18.2 Setting up the Store

You can create, register, and mount a hierarchical Store.

18.2.1 Creating, Registering, and Mounting the Store

Setting up a hierarchical file system store requires creating, registering, and mounting the store.

Creating, registering, and mounting the store.


    See Also:

    CREATESTORE Procedure for more information on CREATESTORE procedure.


    You create a wallet with the credentials of the Amazon S3 accounts if Amazon S3 is used as the external storage.
  2. Set mandatory and optional properties using DBMS_DBFS_HS.SETSTOREPROPERTY.

    See Also:

    SETSTOREPROPERTY Procedure for more information on SETSTOREPROPERTY procedure.
  3. Register the store using DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT.REGISTERSTORE.

    See Also:

    REGISTERSTORE Procedure for more information on REGISTERSTORE procedure.
  4. Mount the store using DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT.MOUNTSTORE.

    See Also:

    MOUNTSTORE Procedure for more information on MOUNTSTORE procedure.