Stopping an Instance and Services Using ORADIM

Learn how to stop an instance and services using ORADIM.

To use ORADIM to stop an instance, enter:

oradim -SHUTDOWN -SID SID | -ASMSID SID [-SYSPWD password] 
[-SHUTTYPE srvc | inst | srvc,inst] [-SHUTMODE normal | immediate | abort]

For this command, note the following:

  • -SHUTDOWN indicates that you are stopping an instance. This is a mandatory parameter.

  • -SID SID specifies the name of the instance to stop.

  • -ASMSID SID is the name of the Oracle Automatic Storage Management instance to stop.

  • -SHUTTYPE srvc, inst indicates whether to stop the service or the instance. One or both values can be specified. If it is not specified, then the registry is checked for the current setting.

  • -SHUTMODE specifies how to stop an instance. This is an optional parameter. If you do not specify how to stop an instance, then immediate is the default mode.

To stop an instance called puma, for example, enter:

C:\> oradim -SHUTDOWN -SID puma -SHUTTYPE srvc,inst