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UCP_ABANDONED_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_CONNECTION_AFFINITY_CALLBACK - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_CONNECTION_FACTORY_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_CONNECTION_FACTORY_PROPERTIES - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_CONNECTION_HARVEST_MAX_COUNT - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_CONNECTION_HARVEST_TRIGGER_COUNT - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_CONNECTION_INITIALIZATION_CALLBACK - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_CONNECTION_LABELING_CALLBACK - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_CONNECTION_LABELING_HIGH_COST - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_CONNECTION_POOL_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_CONNECTION_PROPERTIES - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_CONNECTION_REPURPOSE_THRESHOLD - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_CONNECTION_VALIDATION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_CONNECTION_WAIT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_DATA_SOURCE_FROM_CONFIGURATION - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_DATA_SOURCE_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_DATABASE_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_FAST_CONNECTION_FAILOVER_ENABLED - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_HIGH_COST_CONNECTION_REUSE_THRESHOLD - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_INACTIVE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_INITIAL_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_LOGIN_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_MAX_CONNECTION_REUSE_COUNT - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_MAX_CONNECTION_REUSE_TIME - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_SERVICE - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_SHARD - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_MAX_IDLE_TIME - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_MAX_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_MAX_STATEMENTS - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_MIN_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_NETWORK_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_NTH_RETURNED_CONNECTION_TO_VALIDATE - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_ONS_CONFIGURATION - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_PDB_ROLES - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_PORT_NUMBER - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_PROPERTY_CYCLE - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_READONLY_INSTANCE_ALLOWED - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_ROLE_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_SECONDS_TO_TRUST_IDLE_CONNECTION - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_SERVER_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_SHARDING_MODE - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_SQL_FOR_VALIDATE_CONNECTION - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_TIME_TO_LIVE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_TIMEOUT_CHECK_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_URL - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_USER - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCP_VALIDATE_CONNECTION_ON_BORROW - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
UCPConnectionBuilder - Interface in oracle.ucp.jdbc
A builder created from a PoolDataSource object, used to get a connection to the database that the PoolDataSource object represents.
UCPDataSource - Class in oracle.ucp.jdbc
This decorator of PoolDataSource allows UCP to be configured as the pooled datasource in Spring Boot applications using Autoconfigure.
UCPDataSource() - Constructor for class oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPDataSource
UCPDataSourceResource - Class in oracle.ucp.jdbc
This DataSource wraps a UCP PoolDataSource instance with two objectives: Inject it in the Application Scope (to be referenced by Servlets, EJBs, etc).
UCPDataSourceResource() - Constructor for class oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPDataSourceResource
UCPFormatter - Class in oracle.ucp.util.logging
Universal Connection Pool custom formatter for log messages.
UCPFormatter() - Constructor for class oracle.ucp.util.logging.UCPFormatter
UCPServletContextListener - Class in oracle.ucp.jdbc
This ServletContextListener implementation creates a UCP DataSource by reading context initialization parameters and binds it to JNDI and to an ApplicationScoped object (same object) to be able to be retrieved (via JNDI or Injection) by other components in the container.
UCPServletContextListener() - Constructor for class oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPServletContextListener
UCPXAConnectionBuilder - Interface in oracle.ucp.jdbc
A builder created from a PoolXADataSource object, used to get a connection to the database that the PoolXADataSource object represents.
UniversalConnectionPool - Interface in oracle.ucp
A connection pool that pools any type of connection (called a physical connection).
UniversalConnectionPoolAdapter - Interface in oracle.ucp
Universal Connection Pool Adapter interface.
UniversalConnectionPoolException - Exception in oracle.ucp
This exception is the base exception for Universal Connection Pool exceptions.
UniversalConnectionPoolException() - Constructor for exception oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detailed message.
UniversalConnectionPoolException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
UniversalConnectionPoolException(String, int) - Constructor for exception oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and error code.
UniversalConnectionPoolException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
UniversalConnectionPoolException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()), which typically contains the class and detail message of the cause).
UniversalConnectionPoolLifeCycleState - Class in oracle.ucp
Type-safe Life Cycle values for the connection pool.
UniversalConnectionPoolManager - Interface in oracle.ucp.admin
The UniversalConnectionPoolManager interface defines operations for creating and maintaining the Universal Connection Pool instances.
UniversalConnectionPoolManagerImpl - Class in oracle.ucp.admin
The UniversalConnectionPoolManagerImpl class is the implementation class for the pool manager.
UniversalConnectionPoolManagerMBean - Interface in oracle.ucp.admin
The Universal Connection Pool Manager MBean defines operations and attributes for managing pool instances.
UniversalConnectionPoolMBean - Interface in oracle.ucp.admin
The Universal Connection Pool MBean defines operations and attributes for managing the Universal Connection Pool.
UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics - Interface in oracle.ucp
Various runtime statistics for the Universal Connection Pool.
UniversalPooledConnection - Interface in oracle.ucp
The UniversalPooledConnection is the actual object that is pooled by the connection pool.
UniversalPooledConnectionStatus - Class in oracle.ucp
Describes the status of a pooled connection.
unregisterConnectionInitializationCallback() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Unregisters the connection initialization callback on this pool.
unregisterConnectionInitializationCallback() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Unregisters the connection initialization callback on this pool.
unregisterUniversalConnectionPoolMBean(String) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolManagerMBean
Unregisters the Universal Connection Pool MBean from the MBean server.
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Since this class is not a wrapper, just check to see if this implements the requested interface.
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPDataSource
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPDataSourceResource
user(String) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPConnectionBuilder
Sets the user attribute on the builder
user(String) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPXAConnectionBuilder
Sets the user attribute on the builder
useStrictWebSessionAffinity(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
The knob for switching strict web session affinity
useStrictXAAffinity(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
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