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getAbandonedConnectionsCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the number of abandoned connections that have been reclaimed.
getAbandonedConnectionsCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the number of abandoned connections that have been reclaimed.
getAbandonedConnectionTimeout() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the abandoned connection timeout of the Universal Connection Pool instance.
getAbandonedConnectionTimeout() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the abandoned connection timeout value.
getAbandonedConnectionTimeout() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getAbandonedConnectionTimeout() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the abandoned connection timeout value.
getAbandonedConnectionTimeoutCallback() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalPooledConnection
Obtains the AbandonedConnectionTimeoutCallback registered with this connection.
getAffinityPolicy() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.ConnectionAffinityCallback
Obtains the current affinity policy from this callback.
getAllByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource.HostnameResolver
getAvailableConnectionsCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the available connections count of the Universal Connection Pool instance.
getAvailableConnectionsCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the number of available connections in the pool.
getAvailableConnectionsCount() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the number of available connections in the pool.
getAvailableConnectionsCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the number of connections that are available in the connection pool (that is, connections in the pool that are not currently in use by clients).
getAvailableConnectionsCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the number of connections that are available in the connection pool (that is, connections in the pool that are not currently in use by clients).
getAvailableStartTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalPooledConnection
Gets the timestamp that this pooled connection became available.
getAverageBorrowedConnectionsCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the average number of connections that are borrowed and actively in use by clients.
getAverageBorrowedConnectionsCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the average number of connections that are borrowed and actively in use by clients.
getAverageConnectionWaitTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the average time (in milliseconds) a user thread has to wait before it could obtain a connection from the connection pool.
getAverageConnectionWaitTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the average time (in milliseconds) a user thread has to wait before it could obtain a connection from the connection pool.
getBorrowedConnectionsCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the borrowed connections count of the Universal Connection Pool instance.
getBorrowedConnectionsCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the number of borrowed connections from the pool.
getBorrowedConnectionsCount() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the number of borrowed connections from the pool.
getBorrowedConnectionsCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the number of connections that are actively in use by clients.
getBorrowedConnectionsCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the number of connections that are actively in use by clients.
getBorrowedStartTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalPooledConnection
Gets the timestamp that this pooled connection became borrowed.
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Attempts to obtain a database connection.
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolXADataSourceImpl
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPDataSource
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPDataSourceResource
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Attempts to obtain a database connection.
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolXADataSourceImpl
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPDataSource
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPDataSourceResource
getConnection(String, String, Properties) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Attempts to obtain a database connection with the requested connection labels.
getConnection(String, String, Properties) - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Attempts to obtain a database connection with the requested connection labels.
getConnection(String, String, Properties) - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolXADataSourceImpl
getConnection(Properties) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Attempts to obtain a database connection with the requested connection labels.
getConnection(Properties) - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Attempts to obtain a database connection with the requested connection labels.
getConnection(Properties) - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolXADataSourceImpl
getConnectionAffinityContext() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.ConnectionAffinityCallback
Obtains the connection affinity context object from UCP application.
getConnectionFactoryClassName() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the Connection Factory class name.
getConnectionFactoryClassName() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getConnectionFactoryProperties() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the connection factory properties that are set on this data source.
getConnectionFactoryProperties() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the connection factory properties that are set on this data source.
getConnectionFactoryProperty(String) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the specified connection factory property that are set on this data source.
getConnectionFactoryProperty(String) - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the specified connection factory property that are set on this data source.
getConnectionHarvestingCallback() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalPooledConnection
Obtains the ConnectionHarvestingCallback registered with this connection.
getConnectionHarvestMaxCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the connection harvest maximum count of the Universal Connection Pool instance.
getConnectionHarvestMaxCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the maximum number of connections that may be harvested when the connection harvesting occurs.
getConnectionHarvestMaxCount() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the maximum number of connections that may be harvested when the connection harvesting occurs.
getConnectionHarvestMaxCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the maximum number of connections that may be harvested when the connection harvesting occurs.
getConnectionHarvestTriggerCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the connection harvest trigger count of the Universal Connection Pool instance.
getConnectionHarvestTriggerCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the number of available connections below which the connection pool's connection harvesting will occur.
getConnectionHarvestTriggerCount() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the number of available connections at which the connection pool's connection harvesting will occur.
getConnectionHarvestTriggerCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the number of available connections below which the connection pool's connection harvesting occurs.
getConnectionInitializationCallback() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Obtains the registered connection initialization callback, if any.
getConnectionInitializationCallback() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Obtains the registered connection initialization callback, if any.
getConnectionLabelingHighCost() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Obtains the cost value which identifies a connection as "high-cost" for connection labeling.
getConnectionLabelingHighCost() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getConnectionLabelingHighCost() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Obtains the cost value which identifies a connection as "high-cost" for connection labeling.
getConnectionLabels() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.LabelableConnection
Retrieves all the connection labels applied on this connection.
getConnectionLabels() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalPooledConnection
Retrieves all the connection labels applied on this connection.
getConnectionPool(String) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolManager
Gets the Universal Connection Pool instance from the Universal Connection Pool Manager.
getConnectionPoolLifeCycleState(String) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolManagerMBean
Gets the life cycle state of the Universal Connection Pool.
getConnectionPoolName() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the connection pool name.
getConnectionPoolName() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the connection pool name.
getConnectionPoolNames() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolManager
Gets all the pool names managed by the Universal Connection Pool Manager.
getConnectionPoolNames() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolManagerMBean
Gets all the pool names managed by the Universal Connection Pool Manager.
getConnectionProperties() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the connection properties that are set on this data source.
getConnectionProperties() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the connection properties that are set on this data source.
getConnectionProperty(String) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the specified connection property that are set on this data source.
getConnectionProperty(String) - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the specified connection property that are set on this data source.
getConnectionRepurposeCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Returns the number of connection repurposed in a shared pool for a mutitenant database, where connections can be reused across PDB's by switching their container and PDB service.
getConnectionRepurposeCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.oracle.OracleJDBCConnectionPoolStatistics
Returns the number of connection repurposed in a shared pool for a mutitenant database, where connections can be reused across PDB's by switching their container and PDB service.
getConnectionRepurposeThreshold() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the connection repurpose threshold for the pool.
getConnectionRepurposeThreshold() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getConnectionRepurposeThreshold() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the connection repurpose threshold for the pool.
getConnectionRetrievalInfo() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the ConnectionRetrievalInfo object which contains user and password information to create the connections.
getConnectionRetrievalInfo() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalPooledConnection
Gets the connection retrieval info.
getConnectionsClosedCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the number of connections closed by this connection pool.
getConnectionsClosedCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the number of connections closed by this connection pool.
getConnectionsCreatedCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the number of connections created for this connection pool.
getConnectionsCreatedCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the number of connections created for this connection pool.
getConnectionValidationTimeout() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Connection validation timeout getter
getConnectionValidationTimeout() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Connection validation timeout getter
getConnectionValidationTimeout() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getConnectionValidationTimeout() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Connection validation timeout getter This property changes the allowed time for a connection valiadation.
getConnectionWaitTimeout() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the connection wait timeout of the Universal Connection Pool instance.
getConnectionWaitTimeout() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the amount of time to wait (in seconds) for a used connection to be released by a client.
getConnectionWaitTimeout() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getConnectionWaitTimeout() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the amount of time to wait (in seconds) for a used connection to be released by a client.
getCopyWithNoLabels() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.ConnectionRetrievalInfo
Clones this connection retrieval object but removes all the connection labels associated.
getCumulativeConnectionBorrowedCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the number of connections borrowed from the connection pool over the life of the pool.
getCumulativeConnectionBorrowedCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the number of connections borrowed from the connection pool over the life of the pool.
getCumulativeConnectionReturnedCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the number of connections returned to the connection pool over the life of the pool.
getCumulativeConnectionReturnedCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the number of connections returned to the connection pool over the life of the pool.
getCumulativeConnectionUseTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the cumulative time (in milliseconds) of connections that were borrowed from the pool and remained in use.
getCumulativeConnectionUseTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the cumulative time (in milliseconds) of connections that were borrowed from the pool and remained in use.
getCumulativeConnectionWaitTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the cumulative time (in milliseconds) that connection requests have waited for connections over the life of the connection pool.
getCumulativeConnectionWaitTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the cumulative time (in milliseconds) that connection requests have waited for connections over the life of the connection pool.
getCumulativeFailedConnectionWaitCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the number of connection requests that waited unsuccessfully to borrow a connection from the pool.
getCumulativeFailedConnectionWaitCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the number of connection requests that waited unsuccessfully to borrow a connection from the pool.
getCumulativeFailedConnectionWaitTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the cumulative time (in milliseconds) that connection requests waited but failed to borrow a connection from the pool.
getCumulativeFailedConnectionWaitTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the cumulative time (in milliseconds) that connection requests waited but failed to borrow a connection from the pool.
getCumulativeSuccessfulConnectionWaitCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the number of connection requests that waited successfully and borrowed a connection from the pool.
getCumulativeSuccessfulConnectionWaitCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the number of connection requests that waited successfully and borrowed a connection from the pool.
getCumulativeSuccessfulConnectionWaitTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the cumulative time (in milliseconds) that connection requests waited successfully and borrowed a connection from the pool.
getCumulativeSuccessfulConnectionWaitTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the cumulative time (in milliseconds) that connection requests waited successfully and borrowed a connection from the pool.
getDatabaseConnectionProperties() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalPooledConnection
Fetches the connection properties.
getDatabaseName() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the database name.
getDatabaseName() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the database name.
getDataSourceName() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the data source name.
getDataSourceName() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the data source name.
getDelegator() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalPooledConnection
getDescription() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the data source description.
getDescription() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the data source description.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException
Gets the error code associated with this exception.
getFailedAffinityBasedBorrowCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the number of borrow requests that returned connections not matching the affinity contexts.
getFailedAffinityBasedBorrowCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.oracle.OracleJDBCConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the number of borrow requests that returned connections not matching the affinity contexts.
getFailedRCLBBasedBorrowCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the number of borrow requests failed using Runtime Connection Load-Balancing (RCLB) algorithms.
getFailedRCLBBasedBorrowCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.oracle.OracleJDBCConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the number of borrow requests that failed to use Runtime Connection Load-Balancing (RCLB) algorithms.
getFastConnectionFailoverEnabled() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Checks if Fast Connection Failover is enabled.
getFastConnectionFailoverEnabled() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getFcfProcessingInfo() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the information of recent Fast Connection Failover (FCF) attempts, in the form of a String.
getFCFProcessingInfo() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.oracle.OracleJDBCConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the information of recent Fast Connection Failover (FCF) attempts, in the form of a String.
getFcfProcessingInfoProcessedOnly() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
getFCFProcessingInfoProcessedOnly() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.oracle.OracleJDBCConnectionPoolStatistics
getHighCostConnectionReuseThreshold() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Obtains the high-cost connection reuse threshold property value for connection labeling.
getHighCostConnectionReuseThreshold() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getHighCostConnectionReuseThreshold() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Obtains the high-cost connection reuse threshold property value for connection labeling.
getHostnameResolver() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Returns the hostname resolver associated with this datasource
getInactiveConnectionTimeout() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the inactive connection timeout of the Universal Connection Pool instance.
getInactiveConnectionTimeout() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the inactive connection timeout.
getInactiveConnectionTimeout() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getInactiveConnectionTimeout() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the inactive connection timeout value.
getInitialPoolSize() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the initial pool size of the Universal Connection Pool instance.
getInitialPoolSize() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the initial pool size.
getInitialPoolSize() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getInitialPoolSize() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the initial pool size.
getLabeledConnectionsCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the number of labeled connections in the connection pool.
getLabeledConnectionsCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the number of labeled connections in the connection pool.
getLabels() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.ConnectionRetrievalInfo
Retrieves all the connection labels stored on this connection retrieval info object.
getLastAccessedTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalPooledConnection
Gets the last time (in milliseconds) that this pooled connection was used by the client.
getLastConnectionValidationTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalPooledConnection
Gets the time that this pooled connection was last validated.
getLastNetworkAccessTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalPooledConnection
Gets the time (in milliseconds) when the underlying connection last accessed the network.
getLifeCycleState() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the lifecycle state of Universal Connection Pool instance.
getLifeCycleState() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the life cycle state of the connection pool.
getLoginTimeout() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the default maximum time in seconds that a driver will wait while attempting to connect to a database once the driver has been identified.
getLoginTimeout() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPDataSource
getLoginTimeout() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPDataSourceResource
getLoginTimeout() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the default maximum time in seconds that a driver will wait while attempting to connect to a database once the driver has been identified.
getLogLevel() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolManager
Gets the log level for the logger.
getLogLevel() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolManagerMBean
Gets the log level for the logger.
getLogWriter() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getLogWriter() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPDataSource
getLogWriter() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPDataSourceResource
getMaxConnectionReuseCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the maximum connection reuse count of the Universal Connection Pool instance.
getMaxConnectionReuseCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the maximum connection reuse count property value.
getMaxConnectionReuseCount() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the connection reuse count property.
getMaxConnectionReuseCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the maximum connection reuse count property value.
getMaxConnectionReuseTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the maximum connection reuse time of the Universal Connection Pool instance.
getMaxConnectionReuseTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the maximum connection reuse time property value.
getMaxConnectionReuseTime() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the connection reuse time property.
getMaxConnectionReuseTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the maximum connection reuse time property value.
getMaxConnectionsPerService() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the maximum number of connections that can be obtained to a particular service, in a shared pool.
getMaxConnectionsPerService() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getMaxConnectionsPerService() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the maximum number of connections that can be obtained to a particular service, in a shared pool.
getMaxConnectionsPerShard() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the currently configured max connections that can be created per shard from this connection pool.
getMaxConnectionsPerShard() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the currently configured max connections that can be created per shard in a sharded database configuration.
getMaxIdleTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the maximum idle time.
getMaxIdleTime() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets Idle timeout value.
getMaxPoolSize() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the maximum pool size of the Universal Connection Pool instance.
getMaxPoolSize() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the maximum number of connections that the connection pool will maintain.
getMaxPoolSize() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getMaxPoolSize() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the maximum number of connections that the connection pool maintains.
getMaxStatements() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the maximum number of statements that may be pooled or cached on a Connection.
getMaxStatements() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the maximum number of statements that may be pooled or cached on a Connection.
getMBeanInfo(ObjectName, String) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Builds MBeanInfo to define attributes, constructors, operations and notifications to expose to the remote users.
getMBeanNameForConnectionPool(String) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolManagerMBean
Gets the MBean Name for the corresponding Universal Connection Pool MBean Object.
getMetricUpdateInterval() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolManager
Gets the metric update interval value.
getMetricUpdateInterval() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolManagerMBean
Gets the metric update interval value.
getMinPoolSize() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the minimum pool size of the Universal Connection Pool instance.
getMinPoolSize() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the minimum number of connections that the connection pool will maintain.
getMinPoolSize() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getMinPoolSize() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the minimum number of connections that the connection pool maintains.
getName() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the name of the Universal Connection Pool instance.
getName() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the name of the connection pool.
getNetworkProtocol() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the data source network protocol.
getNetworkProtocol() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the datasource networkProtocol.
getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getONSConfiguration() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Returns the ONS configuration string that is used for remote ONS subscription in the form specified in setONSConfiguration(String).
getONSConfiguration() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Returns the ONS configuration string that is used for remote ONS subscription, in the form specified in setONSConfiguration(String).
getParentLogger() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getParentLogger() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPDataSource
getParentLogger() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPDataSourceResource
getPassword() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
getPdbRoles() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the PDB roles specified for this datasource
getPdbRoles() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the PDB roles specified for this datasource
getPeakConnectionsCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the maximum number of connections that the connection pool has reached during the life of the pool.
getPeakConnectionsCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the maximum number of connections that the connection pool has reached during the life of the pool.
getPeakConnectionWaitTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the longest wait (in milliseconds) a user request has to incur before obtaining a connection from the connection pool.
getPeakConnectionWaitTime() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the longest wait (in milliseconds) a user request has to incur before obtaining a connection from the connection pool.
getPendingRequestsCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the number of clients that are currently waiting to obtain a connection from the pool.
getPendingRequestsCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the number of clients that are currently waiting to obtain a connection from the pool.
getPhysicalConnection() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalPooledConnection
Gets the physical connection that this UniversalPooledConnection decorates.
getPoolDataSource() - Static method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceFactory
Obtains a pool-enabled PoolDataSource instance.
getPoolDataSource() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPDataSource
Returns the reference to the instantiated PoolDataSource.
getPoolDataSource() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPDataSourceResource
getPoolDataSource(String) - Static method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceFactory
Obtains a pool-enabled PoolDataSource instance.
getPoolDataSource(String, InputStream) - Static method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceFactory
Obtains a pool-enabled PoolDataSource instance form a given stream.
getPoolDataSource(Properties) - Static method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceFactory
Creates and configures a new data source to a shared pool instance.
getPoolXADataSource() - Static method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceFactory
Obtains a pool-enabled PoolXADataSource instance.
getPoolXADataSource(String) - Static method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceFactory
Obtains a pool-enabled PoolXADataSource instance.
getPoolXADataSource(Properties) - Static method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceFactory
Creates and configures a new XA data source to a shared pool instance.
getPortNumber() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the database port number.
getPortNumber() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the database port number.
getPropertyCycle() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the property cycle in seconds.
getPropertyCycle() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets Property cycle in seconds.
getQueryTimeout() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement object to execute to the given number of seconds.
getQueryTimeout() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement object to execute to the given number of seconds.
getReference() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getRemainingPoolCapacityCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the number of connections that may be added to the pool before it reaches maxPoolSize.
getRemainingPoolCapacityCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the number of connections that may be added to the pool before it reaches maxPoolSize.
getRequestedLabels() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.ConnectionLabelingCallback
Allows applications to use connection labeling with standard JDBC getConnection APIs.
getRoleName() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the data source role name.
getRoleName() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the datasource role name.
getSecondsToTrustIdleConnection() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the seconds To Trust Idle Connection value.
getSecondsToTrustIdleConnection() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the seconds To Trust Idle Connection value.
getSecondsToTrustIdleConnection() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the seconds To Trust Idle Connection value.
getSecondsToTrustIdleConnection() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the seconds To Trust Idle Connection value which determines whether or not connection validation on borrow should be skipped See property description in setSecondsToTrustIdleConnection().
getServerName() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the database server name.
getServerName() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the database server name.
getServiceName() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the service name set on this data source
getServiceName() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the service name set on this data source
getShardConnectionStats() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Returns total, borrowed and available connection counts to various shards discovered by the pool so far.
getShardConnectionStats() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Returns a map containing shard connection statistics object for various shards discovered by the pool so far.
getShardingMode() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Returns the mode of UCP when UCP is using a Sharded Database.
getShardingMode() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Returns the mode of UCP when UCP is using a Sharded Database.
getShardingMode() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Returns the mode of UCP when UCP is using a Sharded Database.
getShardingMode() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Returns the mode of UCP when UCP is using a Sharded Database.
getSQLForValidateConnection() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the value of the SQLForValidateConnection property.
getSQLForValidateConnection() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the Value for SQLForValidateConnection property.
getSSLContext() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Returns SSL context associated with the datasource.
getState() - Method in class oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolLifeCycleState
Returns the pool life cycle state.
getStatistics() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets statistics for the Universal Connection Pool instance.
getStatistics() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the statistics of the connection pool.
getStatistics() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Gets the statistics of the connection pool.
getStatistics() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the statistics of the connection pool.
getStatus() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalPooledConnection
Gets the status of the pooled connection.
getStatus() - Method in class oracle.ucp.UniversalPooledConnectionStatus
getSuccessfulAffinityBasedBorrowCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the number of borrow requests succeeded with matching affinity contexts.
getSuccessfulAffinityBasedBorrowCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.oracle.OracleJDBCConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the number of borrow requests that succeeded in matching affinity contexts.
getSuccessfulRCLBBasedBorrowCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the number of borrow requests succeeded using Runtime Connection Load-Balancing (RCLB) algorithms.
getSuccessfulRCLBBasedBorrowCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.oracle.OracleJDBCConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the number of borrow requests that succeeded in using the Runtime Connection Load-Balancing (RCLB) algorithms.
getTimeoutCheckInterval() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the timeout check interval of the Universal Connection Pool instance.
getTimeoutCheckInterval() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the timeout check interval (in seconds).
getTimeoutCheckInterval() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getTimeoutCheckInterval() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the frequency (in seconds) to enforce the timeout properties.
getTimeToLiveConnectionTimeout() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the time to live connection timeout of the Universal Connection Pool instance.
getTimeToLiveConnectionTimeout() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the maximum time (in seconds) a connection may remain in-use.
getTimeToLiveConnectionTimeout() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getTimeToLiveConnectionTimeout() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Gets the maximum time (in seconds) a connection may remain in-use.
getTimeToLiveConnectionTimeoutCallback() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalPooledConnection
Obtains the TimeToLiveConnectionTimeoutCallback registered with this connection.
getTotalConnectionsCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the total number of connections (both available and borrowed) in the connection pool.
getTotalConnectionsCount() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolStatistics
Gets the total number of connections (both available and borrowed) in the connection pool.
getUCPMBeanAttributes() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Builds the attribute information for the Universal Connection Pool MBean.
getUCPMBeanOperations() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Builds the operation information for the Universal Connection Pool MBean.
getUniversalConnectionPoolManager() - Static method in class oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolManagerImpl
Returns the static Universal Connection Pool Manager instance.
getUnmatchedConnectionLabels(Properties) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.LabelableConnection
Obtains all the requested labels that did not match the applied labels on this connection when this connection was borrowed from the pool.
getUnmatchedConnectionLabels(Properties) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalPooledConnection
Obtains all the requested labels that did not match the applied labels on this connection when this connection was borrowed from the pool.
getURL() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the URL for this data source.
getURL() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getUser() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Gets the user name for this data source.
getUser() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
getValidateConnectionOnBorrow() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolMBean
Gets the validate connection on borrow value of the Universal Connection Pool instance.
getValidateConnectionOnBorrow() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Returns whether or not a connection being borrowed should first be validated.
getValidateConnectionOnBorrow() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Returns whether or not a connection being borrowed should first be validated.
getValidateConnectionOnBorrow() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Returns whether or not a connection being borrowed should first be validated.
getXAConnection() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolXADataSource
Obtains an XA connection from the embedded Universal Connection Pool instance.
getXAConnection() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolXADataSourceImpl
Obtains an XAConnection from the embedded Universal Connection Pool instance.
getXAConnection(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolXADataSource
Obtains an XA connection from the embedded Universal Connection Pool instance, using the given user name and password.
getXAConnection(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolXADataSourceImpl
Obtains an XAConnection from the embedded Universal Connection Pool instance, using the given user name and password.
getXAConnection(String, String, Properties) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolXADataSource
Obtains an XA connection from the embedded Universal Connection Pool instance, using the given user name, password, and connection labels.
getXAConnection(String, String, Properties) - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolXADataSourceImpl
Obtains an XAConnection from the embedded Universal Connection Pool instance, using the given user name, password, and connection labels.
getXAConnection(Properties) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolXADataSource
Obtains an XA connection from the embedded Universal Connection Pool instance, using the given connection labels.
getXAConnection(Properties) - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolXADataSourceImpl
Obtains an XAConnection from the embedded Universal Connection Pool instance, using the given connection labels.
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