18.1 About the Hierarchical Store Package DBMS_DBFS_HS

The Oracle DBFS Hierarchical Store package (DBMS_DBFS_HS) is a store provider for DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT that supports hierarchical storage for DBFS content.

The package stores content in external storage devices like tape and Amazon S3 web service, and associated metadata (or properties) in the database. The DBFS HS may cache frequently accessed content in database tables to improve performance.

The DBMS_DBFS_HS package provides you the ability to use tape as a storage tier when implementing Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) for database tables or content. The data on tape or Amazon S3 is part of the Oracle Database and all standard APIs can access it, but only through the database.

DBMS_DBFS_HS has additional interfaces needed to manage the external storage device and the cache associated with each store.

To use the package DBMS_DBFS_HS, you must be granted the DBFS_ROLE role.