AutoUpgrade Command-Line Parameters and Options

Review the AutoUpgrade parameters and select the parameters and options for your Oracle Database upgrade use case.

Use the parameters with the command java -jar autoupgrade.jar.

AutoUpgrade Command-Line Syntax

To see how to use AutoUpgrade to perform your upgrades, review the syntax and run time use cases.


  • You must have at least Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or later installed in your source environment.

    JDK 8 is installed with every release starting with Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2). For any release earlier than 12.2, you must either run AutoUpgrade using the Java release in the target Oracle Database, or you must install JDK 8 on your source database server.

    Starting with Oracle Database 23ai, every Oracle home includes Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 11. AutoUpgrade is compiled with Java 11, and is compatible with Java 8 and later releases.

  • Oracle Database upgrades using the AutoUpgrade utility follow the same upgrade rules that apply to manual Oracle Database upgrades. Confirm that your source Oracle Database release is supported for upgrade.

With non-CDB to PDB conversion and upgrade, AutoUpgrade can automatically complete both upgrade and conversion when these conditions are met:

  • The target release CDB must exist.
  • In the AutoUpgrade configuration file, where the target CDB system identifier is target_cdb, you must set the local parameter target_cdb using the following syntax:

    target_cdb=target_cdb. For example:

  • The target_cdb value is the Oracle SID of the CDB into which you are plugging the non-CDB.

File Path

The AutoUpgrade utility is a Java JAR file that is located in the new release Oracle Database home.


Oracle strongly recommends that you obtain the latest AutoUpgrade JAR file from My Oracle Support. The JAR file and deployment instructions for the JAR file are available from My Oracle Support note 2485457.1


AutoUpgrade command syntax is case-sensitive. Enter commands in lowercase.

java -jar autoupgrade.jar [options]

Multiple options can be concatenated.

Run Type One (Basic) Parameters for AutoUpgrade

Run type one (Basic) parameters and options for AutoUpgrade provide a starting point for preparing for upgrades.

Parameter Description

Displays the AutoUpgrade version.


Displays the help file for AutoUpgrade syntax.

-create_sample_file [settings | config config-file-name]

Creates an example configuration file for AutoUpgrade. For a description of the options, see the create_sample_file parameter topic.

Run Type Two (Core) Parameters for AutoUpgrade

Run type two (Core) parameters and options for AutoUpgrade provide essential upgrade functionality for most upgrade scenarios.

Parameter Description

-config [config_path | -config_values config_values]

Identifies the configuration file that you use to provide information about databases that you want to upgrade. For a description of the options, see the config parameter topic.

-mode [analyze|fixups|deploy|upgrade|postfixups]

Sets the mode from which AutoUpgrade runs. For a description of the options, see the mode parameter topic.

-restore -jobs job#

Performs a system-level restoration of the AutoUpgrade jobs that you specify


If set, then when a job fails, the database is restored automatically. Errors in PDBs are not considered irrecoverable, only errors in CDB$ROOT or Non-CDBs.


Starts AutoUpgrade with the console enabled.


Starts AutoUpgrade with the console disabled.


Enables debug messages.

-clear_recovery_data [-jobs job#,job#,...]

Removes the recovery information, which causes AutoUpgrade to start from the beginning on all databases, or on databases in a comma-delimited list specified by -jobs. For a full description of the options, see the clear_recovery_data parameter topic.

-restore -jobs job#,job#,...

Runs a system-level restoration of the specified jobs. The databases are flashed back to the Guaranteed Restore Point (GRP). Before you run this command, the GRP must already be created by AutoUpgrade. For a full description of the options, see the clear_recovery_data parameter topic.

-zip [-sid sid] [-d dir]

Zips up log files required for filing an AutoUpgrade service request. For a description of the options, see the zip parameter topic.

Run Type Three (Additional) Parameters for AutoUpgrade

Run type three (Additional) parameters and options for AutoUpgrade are useful for particular upgrade scenarios, such as restarting from a failed point in an upgrade, or running particular fixups.

Parameter Description


Enables debug messages.


Displays the AutoUpgrade error codes.


Displays the help file for AutoUpgrade syntax.

-mode [analyze|fixups|postfixups]

Sets the mode from which AutoUpgrade runs. For a description of the options, see the mode parameter topic.


Enables you to enter passwords AutoUpgrade requires safely into AutoUpgrade's keystore.

-preupgrade preupgrade_options options

Runs database checks and preupgrade fixups that fix most issues before you start an upgrade, and postupgrade fixups that fix most issues after an upgrade is completed. For a description of the options, see the preupgrade parameter topic.


The AutoUpgrade parameter debug turns on the AutoUpgrade debug message feature, which assists you with correcting faulty AutoUpgrade job syntax.

Property Description

Parameter type



autoupgrade.jar -parameter -debug


The AutoUpgrade debug parameter turns on debugging messages, which can assist you with correcting AutoUpgrade command syntax.

Usage Notes

Use the debug parameter in concert with any other AutoUpgrade parameter.


The AutoUpgrade parameter clear_recovery_data removes the recovery checkpoint, which causes AutoUpgrade to have a fresh start the next time the tool is launched on specified databases, or on all databases.

Property Description

Parameter type



clear_recovery_data [-jobs job_numbers]


job_numbers is a comma-delimited list of jobs that you want to clear


The AutoUpgrade clear_recovery_data parameter removes the recovery information, which causes AutoUpgrade to start from the beginning on specified databases, or on all databases.

Usage Notes

Use after manually restoring a database and attempting a new upgrade. If no list of jobs is provided, then by default, all job metadata is removed. Removing the metadata does not remove log files, or reset the job identifier (jobid) counter. Only the AutoUpgrade files used to keep track of the progress of each job are removed.


The following example shows how to use the clear_recovery_data option after you encounter an issue, fix it, and then run AutoUpgrade again.

You start AutoUpgrade in deploy mode

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config config.cfg -mode deploy

However, you encounter an issue during the upgrade. You stop AutoUpgrade, restore the database, and make changes to the database to correct the issue. To start over the AutoUpgrade procedure and clear out the current job state information, specify the job number that is associated with the previously run job. If you specify the job number, then AutoUpgrade only removes the state information for that specific job. The rest of the jobs will remain untouched.

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config config.cfg -mode analyze -clear_recovery_data -jobs 100


The job ID number associates the job with the database. If you enter the wrong job id, then that causes AutoUpgrade to restart the wrong job from the beginning.

The analyze results are good, so you then run the deploy option again:

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config config.cfg -mode deploy
When you run autoupgrade.jar -config with the -clear_recovery_data parameter, AutoUpgrade only drops state files. It ignores any previously generated log files, so you can retain log files for further reference. Running AutoUpgrade with the -clear_recovery_data parameter also preserves the latest jobid information, so that the jobid AutoUpgrade creates for the next job is the next ID in sequence. By maintaining the jobid state, AutoUpgrade helps you to avoid mixing log output from earlier AutoUpgrade jobs in the same log file.

The following are additional examples of how you can run the clear_recovery_data parameter.

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config config.cfg -clear_recovery_data
java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config config.cfg -clear_recovery_data -jobs 111,222


The AutoUpgrade parameter config identifies the configuration file that you use to provide information about databases that you want to upgrade.

Property Description
Parameter type string
-config [configfile
Default value None


The config parameter specifies a configuration file name. It takes three arguments:

  • The configuration file name

  • (Optional) The path to the configuration file, as represented by config-file

    When used in conjunction with the parameter -load_password, AutoUpgrade also creates a keystore for Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) passwords in the location specified by the global configuration file parameter global.keystore, if that parameter is set in the configuration file for a database.


Running AutoUpgrade with a configuration file named myconfig.cfg, with the processing mode deploy:

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config myconfig.cfg -mode deploy


The AutoUpgrade parameter config_values enables you to provide the same input values about systems as a text configuration file. You can use it conjunction with the config parameter.

Property Description
Parameter type String.
-config_values [config-parameter1=value*,config-parameter2=value,...]
Default value None.


The config_values parameter enables you to provide values about database paths, instances, and target releases through the AutoUpgrade command line that otherwise require you to specify a configuration file. AutoUpgrade then creates a configuration file as the utility runs. Using config_values enables you to run AutoUpgrade without a configuration file.

The config_values options are a comma-delimited list that can support multiple database upgrades. Each database configuration is separated by asterisks (*) to identify different databases. Global entries must include the global prefix in the name. For example:


Local entries only need to include the name:


Logging directories are resolved in the following manner.

  • Case: Global autoupg_log_dir is not specified.

    If the config_file parameter is not passed to AutoUpgrade, then the local directory is used as the global log directory. If the config_file parameter is not passed to AutoUpgrade, then the global log directory defaults to the Java temporary directory:

    • Unix and Linux systems: /tmp/autoupgrade
    • Microsoft Windows: C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Temp\autoupgrade
    • A configuration file is created with the name autoupgradeYYYYMMMHHMMSS.cfg, where YYYY is year, MMM is month, HH is hour, MM is minute, and SS is second.
  • Case: Global autoupg_log_dir is specified.

    If the config_file parameter does not pass the directory to AutoUpgrade, then AutoUpgrade creates a configuration file in the AutoUpgrade log directory specified by the parameter. If the config_file parameter does not pass the directory to AutoUpgrade, then the configuration file is created under the global log directory. If you specify a configuration file name that already exists, then AutoUpgrade renames the existing configuration file using the suffix YYYYMMMHHMMMMSS.cfg, where YYYY is year, MMM is month, HH is hour, MM is minute, and SS is second. For example: on April 29, 2020, at 08:30:04, if configuration file \tmp\autoupgrade.cfg already exists, and you pass the file name -config_file \tmp\autoupgrade.cfg to AutoUpgrade, then the existing file is renamed to \tmp\autoupgrade.cfg20200429083004. AutoUpgrade then creates the new configuration file \tmp\autoupgrade.cfg.

If you use the -config_values parameter, and the user account running the AutoUpgrade command has the following operating system environment variables set, then AutoUpgrade picks up the path defined for these variables:

  • ORACLE_HOME - The Oracle home path for the source Oracle home
  • ORACLE_TARGET_HOME - The target Oracle home path.
    • Linux and Unix: Equivalent to an export ORACLE_TARGET_HOME command. For example: export ORACLE_TARGET_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/
    • Microsoft Windows: Equivalent to a SET ORACLE_TARGET_HOME command. For example: SET ORACLE_TARGET_HOME=C:\oracle\19
  • ORACLE_SID - The Oracle Database system identifier (SID).
    • Linux and Unix: Set with the operating system shell command export ORACLE_SID. For example: export ORACLE_SID=sales
    • Microsoft Windows: Set with the operating system shell command SET ORACLE_SID command. For example: SET ORACLE_SID=sales
  • ORACLE_TARGET_VERSION - The target release of the new Oracle home. You must set this operating system environment variable either when the target Oracle home does not exist, or the target home is a release earlier than Oracle Database 18c.
    • Linux and Unix: Set with export ORACLE_TARGET_VERSION. For example, for Oracle Database 19c:

      export ORACLE_TARGET_VERSION=19.1

      For Oracle Database 21c:

      export ORACLE_TARGET_VERSION=21.1
    • Microsoft Windows: Set with SET ORACLE_TARGET_VERSION.

      For example, for Oracle Database 19c:


      For example, for Oracle Database 21c:


    If you use the config_values parameter in place of a configuration file, and you do not have these operating system environment variables set for the user account running AutoUpgrade, then you must provide at least these four values as arguments using config_values.

Example: Running AutoUpgrade With an Existing Configuration File

Scenario: Running AutoUpgrade with an existing configuration file, using config_values. The following command syntax creates the global.autoupg_log_dir from the local directory where the myconfig.cfg file is created. As a result of this command, the location for global.autoupg_log_dir is set to /dir:

java –jar autoupgrade.jar –config /dir/myconfig.cfg –config_values
        “source_home=/srcdir, target_home=/trgdir, sid=sales” –mode

The configuration file myconfig is created in the path /dir, with the following entries:


Example: Running AutoUpgrade Without Specifying a Value for –config_values

In analyze, fixup, upgrade, or deploy mode, if you have set user environment values that AutoUpgrade requires to run, and you do not pass these values as an argument for –config_values, then AutoUpgrade defaults to using the user environmental variables set on the server.

To understand how this works, suppose you run AutoUpgrade as the user oracle, for which the following environment variables are set, where the target version is Oracle Database 21c:

  • ORACLE_HOME is set to /u01/app/oracle/product/
  • ORACLE_TARGET_HOME is set to /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1
  • ORACLE_SID is set to sales
  • ORACLE_TARGET_VERSION is set to 19.1

Now suppose you run the following command at 11:45:15 AM on September 30, 2020:

[Wed Sep 30 11:45:15] oracle@example:~$ java –jar autoupgrade.jar –config_values –mode analyze

Because the log directory was unspecified, AutoUpgrade defaults writing the configuration file for the run to the temporary directory. The configuration file AutoUpgrade creates resides in the path /tmp/autoupgrade as the file/tmp/autoupgrade/autoupgrade20200501114515.cfg, with the following entries:

# Value from environmental variable ORACLE_HOME
# Value from environmental variable ORACLE_TARGET_HOME
# Value from environmental variable ORACLE_SID
# Value from environmental variable ORACLE_TARGET_VERSION

This option enables you to use AutoUpgrade to handle a single database upgrade without requiring you to specify extensive details about the upgrade.

Example: Running AutoUpgrade with –config_values entries for multiple databases

In this scenario, you run AutoUpgrade with –config_values entries for multiple databases, using * to delimit values for each database, with a target release of Oracle Database 21c:

 java –jar autoupgrade.jar –config /tmp/auto.cfg –config_values "global.autoupg_log_dir=/scratch/upglogs,source_home=/scratch/122,target_home=/scratch/21,sid=sales,*,source_home=/scratch/18,target_home=/scratch/21,sid=employees"

The configuration file is created in the directory /tmp as /tmp/auto.cfg, with the following entries.



The AutoUpgrade parameter console turns on the AutoUpgrade console, and provides a set of commands to monitor the progress of AutoUpgrade jobs.

Property Description

Parameter type



autoupgrade.jar -config your-file -mode your-mode


To monitor upgrades, use the AutoUpgrade parameter console to run the Console, which monitors the status of upgrade jobs.

The AutoUpgrade console starts by default with the AutoUpgrade command. You can reenable or disable the AutoUpgrade console using the option -console|-noconsole

When you use the -noconsole option, AutoUpgrade runs using only the settings in the configuration file, without requiring console input. Use the noconsole option when you want to create scripts for AutoUpgrade, such as in cases where you want to analyze multiple databases. After the AutoUpgrade jobs are finished, you can review the output of the Analyze mode logs to see what is required to upgrade each of the databases included with your configuration script.


You can start as many instances of AutoUpgrade as you want, but each instance must use a unique global logging directory (global.autoupg_log_dir). If you only have one global logging directory, then you can only start one instance.

Usage Notes

When you start the console, you can use options within the console.

Console Option Description


Closes and exits from the console. If there are jobs running, then they are stopped.


Displays the console command help.

-lsj [(-r|-f|-p|-e)-a number] -n number

Lists jobs by status, up to the number of jobs you specify with the numeric value number. You can use the following flags:

-f: (Optional) Filter by finished jobs.

-r: (Optional) Filter by running jobs.

-e: (Optional) Filter by jobs with errors.

-p: (Optional) Filter by jobs in preparation.

-a number: (Optional) Repeats the command after the number of seconds specified by integer value (number).

-n number: (Required) Number of jobs to display, specified by integer value.


Displays the restoration queue.


Displays the queue of jobs to stop.


Displays the tasks that are running.


Clears the terminal display.

-resume -job number [-ignore_errors=ORA-number,ORA-number]

Restarts from a previous job that was running, specified by a numeric value (number) for the job.

ignore_errors option: This flag is optional. If there are any resume errors during patching or upgrade stage processing, then that is reported as a stage failure. AutoUpgrade will not proceed to postupgrade operations. There are some cases where an error can be ignored, and postupgrade operations can continue. If you think that a specific error will not affect patching or upgrade, then you can use the ignore_errors option to specify the errors that you want to ignore, so that postupgrade operations can continue. The error numbers are specified by a comma-delimited list of errors. Example:

-resume -job 444 -ignore_errors=ORA-48101,ORA-00001

-status [-job number | -c dbname| -config| -a number]

Lists the status of a particular job with the response you specify with the flag.


-job number: Shows information about a specific job, specified by a numeric value.

-c dbname: Displays information about the specific database name that you specify (dbname), with detailed information, if available.

-config number Displays configuration information for the job that you specify.

-a number: (Optional) Repeats the command after the number of seconds specified by integer value (number).

-restore [-job (0-9)|-all_failed]

Restores the database in the AutoUpgrade job specified by the integer value number to its state before starting the upgrade.

When run with the all_failed option, restores all failed jobs to their previous state before the upgrade started.


Displays all log file locations.

-abort -job number

Stops the job specified by the numeric value that you provide (number).


Displays the console command-line history, and takes the option to run a command again, depending on the flat with which you run it:


/ Runs the last command again.

/ number Runs the command in the history log specified by the command line number that you specify.


The AutoUpgrade parameter create_sample_file generates either a configuration file, or a settings file. You edit these files to create production configuration or settings files for AutoUpgrade.

Property Description

Parameter type



-create_sample_file config [filename] [full|unplug|noncdbtopdb] | settings [filename]

Default value

For create_sample_file config, if you append a filename to the command, then an example configuration file is created with the name you provide. If you do not provide an output file name, then the example configuration file is created with the name sample_config.cfg.

You can add a clause to specify the type of AutoUpgrade configuration file, using one of the following options:

  • full : A complete options AutoUpgrade configuration file
  • unplug : An AutoUpgrade configuration file with options for unplug-plug upgrades of PDBs.
  • noncdbtopdb : An AutoUpgrade configuration file with options for nonCDB to PDB upgrades.

When you add the settings clause, an internal settings configuration file is generated. You can accept the default file name, or specify a file name.

Usage Notes

The create_sample_file parameter is optional. It cannot be used together with other parameters. When you specify this parameter, it requires either the settings or the config clause:

settings: Generates an AutoUpgrade settings file, either with the name sample_autoupg.cfg, or with a name that you specify.

config: Generates an AutoUpgrade configuration file, either with the name sample_config.cfg, or with a name that you specify.

After you generate one of these example files, you can modify the file to control how the AutoUpgrade utility performs upgrades.

  • config: Generates a template upgrade configuration file of a configuration mode type. AutoUpgrade generates a file named sample_config.cfg, or with a name you provide, in the current folder

  • settings AutoUpgrade generates a file named sample_autoupg.cfg, or with the name you provide, in the current folder.

For both the config and settings options, the default file name is generated with the extension .cfg. However, AutoUpgrade can read files without an extension, or with an extension that you provide, as long as the file is a valid (plain text) file. The default extension is for convenience in identifying these files as configuration files.

Generating an example configuration file is a standard part of preparing to use AutoUpgrade. After you customize the configuration file parameters in the example configuration file, you can use that file as the production settings and configuration file for your upgrade.


The settings file is used to overwrite internal settings of the AutoUpgrade. Generating an example settings file is not required for most use cases. Use carefully.


Example of running the create_sample_file parameter with the config clause:

[oracle@example ~]$ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -create_sample_file config
Created sample configuration file /home/oracle/sample_config.cfg

Example of running the create_sample_file parameter with the config, clause specifying an output configuration file name:

[oracle@example ~]$ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -create_sample_file config sales01
Created sample configuration file /home/oracle/sales01.cfg

Example of running the create_sample_file parameter with the settings clause:

oracle@example ~]$ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -create_sample_file settings 
Created sample settings file /home/oracle/sample_autoupg.cfg

Example of running the create_sample_file parameter with the settings, clause specifying an output configuration file name:

oracle@example ~]$ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -create_sample_file settings testsetting.test
Created sample settings file /home/oracle/testsetting.test


The AutoUpgrade parameter error_code shows the error codes for AutoUpgrade errors.

Property Description

Parameter type



-error_code [errorcode]

Default value

When no error code is specified, all AutoUpgrade error codes are displayed in the Console.

When an error code is specified, the information about the specified error code is displayed in the Console.


When entered without a specification, Autoupgrade produces descriptions of all of the error codes:

$ java -jar autoupgrade.jar  -error_code
ERROR1000.ERROR  = UPG-1000
ERROR1000.CAUSE  = It was not possible to create the data file where the jobsTable is being written or there was a problem during the writing, it might be thrown due to a permission error or a busy resource scenario

ERROR1001.ERROR  = UPG-1001
ERROR1001.CAUSE  = There was a problem reading the state file perhaps there was corruption writing the file and in the next write it might be fixed

ERROR1002.ERROR  = UPG-1002
ERROR1002.CAUSE  = Error deserializing the object for rerun, review log for any errors

When entered with a specific error code, AutoUpgrade provides output for the error that you specify. For example:

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -error_code UPG-3010 

This command produces the following output:

ERROR3010.ERROR  = UPG-3010
ERROR3010.CAUSE  = Error running approot_to_pdb.sql script

Here is another example:

$ java -jar autoupgrade.jar  -error_code UPG-1400

This command produces the following output:

ERROR1400.ERROR  = UPG-1400
ERROR1400.CAUSE  = Database upgrade failed with errors


The AutoUpgrade parameter listchecks either provides a list of all upgrade checks for an upgrade, or if you specify a particular check, the details about the check you specify.
Property Description
Parameter type string
-listchecks [checkname]
Default value None. If no specific check is specified, then a list of all AutoUpgrade checks is provided.


When entered without a specification, the Autoupgrade listchecks parameter generates descriptions of all of the checks AutoUpgrade performs for the upgrade.

$ java -jar autoupgrade.jar  -listchecks
        Description : Starting with Oracle Database 12c, the OLAP Catalog (OLAP AMD) is desupported and will be automatically marked as OPTION OFF during the database upgra
de if present. Oracle recommends removing OLAP Catalog (OLAP AMD) before database upgrade.  This step can be manually performed before the upgrade to reduce downtime.
        Fixup Action : Remove OLAP Catalog by running the {1} SQL script $ORACLE_HOME/olap/admin/catnoamd.sql script.
        Severity : WARNING
        Fixup Stage : PRE
        Min Version(inclusive) Check applies : NONE
        Max Version(exclusive) Check applies : NONE
        Check Introduced Version : NONE
        Check Removed Version : NONE
        Manual Fixup or Automatic : AUTO
        AutoUpgrade Only : NO
        Run for Datapatch : NO

        Description : Starting with Oracle Database Release 18, APEX is not upgraded automatically as part of the database upgrade. Refer to My Oracle Support Note 1088970.
1 for information about APEX installation and upgrades. Refer to MOS Note 1344948.1 for the minimum APEX version supported for your target database release. Unsupported ver
sions of APEX will be in an INVALID state when its database dependencies are not in sync with the upgraded database.
        Fixup Action : Upgrade Oracle Application Express (APEX) manually before or after the database upgrade.
        Severity : WARNING
        Fixup Stage : PRE
        Min Version(inclusive) Check applies : NONE
        Max Version(exclusive) Check applies : NONE
        Check Introduced Version : 18
        Check Removed Version : NONE
        Manual Fixup or Automatic : MANUAL
        AutoUpgrade Only : NO
        Run for Datapatch : NO

        Description : The APEX patching process is not performed by the {1} Oracle database upgrade.  The APEX version upgrade only ensures that the APEX version is upgrade
d to version {3} and does not guarantee the version is brought all the way to the patched level {2}.  If a PDB from this CDB is unplugged and plugged into another ROOT, the

When entered with a specified check, listchecks provides details about the checks for the check you specify:

$ java -jar autoupgrade.jar  -listchecks XDB_RESOURCE_TYPE 
        Description : Direct access to either TYPE XDB.XDB$RESOURCE_T or TABLE XDB.XDB$RESOURCE is restricted to Oracle internal code only.
        Fixup Action : Please contact Oracle Support to resolve the problem.
        Severity : ERROR
        Fixup Stage : PRE
        Min Version(inclusive) Check applies : 11.1
        Max Version(exclusive) Check applies : NONE
        Check Introduced Version : NONE
        Check Removed Version : NONE
        Manual Fixup or Automatic : MANUAL
        AutoUpgrade Only : NO
        Run for Datapatch : NO


The AutoUpgrade parameter load_password enables you to enter passwords safely into AutoUpgrade's keystore. When you run AutoUpgrade in analyze mode, you are notified which passwords are needed, and can be loaded into the AutoUpgrade keystore. With AutoUpgrade 22.1 and later, you can enter Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) keystore passwords as part of a later database upgrade.
Property Description
Parameter type string
Default value None. AutoUpgrade prompts you for input values in an interactive prompt.


To provide passwords required for upgrade, you can use the load_password parameter. This parameter must be used in conjunction with the -config parameter. It takes no arguments. Instead, it starts an interactive prompt with specific commands that enable you to provide information required for the keystore.

Starting with AutoUpgrade 22.1, if you do not have a Keystore External Password Store, and you use TDE, then you can use load_password to load TDE passwords required for the upgrade.


  • If you configure an Keystore External Password Store in the database, then AutoUpgrade detects the presence of an Keystore External Password Store, and uses this external password store instead of requiring manual input of the TDE keystore passwords. However, if all databases are configured with Keystore External Password Store, then in some situations, you can still need to define global.keystore.
  • In some situations, AutoUpgrade needs access to the AutoUpgrade keystore to write other sensitive information. For example, AutoUpgrade can write transport secrets (passphrases) that are used by ADMINISTER KEY MANAGEMENT EXPORT KEYS and ADMINISTRATER KEY MANAGEMENT IMPORT KEYS commands to AutoUpgrade.

For more information about Keystore External Password Stores, refer to Oracle Database Advanced Security Guide.

When you run AutoUpgrade using -mode analyze, AutoUpgrade detect which passwords are needed for the databases specified for upgrade in your configuration file, and lists them in the preupgrade summary report. Before the upgrade, you can then use -load_parameter to enter the passwords for the databases. These passwords are stored safely in AutoUpgrade's own keystore, in the location specified by global.keystore. The passwords are used only to access the source database TDE keystores, and to write the TDE passwords in the target keystores.


Because the directory you specify AutoUpgrade to create with global.keystore contains a software keystore, it should be protected using the same security best practices as you use with TDE keystore files.
When you run AutoUpgrade with the -load_parameter option at the command line, AutoUpgrade starts an interactive console so that you can configure password options. In AutoUpgrade 22.1 and later, the following configuration options are available:
  • add ORACLE_SID [-pdb isolated-pdb]

    Adds a TDE password for the specified Oracle System identifier (ORACLE_SID).

    If you have an isolated PDB that requires a password, then use the optional -pdb parameter in the configuration file to specify an isolated PDB for which you want to provide a password. If the CDB root and all PDBs are configured in united mode, then the -pdb parameter is not required, as the keystore is shared between the CDB root and all PDBs that are configured in united mode.

  • delete ORACLE_SID [-pdb isolated-pdb]

    Deletes a loaded password for the specified Oracle System identifier (ORACLE_SID).

    If you loaded a password for an isolated PDB that you want to delete, then use the optional -pdb pdbname parameter in the configuration file to specify the name of the isolated PDB whose password you want to delete. If the CDB root and all PDBs are configured in united mode, then the -pdb parameter is not required.

  • list

    Lists each Oracle Database by Oracle System Identifier (ORACLE_SID), provides details for each database, and indicates if further actions are necessary to perform an encrypted database upgrade. AutoUpgrade starts a deploy mode only when there are no pending actions for any of the databases listed in the configuration file. If an action is required before a database can be upgraded, then the AutoUpgrade check tde_passwords_required fails during the prechecks stage.

  • group

    Changes the password group being processed. With AutoUpgrade 22.1, Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is the only group option.

  • save

    Saves the keystore to the location specified by the global.keystore directory. If an auto-login keystore is not already enabled, then you are prompted whether you want to convert the keystore to an auto-login keystore.

  • help

    Lists all the available load_password commands.

  • exit

    Exits the load_password interactive console. If the keystore has been modified and not yet saved, then you are prompted to determine if you want to save the keystore before exiting.

During the upgrade, AutoUpgrade places passwords in an encrypted password array in memory, so that AutoUpgrade can access source database keystores. No passwords are written to SQL*Plus scripts during the upgrade. After AutoUpgrade no longer requires the passwords, these passwords are purged from memory. No log records are kept of the passwords.


TDE Keystore Passwords Added to AutoUpgrade Keystore

Run AutoUpgrade to add the TDE keystore passwords to AutoUpgrade's own keystore, using a configuration file named myconfig.cfg, where -load_password is used to prompt you for TDE passwords of any database where the TDE keystore password is needed:

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config myconfig.cfg -load_password

After the TDE passwords are loaded, you can then either run AutoUpgrade in analyze or config mode:

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config myfile.cfg -mode deploy

AutoUpgrade uses the TDE password files from its own keystore to access the source database TDE keystores, and to write the TDE passwords in the target database keystores.

Multiple Load Password Options Used with Multiple Source Database Upgrades

In the following example, all of the load_password command options are used to load TDE passwords from source databases db12201, cdb122, and db19x to the common target CDB cdb19x:

$ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config config.cfg -load_password
Processing config file ...

Starting AutoUpgrade Password Loader - Type help for available options
Creating new keystore - Password required
Enter password:
Enter password again:
Keystore was successfully created

TDE> add cdb19x
Enter your secret/Password:
Re-enter your secret/Password:
TDE> add cdb122
Enter your secret/Password:
Re-enter your secret/Password:
TDE> add db12201
Enter your secret/Password:
Re-enter your secret/Password:
TDE> add db19x
Enter your secret/Password:
Re-enter your secret/Password:
TDE> delete cdb19x
TDE> list
|ORACLE_SID|Action Required | TDE Password     |SEPS Status|Active Wallet Type|
|    cdb122|                |          Verified|   Inactive|               Any|
|    cdb19x|Add TDE password|No password loaded|   Inactive|               Any|
|   db12201|                |          Verified|   Inactive|        Auto-login|
|     db19x|                |          Verified|   Inactive|               Any|
TDE> help
The following options are available
1 add
2 delete
3 list
4 group
5 save
6 help
7 exit

TDE> save
Convert the keystore to auto-login [YES|NO] ? YES
TDE> exit

AutoUpgrade Password Loader finished - Exiting AutoUpgrade

Adding an isolated PDB TDE Keystore Password Added to AutoUpgrade Keystore

In isolated mode, where a pluggable database (PDB) has its own keystore, PDBs are allowed to independently create and manage their own keystore. For isolated mode PDBs, start the AutoUpgrade Password Loader, and use the syntax add Oracle_SID -pdb pdbname, where Oracle_SID is the name of the CDB root, and pdbname is the name of the isolated PDB.

For example, where CDB root is cdb19x and the isolated PDB name is iso:

TDE> add cdb19x -pdb iso
Enter your secret/Password:
Re-enter your secret/Password:


The AutoUpgrade parameter load_win_credential uses PowerShell to create a credential object so that AutoUpgrade can be run without interruption during the upgrade.


To provide passwords required for upgrade on Microsoft Windows platforms, you can use the load_win_credential parameter. This parameter must be used in conjunction with the -config parameter, and with a configuration file that specifies the local wincredential parameter. The parameter starts up a Microsoft Windows PowerShell credential request, where you can provide Administrator credentials to create a PowerShell credential object. By default, the Windows PowerShell Credential request is for the local machine. You provide the username for the credential (the owner of the Oracle binaries) and that user password. Windows Powershell then generates a credential using the format database-name.xml, where database-name is the name of the database that you specified in your local configuration file sid entry. For example, upg1.sid=db12201 in the configuration file with the wincredential entry upg1.wincredential=C:\Users\oracle\cred generates the powershell credential file db12201.xml in the path upg1.wincredential=C:\Users\oracle\cred

When you run AutoUpgrade for the database upgrade, AutoUpgrade reads the credential from the path specified by the local wincredential, so that AutoUpgrade is able to create services automatically in the Target database without requiring an administrator to provide Administrator credentials manually during the upgrade.

After AutoUpgrade no longer requires the passwords, these passwords are purged from memory. No log records are kept of the passwords.


In the following example, you complete these steps in order to automate calling the Administrator credentials during the upgrade:

  1. Create the configuration file, using the wincredential local parameter to specify the location for the Windows Powershell credential for the source database db12201:

  2. Run AutoUpgrade in Configuration mode, using the load_win_credential command-line parameter, specifying the upgrade prefix for the upgrade for which you want to provide credentials. For example:

    C:\Users\oracle>java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config config.cfg -load_win_credential upg1
    AutoUpgrade 24.1.240306 launched with default internal options
    Processing config file ...
  3. A Microsoft Windows Powershell Credential prompt opens. Provide the credentials for the Oracle Database binary owner. PowerShell then generrates the credential object (in this example, db12201.xml), and places it in the path that you specified with the wincredential parameter.
  4. During the upgrade, run AutoUpgrade using the configuration file that specifies the credential object path. For example:

    C:\Users\oracle>java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config config.cfg -mode deploy

    AutoUpgrade processes the upgrade without prompting you for credentials.


The AutoUpgrade parameter mode value sets the mode from which AutoUpgrade runs.

Property Description

Parameter type



-mode = [analyze|fixups|deploy|upgrade|postfixups]

Default value

None. Choose one of the following options:

  • analyze : Runs upgrade readiness checks in the source Oracle home.
  • fixups : Runs the upgrade readiness checks and preupgrade fixups, but does not perform the upgrade.
  • deploy : Performs the upgrade of the databases from start to finish.
  • upgrade : Performs the database upgrade and postupgrade actions. Databases in the target Oracle homes must be up and running before you start this mode.
  • postfixups Runs postfixups of databases in the target Oracle home.


java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config config.cfg -mode analyze
java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config config.cfg -mode deploy
java -jar autoupgrade.jar -preupgrade "target_version=21" -mode fixups


The AutoUpgrade parameter noconsole turns off the AutoUpgrade console, so that AutoUpgrade runs using only configuration file information.

Property Description

Parameter type





When you use the noconsole option, AutoUpgrade runs using only the settings in the configuration file, without requiring console input. Use the noconsole option when you want to run AutoUpgrade as part of a batch flow, or in scripts, such as in cases where you want to analyze multiple databases. After the AutoUpgrade jobs are finished, you can review the output of the Analyze mode logs to see what is required to upgrade each of the databases included with your configuration script.


You can run only one AutoUpgrade instance at a time that is associated with a given configuration file.

Usage Notes

In this example, AutoUpgrade is run in Analyze mode, using the configuration file in noconsole mode.

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config autoupgrade.cfg -mode analyze -noconsole


The AutoUpgrade parameter preupgrade runs database checks and preupgrade fixups that fix most issues before you start an upgrade, and postupgrade fixups that fix most issues after an upgrade is completed.

Property Description
Parameter type string
-preupgrade preupgrade_options -mode
Default value analyze


The -preupgrade clause of AutoUpgrade replaces the functions previously preformed by the manual Pre-Upgrade Information Tool (preupgrade.jar) in previous releases. The -mode clause takes one of three values:

  • analyze: Check your system for readiness to upgrade.
  • fixups: Perform fixups as needed on your source Oracle Database release in preparation for upgrade
  • postfixups: Perform fixups on your target Oracle Database release after upgrade is completed.

If no value for -mode is specified, then by default the -preupgrade parameter defaults to analyze mode.

Usage Notes

Use the preupgrade clause only if you want to obtain the same features previously made available with the Pre-Upgrade Information Tool (preupgrade.jar). For most upgrade scenarios, you do not need to use this parameter.

The -preupgrade parameter requires preupgrade_options, which specifies a list of comma-delimited option-value pairs in the following format: option1=value1,option2=value2,…


  • target_version=release-number: Specifies the target Oracle Database release version, which is the release to which you want to upgrade.

    The value for this argument is required by the analyze and fixups modes. However, the target release can be derived from target_home. Accordingly, for analyze and fixups modes, either target_version or target_home must be specified. The value for target_version must be 12.2, or a later release value.

  • target_home=[target-path|env-variable]: Specifies the Oracle Database home location of the target release to which you want to upgrade, which can either be the Oracle home path, or an operating system path variable.

    This argument is mandatory if you select the postfixups mode. If you select the postfixups mode, and you do not specify a target home path, then the default value is specified by the Oracle home environment variable for the Oracle home set for the user running AutoUpgrade ($ORACLE_HOME on Linux and Unix systems, or %ORACLE_HOME% on Microsoft Windows systems).

  • oh=[source-path|env-variable]: Specifies the Oracle Database home location of the source release from which you want to upgrade, which can either be the Oracle home path, or an operating system path variable.

    This argument is mandatory if you select the analyze or fixups mode. If you select either analyze or fixups modes, and you do not specify a source home path, then the default value is specified by the Oracle home environment variable for the Oracle home set for the user running AutoUpgrade ($ORACLE_HOME on Linux and Unix systems, %ORACLE_HOME% on Microsoft Windows systems).

  • sid=system-identifier: Specifies an Oracle system identifier for the source database that you want to upgrade. This argument is mandatory for analyze or fixups modes. If you select either the analyze or the fixups mode, and you do not specify a system identifier, then the default value is specified by the Oracle home environment variable for the Oracle home set for the user running AutoUpgrade ($ORACLE_SID on Linux and Unix systems, %ORACLE_SID% on Microsoft Windows systems).

  • dir=path: Directs the output to a specific directory. If you do not specify an output directory with the dir argument, then the output is directed to a folder called autoupgrade that is placed in the temporary directory on your system. Typically, that directory is in one of the following locations:
    • Linux or Unix: /tmp, or /var/tmp.
    • Microsoft Windows: C:\WINNT\TEMP
  • inclusion_list=list: Specifies a list of pluggable databases (PDBs) inside a container database (CDBs) that you want to include for processing. Provide a space-delimited list of PDBs that you want processed, in one of the following two formats, where pdb1, pdb2, and pdb3 are PDBs that you want processed:

    • pdb1 pdb2 pdb3
    • (pdb1 pdb2 pdb3)

    If you do not specify a list of PDBs, then all PDBs in a CDB are processed.

  • exclusion_list=list: Specifies a list of pluggable databases (PDBs) inside a container database (CDBs) that you want to exclude for processing. Provide a space-delimited list of PDBs that you want processed, in one of the following two formats, where pdb1, pdb2, and pdb3 are PDBs that you want processed:

    • pdb1 pdb2 pdb3
    • (pdb1 pdb2 pdb3)

    If you do not specify a list of PDBs, then all PDBs in a CDB are processed.

  • user=username: Specifies the Oracle Database user name that the AutoUpgrade utility uses to connect to Oracle Database If the user is specified, then AutoUpgrade prompts for the user name password input on the command line. If no user name is specified, then AutoUpgrade uses operating system authentication for the Oracle Database connection.


  • analyze (Default value): Runs Autoupgrade in Analyze mode, with all of the preupgrade checks that apply for the target release argument that you specify. If you do not specify a mode, then AutoUpgrade defaults to analyze.

  • fixups: Runs preupgrade fixups (when available) for all issues reported by AutoUpgrade Analyze preupgrade checks on the source database that must be fixed before upgrade. All checks are run.

    Fixup results are reported in the file upgrade.xml. That file is placed in the path log_dir/db_name/jobnumber/prefixups/prefixups.xml, where log_dir is the log directory that you specify using the dir argument, db_name is the name of the source database, and jobnumber is the AutoUpgrade job number.

  • postfixups: Runs postupgrade fixups (when available) for all issues reported by AutoUpgrade Analyze preupgrade checks on the upgraded database that you must fix after the upgrade is completed.

    Postfixup results are reported in the file postfixups.xml. That file is placed in the path log_dir/db_name/jobnumber/postfixups, where log_dir is the log directory that you specify using the dir argument, db_name is the name of the source database, and jobnumber is the AutoUpgrade job number.


Running AutoUpgrade with the preupgrade clause using analyze mode, and specifying that the target release is Oracle Database 19c.

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -preupgrade "target_version=19" -mode analyze

Running AutoUpgrade with the preupgrade clause using fixups mode, and specifying that the target release is Oracle Database 19c.

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -preupgrade "target_version=19" -mode fixups

Running AutoUpgrade with the preupgrade clause using postfixups mode, and specifying that the target Oracle home is in the path C:\app\oracle\product\19.0.0\dbhome_1.

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -preupgrade "target_home=C:\app\oracle\product\19.0.0\dbhome_1" -mode postfixups

Running AutoUpgrade with the preupgrade clause without specifying the mode, and specifying that the target release is Oracle Database 19c. In this case, the mode used is the default mode, analyze.

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -preupgrade "target_version=19"


The AutoUpgrade parameter settings identifies the configuration file that you use to provide custom runtime configuration of the AutoUpgrade utility.

Property Description
Parameter type String
Syntax -settings my-custom-advanced-settings
Default value Not applicable


The settings parameter has the required argument of the name and path to the settings configuration file, which you have modified with custom settings. The settings parameter cannot be used alone, but rather as a configuration input file that modifies the way that AutoUpgrade runs a processing mode.

Usage Notes

This parameter is an advanced parameter. For most upgrade scenarios, you should not need to modify any internal AutoUpgrade parameter settings.


In this example, settings specifies a settings input file called my_custom_advanced_settings.cfg.

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -settings my_custom_advanced_settings.cfg -config config.cfg -mode deploy


The AutoUpgrade parameter version prints to the terminal screen the current build of the autoupgrade.jar file.

Property Description
Parameter type string
Syntax -version
Default value Not applicable.


Use this optional parameter to check which version of the autoupgrade.jar utility is on your server.

Usage Notes

Command Example:

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -version

Output example:

[oracle@example ~]$ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -version

build.version 22.1.220304 2022/03/04 13:29:34 -0500
build.hash 29007da
build.hash_date 2022/03/04 12:48:36 -0500
build.supported_target_versions 12.2,18,19,21
build.type production


The AutoUpgrade parameter restore performs a system-level restoration of the AutoUpgrade jobs that you specify.

Property Description
Parameter type string
Syntax -restore -jobs job#,job#
Default value Not applicable.


Use this optional parameter to specify a system-level restoration of the jobs you specify, using a comma-delimited list of job numbers. The databases in the upgrade jobs that you specify are flashed back to the Guarantee Restore Point (GRP). Before you run this command, the GRP must have been created by AutoUpgrade.


java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config config.cfg -restore -jobs 111
java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config config.cfg -restore -jobs 111,222 -console
java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config config.cfg -restore -jobs 111,222 -noconsole


The AutoUpgrade parameter restore_on_fail automatically restores any job that failed during the deployment.

Property Description
Parameter type string
Syntax -restore_on_fail
Default value Not applicable.


Use this optional parameter to specify that AutoUpgrade restores any jobs that failed during the upgrade deployment.


java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config config.cfg -mode deploy -restore_on_fail


The AutoUpgrade parameter zip creates a zip file of log files required for filing an AutoUpgrade service request.

Property Description
Parameter type string
-zip [-sid sid] [-d dir] [-zip_exclusion_list exclusion_list]
Default value Not applicable.


Use this optional parameter to create a zip file that you can send to Oracle Support that contains the log files for jobs that are the object of your service request. Use the -sid clause to specify a comma-delimited list of system identifiers (SIDs) of databases whose log files you want to send. If no SID value is defined, then AutoUpgrade creates a zip file for all databases specified in the configuration file. Use the -d clause to specify a specific output directory. If no directory is specified, then the current directory from which the command is run is used for the zip file output. Use the -zip_exclusion_list clause to specify a double-comma-delimited regular string list that is used to exclude files that match any regular string from the zip file.

Usage Notes


When you use the -zip clause, you cannot use the -mode clause.


java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config yourconfig.cfg -zip

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config yourconfig.cfg -zip -sid sales1,sales2 -d /scratch/upgrd

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config yourconfig.cfg -zip -zip_exclusion_list ".*/db11204/.*"

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config yourconfig.cfg -zip -zip_exclusion_list "/home/oracle/autopatch/DB19X/100/goldimage/,,/home/oracle/autopatch/DB19X/100/extract/35320081/.*"