavior of the authorization indicator, return code, indicator, and return status.

B.1.3 About the Warning for Unknown Authorization Indicator

If the unknown authorization indicator (ORA-24531) is returned for any column, an OCI warning is returned to the application, that is, the OCI function status will be OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, instead of OCI_SUCCESS. At the same time, ORA-24536 will be set in the error handle returned to the application.You must check this warning, examine the SQL being executed, and take appropriate action. The error ORA-24536 takes precedence over the error that is returned when the column is authorized or column security is not enabled.

If a column value is unauthorized or authorized, the OCI function status code will not be changed.

By default the column authorization warning is turned on for unknown authorizations. The application should be designed to handle the error. If the application is prepared for column security and wants to ignore any unknown authorization indicator, the OCI warning can be turned off by setting the OCI attribute, OCI_ATTR_NO_COLUMN_AUTH_WARNING to TRUE in the OCI statement handle before the column value is fetched.

Table B-1 describes the default authorization behavior for OCI return indicators.

Table B-1 Authorization Indicator Behavior (By Default)

Column Authorization Column Value IND ProvidedRC Provided IND Not ProvidedRC Provided IND ProvidedRC Not Provided IND Not ProvidedRC Not Provided




Error = 0

IND = -1

RC = 24530


Error = 1405


RC = 24530


Error = 0

IND = -1

RC = N/A


Error = 1405


RC = N/A




Error = 24536 (0)

IND = -1

RC = 24531 (0)


Error = 24536 (1405)


RC = 24531 (1405)


Error = 24536 (0)

IND = -1

RC = N/A


Error = 24536 (1405)


RC = N/A


Not Null and Not Truncated


Error = 24536 (0)

IND = 0

RC = 24531 (0)


Error = 24536 (0)


RC = 24531 (0)


Error = 24536 (0)

IND = 0

RC = N/A


Error = 24536 (0)


RC = N/A


Not Null and Truncated


Error = 24536 (24345)

IND = data_len

RC = 24531 (1406)


Error = 24536 (24345)


RC = 24531 (1406)


Error = 24536 (1406)

IND = data_len

RC = N/A


Error = 24536 (1406)


RC = N/A

See Also:

Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide Table 2-4 shows the default fetch behavior without column security

Table B-2 describes the default behavior when the OCI_ATTR_NO_AUTH_WARNING parameter is set to TRUE.

Table B-2 Authorization Indicator Behavior (By Default) - OCI_ATTR_NO_AUTH_WARNING=TRUE

Column Authorization Column Value IND ProvidedRC Provided IND Not ProvidedRC Provided IND ProvidedRC Not Provided IND Not ProvidedRC Not Provided



Error = 0

IND = -1

RC = 24531 (0)

Error = 1405


RC = 24531 (1405)

Error = 0

IND = -1

RC = N/A)

Error = 1405


RC = N/A


Not Null and Not Truncated

Error = 0

IND = 0

RC = 24531 (0)

Error = 0


RC = 24531 (0)

Error = 0

IND = 0

RC = N/A

Error = 0


RC = N/A


Not Null and Truncated


Error = 24345

IND = data_len

RC = 24531 (1406)


Error = 24345


RC = 24531 (1406)

Error = 1406

IND = data_len

RC = N/A)

Error = 1406


RC = N/A

B.1.4 Using OCI Describe for Column Security

The OCIDescribeAny() function enables an explicit describe of schema objects. Applications sometimes need to know if a column is protected by a column constraint before fetching data. You can use this information to guide the application to process the data and indicators. This is especially useful to applications that handle dynamic SQL. The attribute OCI_ATTR_XDS_POLICY_STATUS for the OCI parameter handle is of data type ub4 and has the following possible values:

  • OCI_XDS_POLICY_NONE: No XDS policy for the column or the policy is not enabled

  • OCI_XDS_POLICY_ENABLED: policy is enabled for the column

  • OCI_XDS_POLICY_UNKNOWN: policy unknown

If the column status is OCI_XDS_POLICY_NONE, then the column values will always be "authorized." If the column status is OCI_XDS_POLICY_ENABLED, then the column values will be either "authorized" or "unauthorized." If the column status is OCI_XDS_POLICY_UNKNOWN, the column value authorization will always be "unknown."

Example B-2 shows how to use the OCIDescribeAny() function to perform an explicit describe on a set of schema objects.

Example B-2 Using the OCIDescribeAny Function to Enable an Explicit Describe

void desc_explicit()
  const char *table = "col_sec_tab";
  ub4 pos;
  ub2 numcol;
  OCIParam *paramh;
  OCIParam *collst;
  OCIParam *col;
  ub4 colnamelen, colseclen;
  ub1 colname[20];
  ub1 *colnm;
  ub4 colsec;
  ub4 tablen = strlen((char *)table);
  checkerr(errhp, OCIDescribeAny(svchp, errhp, (dvoid *)table, tablen,
                                 OCI_OTYPE_NAME, 0, OCI_PTYPE_TABLE, deschp));
  checkerr(errhp, OCIAttrGet(deschp, OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE, &paramh, 0,
                             OCI_ATTR_PARAM, errhp));
  checkerr(errhp, OCIAttrGet(paramh, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, &numcol, 0,
                             OCI_ATTR_NUM_COLS, errhp));
  checkerr(errhp, OCIAttrGet(paramh, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, &collst, 0,
                             OCI_ATTR_LIST_COLUMNS, errhp));
  printf("Number of columns = %d\n\n", numcol);
  printf(" Column No   Column Name   Column Security\n");
  printf(" ---------   -----------   ---------------\n\n");
  for (pos = 1; (ub4) pos <= numcol; pos++)
    checkerr(errhp, OCIParamGet (collst, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, errhp,
                                 (dvoid **)&col, pos));
    checkerr(errhp, OCIAttrGet ((dvoid *)col, (ub4) OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
                                (dvoid **)&colnm, (ub4 *) &colnamelen,
                                (ub4) OCI_ATTR_NAME, errhp));
    memset (colname, ' ', 20);
    strncpy((char *)colname, (char *)colnm, colnamelen);
    colname[10] = '\0';
    checkerr(errhp, OCIAttrGet ((dvoid *)col, (ub4) OCI_DTYPE_PARAM,
                                (dvoid **)&colsec, (ub4 *) &colseclen,
                                (ub4) OCI_ATTR_XDS_POLICY_STATUS, errhp));
    printf("    %d         %s     %s\n", pos, colname,
                           ((colsec == OCI_XDS_POLICY_ENABLED) ? "ENABLED" :
                           ((colsec == OCI_XDS_POLICY_NONE)   ?  "NONE"    :
                           ((colsec == OCI_XDS_POLICY_UNKNOWN) ? "UNKNOWN" :

B.2 About Using JDBC to Retrieve Column Authorization Indicators

JDBC applications can access database tables that have data security policies enabled, and test columns for authorization indicators. You can use the JDBC APIs described in this section to check the security attributes and user authorization for a table column.

B.2.1 About Checking Security Attributes for a Table Column

The getSecurityAttribute method of the oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSetMetaData interface enables you to check the data security policy attribute for a column. The security attribute has the following definition:

public static enum SecurityAttribute

SecurityAttribute can have the following values:

  • NONE implies that no column data security policy is enabled for the column. This means that the column either does not have a policy applied to it, or the policy is not enabled.

  • ENABLED implies that column data security policy is enabled for the column.

  • UNKNOWN implies that the column data security policy for the column is unknown. This could happen, for example, if the column is a union of two columns but only one of the columns has data security attributes.

The getSecurityAttribute method has the following signature:

public SecurityAttribute getSecurityAttribute(int indexOfColumnInResultSet) throws SQLException;

The getSecurityAttribute method returns the SecurityAttribute value for the column.

See Also:

Example B-3 for an example of using the getSecurityAttribute method

B.2.2 About Checking User Authorization for a Table Column

The getAuthorizationIndicator method of the oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet interface enables you to check the AuthorizationIndicator attribute for a column. The AuthorizationIndicator attribute has the following definition:

public static enum AuthorizationIndicator

AuthorizationIndicator can have the following values:

  • NONE implies that access to column data is authorized. The user might have explicit authorization or the column could be lacking security attributes.

  • UNAUTHORIZED implies that access to column data is not authorized.

    When the column value is retrieved, the authorization indicator is evaluated based on the enabled column constraint policy for the column. If the user is not authorized to access the column value, a NULL value is returned to the application along with the authentication indicator, AuthorizationIndicator.UNAUTHORIZED.

    If there is a column expression involving the unauthorized base column, the evaluated value is returned to the application along with the AuthorizationIndicator.UNAUTHORIZED indicator. The application should examine the authorization indicator before interpreting the returned data.

  • UNKNOWN implies that the authorization indicator cannot be determined.

    Sometimes, the server fails to determine the authorization indicator for a SELECT item due to functionality limitations or performance constrains. This can happen if the query involves a column expression, for example, and the server is unable to compute whether the top operator is supposed to be authorized. In such a scenario, the server returns the authorization indicator, AuthorizationIndicator.UNKNOWN to the application. The returned value can be NULL or not NULL depending on how the column expression operates on the underlying column value.

    If the application sees an UNKNOWN authorization indictor, it should determine whether or not the returned value should be accessed. If the query and its column expressions are designed to handle unauthorized NULL values from the underlying columns, then the application can use the returned value. Otherwise the application may have to take appropriate actions for the returned value.

The getAuthorizationIndicator method has the following forms:

 * Accepts the column index number as an argument and retrieves the corresponding column security AuthorizationIndicator value
public AuthorizationIndicator getAuthorizationIndicator(int columnIndex) throws SQLException;

 * Accepts the column name as a string and retrieves the column security AuthorizationIndicator value
public AuthorizationIndicator getAuthorizationIndicator(String columnName)throws SQLException;


  • The preceding methods throw a SQLException if the index specified in the argument is invalid.

  • If a column is masked, the JDBC user sees it as a NULL value. An exception is not thrown for this.

See Also:

Example B-3 for an example of using the getAuthorizationIndicator method

B.2.3 Example of Checking Security Attributes and User Authorization

Example B-3 illustrates the use of the getSecurityAttribute and getAuthorization methods to check security attributes and user authorization. The program uses the sample EMP table to illustrate the procedure.

The EMP table is configured as follows:

Column No. Column Title Security Attribute



No security attribute



Active security



No security attribute



Active security



Unknown security attribute



Active security



No security attribute



Active security

The program performs the following actions:

  1. Selects rows from the EMP table
  2. Uses the getSecurityAttribute method to extract the security setting for each column in the result set. It prints these as column headings
  3. Uses the getAuthorizationIndicator method to check the user authorization for returned column values. The program prints these values and formats them as follows:

    An unauthorized value that is returned as NULL is represented by four asterisk characters (****).

Example B-3 Check Security Attributes and User Authorization

PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM EMP");
  ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
  OracleResultSetMetaData metaData = 
  int nbOfColumns = metaData.getColumnCount();
  OracleResultSetMetaData.SecurityAttribute[] columnSecurity
    = new OracleResultSetMetaData.SecurityAttribute[nbOfColumns];
  // display which columns are protected:
  for(int i=0;i<nbOfColumns;i++)
    columnSecurity[i] = metaData.getSecurityAttribute(i+1);
    for(int colIndex=0;colIndex<nbOfColumns;colIndex++)
      OracleResultSet.AuthorizationIndicator visibility
        = ((OracleResultSet)rs).getAuthorizationIndicator(colIndex+1);
      if(visibility == OracleResultSet.AuthorizationIndicator.UNAUTHORIZED)

The program generates the following output:

7369   SMITH     CLERK      7902      1980-12-17   ****      null   20  
7499   ALLEN     SALESMAN   7698      1981-02-20   ****      300    30  
7521   WARD      SALESMAN   7698      1981-02-22   ****      500    30
7566   JONES     MANAGER    7839      1981-04-02   ****      null   20  
7654   MARTIN    SALESMAN   7698      1981-09-28   ****      1400   30  
7698   BLAKE     MANAGER    7839      1981-05-01   ****      null   30  
7782   CLARK     MANAGER    7839      1981-06-09   ****      null   10  
7788   SCOTT     ANALYST    7566      1987-04-19   ****      null   20  
7839   KING      PRESIDENT  null      1981-11-17   ****      null   10  
7844   TURNER    SALESMAN   7698      1981-09-08   ****      0      30  
7876   ADAMS     CLERK      7788      1987-05-23   ****      null   20  
7900   JAMES     CLERK      7698      1981-12-03   ****      null   30  
7902   FORD      ANALYST    7566      1981-12-03   ****      null   20  
7934   MILLER    CLERK      7782      1982-01-23   ****      null   10