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endCurrentSql() - Method in interface oracle.ucp.diagnostics.Diagnosable
Restore the current SQL support logging a specific SQL.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.ucp.UniversalPooledConnectionStatus
Determines equality.
equalsIncludingPassword(ConnectionRetrievalInfo) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.ConnectionRetrievalInfo
Checks whether this instance is equal to another.
equalsNotIncludingPassword(ConnectionRetrievalInfo) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.ConnectionRetrievalInfo
Checks whether this instance is equal to another.
errorCode - Variable in exception oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException
executor(Executor) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPConnectionBuilder
Submits an executor to be used in the asynchronous builder's operations.
executor(Executor) - Method in interface oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPXAConnectionBuilder
Submits an executor to be used in the asynchronous builder's operations.
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