5.1 Running Oracle Map Builder

Oracle Map Builder is shipped as a JAR file (mapbuilder.jar).

You can run it as a standalone Java application in a Java Development Kit (J2SE SDK) 1.5 or later environment, as follows:

% java –jar mapbuilder.jar [Options]


-cache <cache_size> specifies the size of the in-memory geometry cache. Example: -cache 64M

-config <config-file> specifies the location of the file containing Map Builder configuration and preference information. If you do not specify this option, Map Builder looks for a file named oasmapbuilder.xml in your home Java directory. For more information about the configuration and preference file, see Configuring the Map Visualization Component.

-connect causes Map Builder at startup to register connections for all data sources specified in the oasmapbuilder.xml preferences file or the file specified with the -config option, and it automatically connects to the first available data source. This option increases the application startup time. If this option is not defined, startup is faster, but you must then use the File menu or an icon to connect to any data sources that you want to use (see Oracle Map Builder User Interface).

-help displays information about the available options.

5.1.1 Java Libraries for Theme Creation with GDAL and Teradata

To create themes in Map Builder with GDAL-OGR (version 1.8 or later) or Teradata (version 13 or later), Map Builder must be started with GDAL-OGR (gdal.jar) and/or Teradata (terajdbc4.jar and tdgssconfig.jar) jar files on the class path. These Java libraries can be found in the GDAL installation on your system and on the Teradata website. (For GDAL, see the GDAL website for more information.)

The following example commands start Map Builder with additional libraries in the class path.

Windows: java -Xmx512M -cp .\mapbuilder.jar;.\gdal.jar;.\terajdbc4.jar;.\tdgssconfig.jar oracle.mapviewer.builder.MapBuilder

Linux: java -Xmx512M -cp ./mapbuilder.jar:./gdal.jar:./terajdbc4.jar:./tdgssconfig.jar oracle.mapviewer.builder.MapBuilder