18.3 Using the Hierarchical Store

You can use the Hierarchical Store as an independent file system or as an archive solution for SecureFile LOBs.

18.3.1 Using Hierarchical Store as a File System

Use the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT package to create, update, read, and delete file system entries in the store.

See Also:

DBFS Content API

18.3.2 Using Hierarchical Store as an Archive Solution For SecureFiles LOBs

Use the DBMS_LOB package to archive SecureFiles LOBs in a tape or an S3 store.

The DBMS_LOB package archives SecureFiles LOBs in a tape or an S3 store. Use the following method to free space in the cache or to force cache resident contents to be written to an external storage device:


18.3.3 Dropping a Hierarchical Store

You can drop a hierarchical store.

To drop a hierarchical store, call:

DBMS_DBFS_HS.dropStore(store_name, opt_flags);

18.3.4 Compression to Use with the Hierarchical Store

The DBFS hierarchical store can store its files in compressed forms.

The DBFS hierarchical store has the ability to store its files in compressed form using the SETPROPERTY method and the property PROPNAME_COMPRESSLVL to specify the compression level.

Valid values are:

  • PROPVAL_COMPLVL_NONE: No compression

  • PROPVAL_COMPLVL_LOW: LOW compression



Generally, the compression level LOW performs best and still provides a good compression ratio. Compression levels MEDIUM and HIGH provide significantly better compression ratios, but compression times can be correspondingly longer. Oracle recommends using NONE or LOW when write performance is critical, such as when files in the DBFS HS store are updated frequently. If space is critical and the best possible compression ratio is desired, use MEDIUM or HIGH.

Files are compressed as they are paged out of the cache into the staging area (before they are subsequently pushed into the back end tape or S3 storage). Therefore, compression also benefits by storing smaller files in the staging area and effectively increasing the total available capacity of the staging area.

18.3.5 Program Example Using Tape

This example program configures and uses a tape store.

In the example, you must substitute valid values in some places, as indicated by <...>, for the program to run successfully.

See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference DBMS_DBFS_HS documentation for complete details about the methods and their parameters

Rem Example to configure and use a Tape store.
Rem hsuser should be a valid database user who has been granted
Rem the role dbfs_role.
connect hsuser/hsuser 
Rem The following block sets up a STORETYPE_TAPE store with
Rem DBMS_DBFS_HS acting as the store provider.
storename varchar2(32) ; 
tblname varchar2(30) ; 
tbsname varchar2(30) ; 
lob_cache_quota number := 0.8 ; 
cachesz number ; 
ots number ; 
cachesz := 50 * 1048576 ; 
ots := 1048576 ; 
storename := 'tapestore10' ; 
tblname := 'tapetbl10' ; 
tbsname := '<TBS_3>' ; -- Substitute a valid tablespace name
-- Create the store.
-- Here tbsname is the tablespace used for the store,
-- tblname is the table holding all the store entities,
-- cachesz is the space used by the store to cache content
--   in the tablespace,
-- lob_cache_quota is the fraction of cachesz allocated
--   to level-1 cache and
-- ots is minimum amount of content that is accumulated
--   in level-2 cache before being stored on tape
  tblname, tbsname, cachesz,
  lob_cache_quota, ots) ; 
  '<ORACLE_HOME/work/libobkuniq.so>') ;
  -- Substitute your ORACLE_HOME path
  '<0>') ;  -- Substitute valid value
  'NONE') ; 
-- Please refer to DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT documentation
-- for details about this method
  'dbms_dbfs_hs') ; 
-- Please refer to DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT documentation
-- for details about this method
dbms_dbfs_content.mountstore(storename, 'tapemnt10') ; 
end ; 
Rem The following code block does file operations
Rem using DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT on the store configured
Rem in the previous code block
connect hsuser/hsuser 
  path varchar2(256) ; 
  path_pre varchar2(256) ; 
  mount_point varchar2(32) ; 
  store_name varchar2(32) ; 
  prop1 dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t ; 
  prop2 dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t ; 
  mycontent blob := empty_blob() ; 
  buffer varchar2(1050) ; 
  rawbuf raw(1050) ; 
  outcontent blob := empty_blob() ; 
  itemtype integer ; 
  pflag integer ; 
  filecnt integer ; 
  iter integer ; 
  offset integer ; 
  rawlen integer ; 
  mount_point := '/tapemnt10' ; 
  store_name := 'tapestore10' ; 
  path_pre := mount_point ||'/file' ; 
-- We create 10 empty files in the following loop
  filecnt := 0 ; 
    exit when filecnt = 10 ; 
    path := path_pre || to_char(filecnt) ; 
    mycontent := empty_blob() ; 
    prop1 := null ; 
    -- Please refer to DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT documentation
    -- for details about this method
      path, prop1, mycontent) ; -- Create the file
    commit ; 
    filecnt := filecnt + 1 ; 
  end loop ; 
  -- We populate the newly created files with content
  -- in the following loop
  pflag := dbms_dbfs_content.prop_data +
           dbms_dbfs_content.prop_std  +
           dbms_dbfs_content.prop_opt  ; 
  buffer := 'Oracle provides an integrated management '  ||
            'solution for managing Oracle database with '||
            'a unique top-down application management '  ||
            'approach. With new self-managing '          ||
            'capabilities, Oracle eliminates time-'      ||
            'consuming, error-prone administrative '     ||
            'tasks, so database administrators can '     ||
            'focus on strategic business objectives '    ||
            'instead of performance and availability '   ||
            'fire drills. Oracle Management Packs for '  ||
            'Database provide signifiCant cost and time-'||
            'saving capabilities for managing Oracle '   ||
            'Databases. Independent studies demonstrate '||
            'that Oracle Database is 40 percent easier ' ||
            'to manage over DB2 and 38 percent over '    ||
            'SQL Server.'; 
  rawbuf := utl_raw.cast_to_raw(buffer) ; 
  rawlen := utl_raw.length(rawbuf) ; 
  offset := 1 ; 
  filecnt := 0 ; 
    exit when filecnt = 10 ; 
    path := path_pre || to_char(filecnt) ; 
    prop1 := null;
    -- Append buffer to file
    -- Please refer to DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT documentation
    -- for details about this method
      path, prop1, rawlen,
      offset, rawbuf) ;
    commit ; 
    filecnt := filecnt + 1 ; 
  end loop ; 
  -- Clear out level 1 cache
  dbms_dbfs_hs.flushCache(store_name) ; 
  commit ; 
  -- Do write operation on even-numbered files.
  -- Do read operation on odd-numbered files.
  filecnt := 0 ; 
    exit when filecnt = 10; 
    path := path_pre || to_char(filecnt) ; 
    if mod(filecnt, 2) = 0 then 
      -- Get writable file
      -- Please refer to DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT documentation
      -- for details about this method
        path, prop2, outcontent, itemtype,
        pflag, null, true) ;
      buffer := 'Agile businesses want to be able to '    ||
                'quickly adopt new technologies, whether '||
                'operating systems, servers, or '         ||
                'software, to help them stay ahead of '   ||
                'the competition. However, change often ' ||
                'introduces a period of instability into '||
                'mission-critical IT systems. Oracle '    ||
                'Real Application Testing-with Oracle '   ||
                'Database 11g Enterprise Edition-allows ' ||
                'businesses to quickly adopt new '        ||
                'technologies while eliminating the '     ||
                'risks associated with change. Oracle '   ||
                'Real Application Testing combines a '    ||
                'workload capture and replay feature '    ||
                'with an SQL performance analyzer to '    ||
                'help you test changes against real-life '||
                'workloads, and then helps you fine-tune '||
                'the changes before putting them into'    ||
                'production. Oracle Real Application '    ||
                'Testing supports older versions of '     ||
                'Oracle Database, so customers running '  ||
                'Oracle Database 9i and Oracle Database ' ||
                '10g can use it to accelerate their '     ||
                'database upgrades. '; 
      rawbuf := utl_raw.cast_to_raw(buffer) ; 
      rawlen := utl_raw.length(rawbuf) ; 
      -- Modify file content
      -- Please refer to DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT documentation
      -- for details about this method
      dbms_lob.write(outcontent, rawlen, 10, rawbuf);
      commit ; 
      -- Read the file
      -- Please refer to DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT documentation
      -- for details about this method
        path, prop2, outcontent, itemtype, pflag) ;
    end if ; 
    filecnt := filecnt + 1 ; 
  end loop ; 
  -- Delete the first 2 files
  filecnt := 0; 
    exit when filecnt = 2 ; 
    path := path_pre || to_char(filecnt) ; 
    -- Delete file
    -- Please refer to DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT documentation
    -- for details about this method
    dbms_dbfs_content.deleteFile(path) ;
    commit ; 
    filecnt := filecnt + 1 ; 
  end loop ; 
  -- Move content staged in database to the tape store
  dbms_dbfs_hs.storePush(store_name) ; 
  commit ; 
end ; 

18.3.6 Program Example Using Amazon S3

This example program configures and uses an Amazon S3 store.

Valid values must be substituted in some places, indicated by <...>, for the program to run successfully.

See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference DBMS_DBFS_HS documentation for complete details about the methods and their parameters

Rem Example to configure and use an Amazon S3 store.
Rem hsuser should be a valid database user who has been granted
Rem the role dbfs_role.
connect hsuser/hsuser 
Rem The following block sets up a STORETYPE_AMAZONS3 store with
Rem DBMS_DBFS_HS acting as the store provider.
storename varchar2(32) ; 
tblname varchar2(30) ; 
tbsname varchar2(30) ; 
lob_cache_quota number := 0.8 ; 
cachesz number ; 
ots number ; 
cachesz := 50 * 1048576 ; 
ots := 1048576 ; 
storename := 's3store10' ; 
tblname := 's3tbl10' ; 
tbsname := '<TBS_3>' ; -- Substitute a valid tablespace name
-- Create the store.
-- Here tbsname is the tablespace used for the store,
-- tblname is the table holding all the store entities,
-- cachesz is the space used by the store to cache content
--   in the tablespace,
-- lob_cache_quota is the fraction of cachesz allocated
--   to level-1 cache and
-- ots is minimum amount of content that is accumulated
--   in level-2 cache before being stored in AmazonS3
  tblname, tbsname, cachesz,
  lob_cache_quota, ots) ; 
  -- Substitute your ORACLE_HOME path
  's3.amazonaws.com') ; 
  'oras3bucket10') ; 
  'LOCATION=file:<ORACLE_HOME>/work/wlt CREDENTIAL_ALIAS=a_key') ;
  -- Substitute your ORACLE_HOME path
  '<xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>') ; -- Substitute a valid SBT license id
  '<http://www-proxy.mycompany.com:80/>') ;
  -- Substitute valid value. If a proxy is not used,
  -- then this property need not be set.
  'NONE') ; 
dbms_dbfs_hs.createbucket(storename) ; 
-- Please refer to DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT documentation
-- for details about this method
  'dbms_dbfs_hs') ; 
-- Please refer to DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT documentation
-- for details about this method
  's3mnt10') ; 
end ; 
Rem The following code block does file operations
Rem using DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT on the store configured
Rem in the previous code block
connect hsuser/hsuser 
path varchar2(256) ; 
path_pre varchar2(256) ; 
mount_point varchar2(32) ; 
store_name varchar2(32) ; 
prop1 dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t ; 
prop2 dbms_dbfs_content_properties_t ; 
mycontent blob := empty_blob() ; 
buffer varchar2(1050) ; 
rawbuf raw(1050) ; 
outcontent blob := empty_blob() ; 
itemtype integer ; 
pflag integer ; 
filecnt integer ; 
iter integer ; 
offset integer ; 
rawlen integer ; 
  mount_point := '/s3mnt10' ; 
  store_name := 's3store10' ; 
  path_pre := mount_point ||'/file' ; 
  -- We create 10 empty files in the following loop
  filecnt := 0 ; 
    exit when filecnt = 10 ; 
    path := path_pre || to_char(filecnt) ; 
    mycontent := empty_blob() ; 
    prop1 := null ; 
    -- Please refer to DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT documentation
    -- for details about this method
      path, prop1, mycontent) ; -- Create the file
    commit ; 
    filecnt := filecnt + 1 ; 
  end loop ; 
  -- We populate the newly created files with content
  -- in the following loop
  pflag := dbms_dbfs_content.prop_data +
           dbms_dbfs_content.prop_std  +
           dbms_dbfs_content.prop_opt  ; 
  buffer := 'Oracle provides an integrated management '  ||
            'solution for managing Oracle database with '||
            'a unique top-down application management '  ||
            'approach. With new self-managing '          ||
            'capabilities, Oracle eliminates time-'      ||
            'consuming, error-prone administrative '     ||
            'tasks, so database administrators can '     ||
            'focus on strategic business objectives '    ||
            'instead of performance and availability '   ||
            'fire drills. Oracle Management Packs for '  ||
            'Database provide signifiCant cost and time-'||
            'saving capabilities for managing Oracle '   ||
            'Databases. Independent studies demonstrate '||
            'that Oracle Database is 40 percent easier ' ||
            'to manage over DB2 and 38 percent over '    ||
            'SQL Server.'; 
  rawbuf := utl_raw.cast_to_raw(buffer) ; 
  rawlen := utl_raw.length(rawbuf) ; 
  offset := 1 ; 
  filecnt := 0 ; 
    exit when filecnt = 10 ; 
    path := path_pre || to_char(filecnt) ; 
    prop1 := null;
    -- Append buffer to file
    -- Please refer to DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT documentation
    -- for details about this method
      path, prop1, rawlen,
      offset, rawbuf) ;
    commit ; 
    filecnt := filecnt + 1 ; 
  end loop ; 
  -- Clear out level 1 cache
  dbms_dbfs_hs.flushCache(store_name) ; 
  commit ; 
  -- Do write operation on even-numbered files.
  -- Do read operation on odd-numbered files.
  filecnt := 0 ; 
    exit when filecnt = 10; 
    path := path_pre || to_char(filecnt) ; 
    if mod(filecnt, 2) = 0 then 
      -- Get writable file
      -- Please refer to DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT documentation
      -- for details about this method
        path, prop2, outcontent, itemtype,
        pflag, null, true) ;
      buffer := 'Agile businesses want to be able to '    ||
                'quickly adopt new technologies, whether '||
                'operating systems, servers, or '         ||
                'software, to help them stay ahead of '   ||
                'the competition. However, change often ' ||
                'introduces a period of instability into '||
                'mission-critical IT systems. Oracle '    ||
                'Real Application Testing-with Oracle '   ||
                'Database 11g Enterprise Edition-allows ' ||
                'businesses to quickly adopt new '        ||
                'technologies while eliminating the '     ||
                'risks associated with change. Oracle '   ||
                'Real Application Testing combines a '    ||
                'workload capture and replay feature '    ||
                'with an SQL performance analyzer to '    ||
                'help you test changes against real-life '||
                'workloads, and then helps you fine-tune '||
                'the changes before putting them into'    ||
                'production. Oracle Real Application '    ||
                'Testing supports older versions of '     ||
                'Oracle Database, so customers running '  ||
                'Oracle Database 9i and Oracle Database ' ||
                '10g can use it to accelerate their '     ||
                'database upgrades. '; 
      rawbuf := utl_raw.cast_to_raw(buffer) ; 
      rawlen := utl_raw.length(rawbuf) ; 
      -- Modify file content
      -- Please refer to DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT documentation
      -- for details about this method
      dbms_lob.write(outcontent, rawlen, 10, rawbuf);
      commit ; 
      -- Read the file
      -- Please refer to DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT documentation
      -- for details about this method
        path, prop2, outcontent, itemtype, pflag) ;
    end if ; 
    filecnt := filecnt + 1 ; 
  end loop ; 
  -- Delete the first 2 files
  filecnt := 0; 
    exit when filecnt = 2 ; 
    path := path_pre || to_char(filecnt) ; 
    -- Delete file
    -- Please refer to DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT documentation
    -- for details about this method
    dbms_dbfs_content.deleteFile(path) ;
    commit ; 
    filecnt := filecnt + 1 ; 
  end loop ; 
  -- Move content staged in database to Amazon S3 store
  dbms_dbfs_hs.storePush(store_name) ; 
  commit ; 
end ; 