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cleanup() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.ConnectionHarvestingCallback
Cleans up a connection being harvested before the connection is returned to the connection pool.
close() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalPooledConnection
Close this connection.
closeConnection(Object) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.ConnectionFactoryAdapter
Closes the given connection.
closeConnection(UniversalPooledConnection) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool
Closes the pooled connection.
closeConnectionAsync(Object, Executor) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.ConnectionFactoryAdapter
Closes a connection asynchronously.
COLOCATION_URL - Static variable in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
COMMON_LOGGER_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.ucp.diagnostics.DiagnosticsCollector
COMPLETE - oracle.ucp.UniversalPooledConnection.ValidationType
configure(Properties, Object) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.ConnectionLabelingCallback
Configures the selected connection for a borrowing request before returning the connection to the application.
configureAsync(Properties, Object) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.ConnectionLabelingCallback
Asynchronous version of 'confugure()': Configures the selected connection for a borrowing request before returning the connection to the application.
ConnectionAffinityCallback - Interface in oracle.ucp
The callback interface for the Oracle RAC affinity features.
ConnectionAffinityCallback.AffinityPolicy - Enum in oracle.ucp
The Enum AffinityPolicy.
ConnectionFactoryAdapter - Interface in oracle.ucp
The connection factory adapter is responsible for creating and closing connections for a specific resource (such as, JDBC or JCA).
ConnectionHarvestingCallback - Interface in oracle.ucp
The callback interface for the connection harvesting support.
ConnectionInitializationCallback - Interface in oracle.ucp.jdbc
This callback allows applications and frameworks to initialize connections retrieved from Universal Connection Pool using common actions, before the connections are put to use.
ConnectionLabelingCallback - Interface in oracle.ucp
The callback interface for connection labeling support.
ConnectionLabelingCallback - Interface in oracle.ucp.jdbc
New callback interface for connection labeling support.
ConnectionPublisher(ConnectionBuilderType) - Constructor for class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl.ConnectionPublisher
ConnectionRetrievalInfo - Interface in oracle.ucp
The connection retrieval info is used for borrowing existing connections and for creating new ones.
connectionWaitDuration(Duration) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPConnectionBuilder
Set connection wait timeout (in java.time.Duration) for this connection builder particularly.
connectionWaitDuration(Duration) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPXAConnectionBuilder
Set connection wait timeout (in java.time.Duration) for this connection builder particularly.
connectionWaitTimeout(int) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPConnectionBuilder
connectionWaitTimeout(int) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPXAConnectionBuilder
ConnectionWithAbandonedTimeout - Interface in oracle.ucp.jdbc
Interface supporting abandoned connection timeout handling for JDBC java.sql.Connections.
ConnectionWithTimeToLiveTimeout - Interface in oracle.ucp.jdbc
Interface supporting time-to-live connection timeout handling for JDBC java.sql.Connections.
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPServletContextListener
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPServletContextListener
cost(Properties, Properties) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.ConnectionLabelingCallback
Projects the cost of configuring connections considering label-matching differences.
createConnection(ConnectionRetrievalInfo) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.ConnectionFactoryAdapter
Creates a connection.
createConnectionAsync(ConnectionRetrievalInfo, Executor) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.ConnectionFactoryAdapter
Creates a connection asynchronously.
createConnectionBuilder() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Creates a new UCPConnectionBuilder instance.
createConnectionBuilder() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
createConnectionPool(UniversalConnectionPoolAdapter) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolManager
Creates a connection pool instance based on specified UCP Adapter.
createConnectionPool(UniversalConnectionPoolAdapter) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.admin.UniversalConnectionPoolManagerMBean
Creates a connection pool instance based on specified UCP Adapter.
createPooledConnection(Object, ConnectionRetrievalInfo) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.ConnectionFactoryAdapter
Creates a UniversalPooledConnection object.
createPoolWithDefaultProperties() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
createPoolWithDefaultProperties() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolXADataSourceImpl
createShardingKeyBuilder() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource
Creates a new OracleShardingKeyBuilder instance
createUniversalConnectionPool() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Creates a Universal Connection Pool instance using this adapter.
createUniversalConnectionPool() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolAdapter
Creates a Universal Connection Pool instance using this adapter.
createUniversalConnectionPoolMBean() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl
Creates a Universal Connection Pool MBean using this adapter.
createUniversalConnectionPoolMBean() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolAdapter
Creates a Universal Connection Pool MBean using this adapter.
createXAConnectionBuilder() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolXADataSource
Creates a new XAConnectionBuilder instance.
createXAConnectionBuilder() - Method in class oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolXADataSourceImpl
criMatchSelector() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.ConnectionRetrievalInfo
Default predicate for CRI matching.
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