17 Using DBFS

The DBFS File System implementation includes creating and accessing the file system and managing it.

17.1 Dropping a File System

You can drop a file system by running DBFS_DROP_FILESYSTEM.SQL.


When you drop a file system, it deletes all the files and associated metadata. You won't be able to access the files.
  1. Log in to the database instance:
    $ sqlplus dbfs_user/@db_server
  2. Enter the following command:
    @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/dbfs_drop_filesystem.sql file_system_name

When you drop a file system, it deletes all the files and associated metadata. You won't be able to access the files. If you want to access the file system after dropping a DBFS, you can restore the file system from a database backup or file system backup.

Depending on the backup policy in your organization, you may have a database backup or file system backup. To restore from a database backup, you'll have to restore the entire database and then use the restored file system. To restore the file system from a file system backup, create a new DBFS and restore the file system from the file system backup.