5.3 Controlling the Validity and Visibility of Data in Oracle Database
You can control the validity and visibility of data in Oracle Database with In-Database Archiving and Temporal Validity.
This section contains the following topics:
5.3.1 Using In-Database Archiving
In-Database Archiving enables you to archive rows within a table by marking them as inactive.
These inactive rows are in the database and can be optimized using compression, but are not visible to an application. The data in these rows is available for compliance purposes if needed by setting a session parameter.
With In-Database Archiving you can store more data for a longer period of time within a single database, without compromising application performance. Archived data can be compressed to help improve backup performance, and updates to archived data can be deferred during application upgrades to improve the performance of upgrades.
To manage In-Database Archiving for a table, you must enable ROW
for the table and manipulate the ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE
hidden column of the table. Optionally, you specify either ACTIVE
or ALL
for the ROW
session parameter.
For example, you can use the SQL statements similar to those in Example 5-10 to hide or show rows in a table. The purpose is to display only active data in most situations, but to maintain all data in case it is needed in specific situations.
See Also:
Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for information about using SQL statements to manage In-Database Archiving features
Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for information about the
function in theDBMS_ILM
Live SQL:
View and run a related example on Oracle Live SQL at Oracle Live SQL: Using In-Database Archiving Example.
Example 5-10 Using In-Database Archiving
/* Set visibility to ACTIVE to display only active rows of a table.*/ ALTER SESSION SET ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY = ACTIVE; CREATE TABLE employees_indbarch (employee_id NUMBER(6) NOT NULL, first_name VARCHAR2(20), last_name VARCHAR2(25) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR2(25) NOT NULL, phone_number VARCHAR2(20), hire_date DATE NOT NULL, job_id VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL, salary NUMBER(8,2), commission_pct NUMBER(2,2), manager_id NUMBER(6), department_id NUMBER(4)) ROW ARCHIVAL; /* Show all the columns in the table, including hidden columns */ SELECT SUBSTR(COLUMN_NAME,1,22) NAME, SUBSTR(DATA_TYPE,1,20) DATA_TYPE, COLUMN_ID AS COL_ID, SEGMENT_COLUMN_ID AS SEG_COL_ID, INTERNAL_COLUMN_ID AS INT_COL_ID, HIDDEN_COLUMN, CHAR_LENGTH FROM USER_TAB_COLS WHERE TABLE_NAME='EMPLOYEES_INDBARCH'; NAME DATA_TYPE COL_ID SEG_COL_ID INT_COL_ID HID CHAR_LENGTH ---------------------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- ----------- ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE VARCHAR2 1 1 YES 4000 EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER 1 2 2 NO 0 FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2 2 3 3 NO 20 LAST_NAME VARCHAR2 3 4 4 NO 25 EMAIL VARCHAR2 4 5 5 NO 25 PHONE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 5 6 6 NO 20 HIRE_DATE DATE 6 7 7 NO 0 JOB_ID VARCHAR2 7 8 8 NO 10 SALARY NUMBER 8 9 9 NO 0 COMMISSION_PCT NUMBER 9 10 10 NO 0 MANAGER_ID NUMBER 10 11 11 NO 0 DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER 11 12 12 NO 0 /* Insert some data into the table */ INSERT INTO employees_indbarch(employee_id, first_name, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, manager_id, department_id) VALUES (251, 'Scott', 'Tiger', 'scott.tiger@example.com', '21-MAY-2009', 'IT_PROG', 50000, 103, 60); INSERT INTO employees_indbarch(employee_id, first_name, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, manager_id, department_id) VALUES (252, 'Jane', 'Lion', 'jane.lion@example.com', '11-JUN-2009', 'IT_PROG', 50000, 103, 60); /* Decrease the ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column size to improve formatting in queries */ COLUMN ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE FORMAT a18; /* The default value for ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE is '0', which means active */ SELECT employee_id, ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE FROM employees_indbarch; EMPLOYEE_ID ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE ----------- ------------------ 251 0 252 0 /* Insert a value into ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE to set the record to inactive status*/ UPDATE employees_indbarch SET ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE = '1' WHERE employee_id = 252; /* Only active records are in the following query */ SELECT employee_id, ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE FROM employees_indbarch; EMPLOYEE_ID ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE ----------- ------------------ 251 0 /* Set visibility to ALL to display all records */ ALTER SESSION SET ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY = ALL; SELECT employee_id, ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE FROM employees_indbarch; EMPLOYEE_ID ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE ----------- ------------------ 251 0 252 1
5.3.2 Using Temporal Validity
Temporal Validity enables you to track time periods for real world validity. Valid times can be set by users and applications for data, and data can be selected by a specified valid time, or a valid time range.
Applications often note the validity (or effectivity) of a fact recorded in a database with dates or timestamps that are relevant to the management of a business. For example, the hire-date of an employee in a human resources (HR) application, which determines the effective date of coverage in the insurance industry, is a valid date. This date is in contrast to the date or time at which the employee record was entered in the database. The former temporal attribute (hire-date) is called the valid time (VT) while the latter (date entered into the database) is called the transaction time (TT). While the valid time is usually controlled by the user, the transaction-time is system-managed.
For ILM, the valid time attributes can signify when a fact is valid in the business world and when it is not. Using valid time attributes, a query could just show rows that are currently valid, while not showing rows that contains facts that are not currently valid, such as a closed order or a future hire.
Concepts that are integral to valid time temporal modeling include:
Valid time
This is a user-defined representation of time. Examples of a valid time include project start and finish dates, and employee hire and termination dates.
Tables with valid-time semantics
These tables have one or more dimensions of user-defined time, each of which has a start and an end.
Valid-time flashback queries
This is the ability to do as-of and versions queries using a valid-time dimension.
A valid-time period consists of two date-time columns specified in the table definition. You can add a valid-time period by explicitly adding columns, or the columns can be created automatically. A valid-time period can be added during the create table or alter table process.
To support session level visibility control for temporal table queries, the DBMS_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE
PL/SQL package provides the ENABLE_AT_VALID_TIME
procedure. To execute the procedure, you need the required system and object privileges.
The following PL/SQL procedure sets the valid time visibility as of the given time.
SQL> EXECUTE DBMS_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE.enable_at_valid_time ('ASOF', '31-DEC-12 12.00.01 PM');
The following PL/SQL procedure sets the visibility of temporal data to currently valid data within the valid time period at the session level.
The following procedure sets the visibility of temporal data to the full table, which is the default temporal table visibility.
See Also:
Oracle Database Development Guide for information about Oracle Temporal
Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for information about the
package -
Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for information about using the
to initiate valid-time temporal modeling -
Oracle Database Reference for information about views used to monitor table information
5.3.3 Creating a Table With Temporal Validity
The example in this topic shows how to create a table with temporal validity.
Example 5-11 shows the use of temporal validity.
Live SQL:
View and run a related example on Oracle Live SQL at Oracle Live SQL: Creating a Table with Temporal Validity.
Example 5-11 Creating a table with temporal validity
/* Create a time with an employee tracking timestamp */ /* using the specified columns*/ CREATE TABLE employees_temp ( employee_id NUMBER(6) NOT NULL, first_name VARCHAR2(20), last_name VARCHAR2(25) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR2(25) NOT NULL, phone_number VARCHAR2(20), hire_date DATE NOT NULL, job_id VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL, salary NUMBER(8,2), commission_pct NUMBER(2,2), manager_id NUMBER(6), department_id NUMBER(4), PERIOD FOR emp_track_time); DESCRIBE employees_temp Name Null? Type ------------------------------------------------------- -------- --------------- EMPLOYEE_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(6) FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(20) LAST_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(25) EMAIL NOT NULL VARCHAR2(25) PHONE_NUMBER VARCHAR2(20) HIRE_DATE NOT NULL DATE JOB_ID NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10) SALARY NUMBER(8,2) COMMISSION_PCT NUMBER(2,2) MANAGER_ID NUMBER(6) DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER(4) SQL> SELECT SUBSTR(COLUMN_NAME,1,22) NAME, SUBSTR(DATA_TYPE,1,28) DATA_TYPE, COLUMN_ID AS COL_ID, SEGMENT_COLUMN_ID AS SEG_COL_ID, INTERNAL_COLUMN_ID AS INT_COL_ID, HIDDEN_COLUMN FROM USER_TAB_COLS WHERE TABLE_NAME='EMPLOYEES_TEMP'; NAME DATA_TYPE COL_ID SEG_COL_ID INT_COL_ID HID ---------------------- ---------------------------- ------ ---------- ---------- --- EMP_TRACK_TIME_START TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE 1 1 YES EMP_TRACK_TIME_END TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE 2 2 YES EMP_TRACK_TIME NUMBER 3 YES EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER 1 3 4 NO FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2 2 4 5 NO LAST_NAME VARCHAR2 3 5 6 NO EMAIL VARCHAR2 4 6 7 NO PHONE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 5 7 8 NO HIRE_DATE DATE 6 8 9 NO JOB_ID VARCHAR2 7 9 10 NO SALARY NUMBER 8 10 11 NO COMMISSION_PCT NUMBER 9 11 12 NO MANAGER_ID NUMBER 10 12 13 NO DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER 11 13 14 NO /* Insert/update/delete with specified values for time columns */ INSERT INTO employees_temp(emp_track_time_start, emp_track_time_end, employee_id, first_name, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, manager_id, department_id) VALUES (TIMESTAMP '2009-06-01 12:00:01 Europe/Paris', TIMESTAMP '2012-11-30 12:00:01 Europe/Paris', 251, 'Scott', 'Tiger', 'scott.tiger@example.com', DATE '2009-05-21', 'IT_PROG', 50000, 103, 60); INSERT INTO employees_temp(emp_track_time_start, emp_track_time_end, employee_id, first_name, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, manager_id, department_id) VALUES (TIMESTAMP '2009-06-01 12:00:01 Europe/Paris', TIMESTAMP '2012-12-31 12:00:01 Europe/Paris', 252, 'Jane', 'Lion', 'jane.lion@example.com', DATE '2009-06-11', 'IT_PROG', 50000, 103, 60); UPDATE employees_temp set salary = salary + salary * .05 WHERE emp_track_time_start <= TIMESTAMP '2009-06-01 12:00:01 Europe/Paris'; SELECT employee_id, SALARY FROM employees_temp; EMPLOYEE_ID SALARY ----------- ---------- 251 52500 252 52500 /* No rows are deleted for the following statement because no records */ /* are in the specified track time. */ DELETE employees_temp WHERE emp_track_time_end < TIMESTAMP '2001-12-31 12:00:01 Europe/Paris'; 0 rows deleted. /* Show rows that are in a specified time period */ SELECT employee_id FROM employees_temp WHERE emp_track_time_start > TIMESTAMP '2009-05-31 12:00:01 Europe/Paris' AND emp_track_time_end < TIMESTAMP '2012-12-01 12:00:01 Europe/Paris'; EMPLOYEE_ID ----------- 251 /* Show rows that are in a specified time period */ SELECT employee_id FROM employees_temp AS OF PERIOD FOR emp_track_time TIMESTAMP '2012-12-01 12:00:01 Europe/Paris'; EMPLOYEE_ID ----------- 252
5.3.4 Limitations and Restrictions With In-Database Archiving and Temporal Validity
This toic lists the limitations and restrictions associated with In-Database Archiving and Temporal Validity.
The limitations and restrictions include:
Temporal validity is not supported with a multitenant container database (CDB).
ILM is not supported with OLTP table compression for Temporal Validity. Segment-level ILM and compression is supported if partitioned on the end-time columns.
ILM is not supported with OLTP table compression for in-database archiving. Segment-level ILM and compression is supported if partitioned on the