2.26 LIST


Use the LIST command to display backups and information about other objects recorded in the RMAN repository.

See Also:

Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide to learn how to make lists and reports, and REPORT


Execute LIST only at the RMAN prompt. Either of the following conditions must be met:

  • RMAN must be connected to a target database. If RMAN is not connected to a recovery catalog, then the target database must be mounted or open. If RMAN is connected to a recovery catalog, then the target database instance must be started.

  • RMAN must be connected to a recovery catalog and SET DBID must have been run.

To list preplugin backups, you must connect to the root as a common user with the SYSDBA or SYSBACKUP privilege.

Usage Notes

The LIST command displays the backups and copies against which you can run CROSSCHECK and DELETE commands.

"RMAN Backups in a Data Guard Environment" explains how RMAN handles backups in a Data Guard environment. In general, RMAN considers tape backups created on one database in the environment as accessible to all databases in the environment, whereas disk backups are accessible only to the database that created them. In a Data Guard environment, LIST displays those files that are accessible to the connected target database.

RMAN prints the LIST output to either standard output or the message log, but not to both at the same time.



Syntax Element Description


Lists the DB_UNIQUE_NAME of one or more databases registered in the recovery catalog.

RMAN must be connected to a recovery catalog. RMAN must also be connected to a mounted or open target database, or you must identify the target database with the SET DBID command. The DBID for a primary database is identical to the DBID of its associated standby databases: they are distinguished by DB_UNIQUE_NAME.

See Also: Table 2-26 for a description of the output


Lists the DB_UNIQUE_NAME of every database registered in the RMAN repository.

   OF DATABASE database_name

Lists the DB_UNIQUE_NAME of every database with the specified DB_NAME.


Displays backup sets, proxy copies, and image copies marked in the repository as EXPIRED, which means they were not found. See Table 2-8 for a description of the output.

To ensure that LIST EXPIRED shows up-to-date output, use a CROSSCHECK command periodically. When you use a CROSSCHECK command, RMAN searches disk and tape for backups and copies recorded in the repository. If it does not find them, then it updates their repository records to status EXPIRED.


Lists preplugin backups.


Specifies the type of expired object or objects that you are listing.

See Also: listObjectSpec


Restricts the range of the listing.

See Also: maintQualifier

To display backups of PDBs that were dropped, use the GUID option with the LIST command and specify the GUID of the dropped PDB. Query the dba_pdb_history view to determine the GUID, of dropped PDBs.


Specifies the expired object or objects that you are listing.

See Also: recordSpec


Lists the expired files in listObjectSpec or recordSpec that are exclusively associated with the specified DB_UNIQUE_NAME in a Data Guard environment.

You can specify a database with db_unique_name or use ALL for all uniquely named databases recorded in the catalog for a particular DBID. A database is uniquely identified in the recovery catalog by a DBID and the value of the DB_UNIQUE_NAME initialization parameter.

RMAN must be connected to a recovery catalog. RMAN must also be connected to a mounted or open target database, or you must have run the SET DBID command.

See Also: forDbUniqueNameOption for descriptions of the options in this clause


Displays information about the incarnations of a database.

Whenever you open a database with the RESETLOGS option, you create a new incarnation of the database. If LIST INCARNATION displays n incarnations of a database, then you have reset the online redo logs for this database n-1 times.

The LIST output includes the primary keys of all database incarnation records for the specified database name (in the column Inc Key, which contains the incarnation key). Use the key in a RESET DATABASE command to change the incarnation that RMAN considers to be current to a previous incarnation.

See Also: Table 2-23 for an explanation of the column headings of the LIST INCARNATION output table and Example 2-112 for an illustration

   OF DATABASE database_name

Specifies the name of the database. If you do not specify the OF DATABASE option, then LIST displays all databases registered in the recovery catalog.

   OF PLUGGABLE DATABASE pluggable_database_name

Specifies the name of the PDB. Information about all incarnations of the specified PDB is displayed. You must connect to the root as a common user with the SYSDBA or SYSBACKUP privilege.


Specifies the type of expired object or objects that you are listing.

See Also: listObjectSpec


Restricts the range of the listing.

See Also: maintQualifier


Restricts the list to data file backups or copies whose status in the repository is AVAILABLE and which can be used for restore and recovery in the current incarnation of the target database.

See Also: recoverableClause


Specifies the object or objects that you are listing.

See Also: recordSpec


Specifies an end time, SCN, or log sequence number.

See Also: untilClause


Displays restore points known to the RMAN repository.

See Also: Table 2-25 for an explanation of the column headings of the LIST RESTORE POINT output table


Displays the specified restore point.


Displays all restore points known to the RMAN repository.


Lists the backups and restore points that are exclusively associated with the specified DB_UNIQUE_NAME in a Data Guard environment.

You can specify a database with db_unique_name or use ALL for all uniquely named databases recorded in the catalog for a particular DBID. A database is uniquely identified in the recovery catalog by a DBID and the value of the DB_UNIQUE_NAME initialization parameter.

RMAN must be connected to a recovery catalog. RMAN must also be connected to a mounted or open target database.

See Also: forDbUniqueNameOption for descriptions of the options in this clause


RMAN lists all global and local scripts defined for all databases in the connected recovery catalog, along with any descriptive comments.

You must be connected to a recovery catalog, but you do not need to be connected to a target database.


RMAN lists only global scripts defined in the connected recovery catalog, along with any descriptive comments.

You must be connected to a recovery catalog, but you do not need to be connected to a target database.


Lists local and global scripts that can be executed on the current target database.

You must be connected to a target database and a recovery catalog to use this form of the command.

See Also: Table 2-24 for a description of the output and Example 3-17 for an illustration


Lists all the recovery catalog schema connections.

To run the LIST CONNECTED USERS command, you must connect to a recovery catalog as a catalog schema owner.

See the Backup and Recovery User's Guide to learn how to manage catalog schema connections.


Lists all the catalog schema connections that are blocking the progress of a recovery catalog upgrade.

To run the LIST BLOCKING CONNECTED USERS command, you must have issued the UPGRADE CATALOG command and then connected to the recovery catalog in the RMAN maintenance mode.

Blocking connections are catalog schema connections that started before you issued the UPGRADE CATALOG command. Blocking connections may cause bottlenecks for RMAN to complete a recovery catalog upgrade.

Therefore, after you issue the UPGRADE CATALOG command, enable the RMAN maintenance mode and then run the LIST BLOCKING CONNECTED USERS command to view if there are any blocking connections. You can then terminate the blocking connections, if necessary. See example, Example 2-114

See Also: SET



See the Backup and Recovery User's Guide to learn how to use the RMAN maintenance mode to manage catalog schema connections.


Lists all the recovery catalog schema connections that are waiting for a recovery catalog upgrade to complete.

To run the LIST WAITING CONNECTED USERS command, you must have issued the UPGRADE CATALOG command and then connected to the recovery catalog in the RMAN maintenance mode.

Starting with Oracle Database 23ai, after you issue the UPGRADE CATALOG command, connect RMAN to the recovery catalog in maintenance mode and then run the LIST WAITING CONNECTED USERS command to view all the queued connections to the catalog. You can then use the TERMINATE command to terminate the waiting connections, if necessary.

See Also: SET



See the Backup and Recovery User's Guide to learn how to use the RMAN maintenance mode to manage catalog schema connections.


This subclause specifies the type of object or objects that you are listing.

Syntax Element Description


Displays information about backup sets (including detail on backup pieces) and proxy copies.

See Also: Table 2-8 for a description of LIST BACKUP output and Example 2-108 for an illustration

   OF listObjList

Restricts the list of objects operated on to the object type specified in the listObjList clause. If you do not specify an object, then LIST defaults to OF DATABASE CONTROLFILE ARCHIVELOG ALL.

Note: The LIST BACKUP ... LIKE command is not valid. The only valid exception is LIST BACKUP OF ARCHIVELOG LIKE.

See Also: listObjList


Specifies whether to list summary information about backups or detailed information.


Displays information about a range of archived redo log files.


Displays only information about data file copies, archived redo log files, and image copies of archived redo log files. By default, LIST COPY displays copies of all database files and archived redo log files. Both usable and unusable image copies are included in the output, even those that cannot be restored or are expired or unavailable.

See Also: Table 2-20 and Table 2-22 for an explanation of the column headings of the LIST COPY output tables

   OF listObjList

Restricts the list of objects operated on to the object type specified in the listObjList clause.

See Also: listObjList


Displays information about a range of foreign archived redo log files.


This subclause specifies recoverable backups.

Syntax Element Description


Restricts the list to expired data file backups or copies whose status in the repository is AVAILABLE and which can be used for restore and recovery in the current incarnation of the target database. This list includes all backups and copies except the incremental backups that have no valid parent to which the incremental can be applied.

  TO RESTORE POINT   restore_point_name

Specifies a restore point, with the SCN at which the restore point was created as the upper, inclusive limit. Because the limit is inclusive, RMAN only lists files that are recoverable up to and including the SCN corresponding to the restore point.


Specifies an end time, SCN, or log sequence number.

See Also: untilClause


Specifies whether to summarize backups or list the backups for a particular data file.

Syntax Element Description


Lists backups of each data file, archived redo log file, control file, and server parameter file.

See Also: Table 2-17, Table 2-18, and Table 2-19 for a description of LIST BACKUP ... BY FILE output


Gives a one-line summary for each backup.

See Also: Table 2-15 for a description of LIST BACKUP ... SUMMARY output and Example 2-109 for sample output

LIST Command Output

The information that appears in the output is described in the following tables:

Table 2-8 List of Backup Sets (for data file backup sets)

Column Indicates

BS Key

A unique key identifying this backup set.

If RMAN is connected to a recovery catalog, then BS Key is the primary key of the backup set in the catalog. It corresponds to BS_KEY in the RC_BACKUP_SET view. If RMAN is connected in the default NOCATALOG mode, then BS Key displays the RECID from V$BACKUP_SET.


The type of backup: Full or Incr (incremental).

Note: Column only included in data file backup sets.


The level of the backup: NULL for nonincrementals, level 0 or level 1 for incrementals.

Note: Column only included in data file backup sets.


The size of the backup in bytes.

Note: Column only included in data file backup sets.

Device Type

The type of device on which the backup was made, for example, DISK or sbt.

Elapsed Time

The duration of the backup.

Completion Time

The date and time that the backup set completed. The format of this field depends on the NLS_LANG and NLS_DATE_FORMAT environment settings.

List of data files in backup set ...

See Table 2-10

Table 2-9 List of Backup Pieces (for sets with only one piece)

Column Indicates

BP Key

A unique identifier for this backup piece in the recovery catalog or target database control file.

If RMAN is connected to a recovery catalog, then BP Key is the primary key of the backup piece in the catalog. It corresponds to BP_KEY in the RC_BACKUP_PIECE view. If RMAN is connected in NOCATALOG mode, then BP Key displays the RECID from V$BACKUP_PIECE.

Note: The values for KEY in the recovery catalog and the control file are different.


The backup piece status: AVAILABLE, UNAVAILABLE, or EXPIRED (refer to the CHANGE, CROSSCHECK, and DELETE commands for an explanation of each status).


Whether the backup piece is compressed (YES or NO).


The tag applied to the backup set. Tag names are not case sensitive and appear in all uppercase.

Piece Name/Handle

The file name or handle of the backup piece. If the backup piece is on SBT, then the Media ID is displayed with the name.

SPFILE Included

A server parameter file is included in the backup.

Control File Included

A control file is included in the backup.

Note: This row appears only if the current control file is included in the backup.


The SCN of the backup control file checkpoint. All database changes recorded in the redo records before the specified SCN are reflected in this control file.

Note: This row appears only if the current control file is included in the backup.

Ckp time

The time of the backup control file checkpoint. All database changes recorded in the redo records before the specified time are reflected in this control file.

Note: This row appears only if the current control file is included in the backup.

Table 2-10 List of Data Files in backup set ...

Column Indicates


The number of the file that was backed up.


The level of the backup: NULL for nonincrementals, level 0 or 1 for incrementals.


The type of backup: Full or Incr (incremental).


The checkpoint of the data file at the time it was backed up. All database changes before the SCN were written to the file; changes after the specified SCN were not written to the file.

Ckp Time

The checkpoint of the data file at the time it was backed up. All database changes before the time were written to the file; changes after the specified time were not written to the file.


The location where this file would be restored now if it were restored from this backup set and no SET NEWNAME command was entered.

See Also: SET

Table 2-11 List of Archived Logs in backup set ...

Column Indicates


The thread number of the redo log.


The log sequence number of the archived log.


The lowest SCN in the archived log.

Low Time

The time when the database switched into the redo log having this sequence number.

Next SCN

The low SCN of the next archived log sequence.

Next Time

The low time of the next archived log sequence.

Table 2-12 Backup Set Copy ... of backup set ... (only if multiple pieces)

Column Indicates

Device Type

The type of device on which the backup was made, for example, DISK or sbt.

Elapsed Time

The duration of the backup.

Completion Time

The date and time that the backup set completed. The format of this field depends on the NLS_LANG and NLS_DATE_FORMAT environment settings.


The tag applied to the backup set. Tag names are not case sensitive and appear in all uppercase.

Table 2-13 List of Backup Pieces for backup set ... Copy ... (if multiple pieces)

Column Indicates

BP Key

A unique identifier for this backup piece in the recovery catalog or target database control file.

If RMAN is connected to a recovery catalog, then BP Key is the primary key of the backup piece in the catalog. It corresponds to BP_KEY in the RC_BACKUP_PIECE view. If RMAN is connected in NOCATALOG mode, then BP Key displays the RECID from V$BACKUP_PIECE.

Note: The values for KEY in the recovery catalog and the control file are different.


The number of the backup piece in the backup set.


The backup piece status: AVAILABLE, UNAVAILABLE, or EXPIRED (refer to the CHANGE, CROSSCHECK, and DELETE commands for an explanation of each status).

Piece Name

The file name or handle of the backup piece. If the backup piece is stored on SBT, then the media ID is also displayed.

Table 2-14 List of Proxy Copies

Column Indicates

PC Key

A unique key identifying this proxy copy.

If RMAN is connected to a catalog, then PC Key is the primary key of the proxy copy in the catalog. It corresponds to XDF_KEY in the RC_PROXY_DATAFILE view or XCF_KEY in the RC_PROXY_CONTROLFILE view. If RMAN is connected in NOCATALOG mode, then PC Key displays the RECID from V$PROXY_DATAFILE.


The absolute data file number of the file that was copied.


The proxy copy status: AVAILABLE, UNAVAILABLE, or EXPIRED (refer to the CHANGE, CROSSCHECK, and DELETE commands for an explanation of each status).

Completion Time

The date and time that the backup set completed. The format of this field depends on the NLS_LANG and NLS_DATE_FORMAT environment settings.


The SCN of the proxy copy control file checkpoint. All database changes recorded in the redo records before the specified SCN are reflected in this control file.

Ckp time

The time of the proxy copy control file checkpoint. All database changes recorded in the redo records before the specified time are reflected in this control file.

Datafile name

The location where this file would be restored now if it were restored from this backup set and no SET NEWNAME command was entered.

See Also: SET command


The media manager's handle for the proxy copy. If the object is on sbt, then the media ID is also displayed.


The tag applied to the proxy copy. Tag names are not case sensitive and appear in all uppercase.

Table 2-15 List of Backup Sets (LIST BACKUP ... SUMMARY)

Column Indicates


A unique key identifying this backup set.

If RMAN is connected to a recovery catalog, then BS Key is the primary key of the backup set in the catalog. It corresponds to BS_KEY in the RC_BACKUP_SET view. If RMAN is connected in NOCATALOG mode, then BS Key displays the RECID from V$BACKUP_SET.


The type of backup: backup set (B) or proxy copy (P).


For incremental backups, the incremental backup level (0 or 1).

For backup sets containing full backups of data files, F.

For backup sets containing archived redo log files, A.


The status of the backup: A (available), U (unavailable), or X (all backup pieces in set expired). Refer to the CHANGE, CROSSCHECK, and DELETE commands for an explanation of each status.

Device Type

The type of device on which the backup was made, for example, DISK or sbt.

Completion Time

The date and time that the backup set completed. The format of this field depends on the NLS_LANG and NLS_DATE_FORMAT environment settings.


The number of backup pieces in the backup set.


The number of copies made of each backup piece in the set. The number is 1 if no duplexing was performed. Otherwise, the value ranges from 2 to 4.


YES if the backup set was compressed by RMAN; NO if not compressed by RMAN.


The tag applied to the backup set. An asterisk (*) indicates that backup pieces have different tags within the same backup set, which occurs when a user changes the tag when using CATALOG or BACKUP BACKUPSET. Tag names are not case sensitive and appear in all uppercase.

Table 2-16 List of Backup Pieces (LIST BACKUPPIECE ...)

Column Indicates

BP Key

A unique identifier for this backup piece in the recovery catalog or target database control file.

If RMAN is connected to a catalog, then BP Key is the primary key of the backup piece in the catalog. It corresponds to BP_KEY in the RC_BACKUP_PIECE view. If RMAN is connected in NOCATALOG mode, then BP Key displays the RECID from V$BACKUP_PIECE.

Note: The values for KEY in the recovery catalog and the control file are different.

BS Key

A unique key identifying this backup set.

If RMAN is connected to a recovery catalog, then BS Key is the primary key of the backup set in the catalog. It corresponds to BS_KEY in the RC_BACKUP_SET view. If RMAN is connected in NOCATALOG mode, then BS Key displays the RECID from V$BACKUP_SET.


The number of the backup piece in the backup set.


The copy number of this backup piece in the backup set. The number is 1 if no duplexing was performed. Otherwise, the value ranges from 2 to 4.


The backup piece status: AVAILABLE, UNAVAILABLE, or EXPIRED (refer to the CHANGE, CROSSCHECK, and DELETE commands for an explanation of each status).

Device Type

The type of device on which the backup was made, for example, DISK or sbt.

Piece Name

The file name or handle of the backup piece. If the piece is stored on SBT, then the Handle and media ID are displayed.

Table 2-17 List of Datafile Backups (LIST BACKUP ... BY FILE)

Column Indicates


The absolute data file number.


A unique key identifying this backup set.

If RMAN is connected to a recovery catalog, then Key is the primary key of the backup set in the catalog. It corresponds to BS_KEY in the RC_BACKUP_SET view. If RMAN is connected to a target database in NOCATALOG mode, then Key displays the RECID from V$BACKUP_SET.


The type of backup: backup set (B) or proxy copy (P).


The backup level: F for nonincrementals, level 0 or 1 for incrementals.


The status of the backup: A (available), U (unavailable), or X (all backup pieces in set expired). Refer to the CHANGE, CROSSCHECK, and DELETE commands for an explanation of each status.


The checkpoint of the data file at the time it was backed up. All database changes prior to the SCN have been written to the file; changes after the specified SCN have not been written to the file.

Ckp Time

The checkpoint of the data file at the time it was backed up. All database changes prior to the time have been written to the file; changes after the specified time have not been written to the file.


The number of backup pieces in the backup set.


The number of copies made of each backup piece in the set. The number is 1 if no duplexing was performed. Otherwise, the value ranges from 2 to 4.


YES if the backup was compressed by RMAN; NO if not compressed by RMAN.


The tag applied to the backup set. An asterisk (*) indicates that backup pieces have different tags within the same backup set, which occurs when a user changes the tag when using CATALOG or BACKUP BACKUPSET. Tag names are not case sensitive and appear in all uppercase.

Table 2-18 List of Archived Log Backups (LIST BACKUP ... BY FILE)

Column Indicates


The thread number of the redo log.


The log sequence number of the archived log.


The lowest SCN in the archived log.

Low Time

The time when the database switched into the redo log having this sequence number.

BS Key

A unique key identifying this backup set.

If RMAN is connected to a recovery catalog, then BS Key is the primary key of the backup set in the catalog. It corresponds to BS_KEY in the RC_BACKUP_SET view. If RMAN is connected in NOCATALOG mode, then BS Key displays the RECID from V$BACKUP_SET.


The status of the backup: A (available), U (unavailable), or X (all backup pieces in set expired). Refer to the CHANGE, CROSSCHECK, and DELETE commands for an explanation of each status.


The number of backup pieces in the backup set.


The number of copies made of each backup piece in the set. The number is 1 if no duplexing was performed. Otherwise, the value ranges from 2 to 4.


YES if the backup was compressed by RMAN; NO if not compressed by RMAN.


The tag applied to the backup set. Tag names are not case sensitive and appear in all uppercase.

Table 2-19 List of Control File Backups (LIST BACKUP ... BY FILE)

Column Indicates


Checkpoint SCN of the control file.

Ckp Time

The log sequence number of the archived log.

BS Key

A unique key identifying this backup set.

If RMAN is connected to a recovery catalog, then BS Key is the primary key of the backup set in the catalog. It corresponds to BS_KEY in the RC_BACKUP_SET view. If RMAN is connected in NOCATALOG mode, then BS Key displays the RECID from V$BACKUP_SET.


The status of the backup: A (available), U (unavailable), or X (all backup pieces in set expired). Refer to the CHANGE, CROSSCHECK, and DELETE commands for an explanation of each status.


The number of backup pieces in the backup set.


The number of copies made of each backup piece in the set. The number is 1 if no duplexing was performed. Otherwise, the value ranges from 2 to 4.


YES if the backup was compressed by RMAN; NO if not compressed by RMAN.


The tag applied to the backup set. Tag names are not case sensitive and appear in all uppercase.

Table 2-20 List of Datafile Copies

Column Indicates


The unique identifier for the data file copy. Use this value in a CHANGE command to alter the status of the data file copy.

If RMAN is connected to a recovery catalog, then Key is the primary key of the data file copy in the catalog. It corresponds to CDF_KEY in the RC_DATAFILE_COPY view. If RMAN is connected in NOCATALOG mode, then Key displays the RECID from V$DATAFILE_COPY.

Note: The values for KEY in the recovery catalog and the control file are different.


The file number of the data file from which this copy was made.


The status of the copy: A (available), U (unavailable), or X (expired). Refer to the CHANGE, CROSSCHECK, and DELETE commands for an explanation of each status.

Completion Time

The date and time that the copy completed. The value of this field is sensitive to the NLS_LANG and NLS_DATE_FORMAT environment variables.


The checkpoint of this data file when it was copied. All database changes prior to this SCN have been written to this data file.


The checkpoint of this data file when it was copied. All database changes prior to this time have been written to this data file.


The file name of the data file copy.


The tag applied to the data file copy. Tag names are not case sensitive and appear in all uppercase.

Table 2-21 List of Control File Copies

Column Indicates


The unique identifier for the control file copy. Use this value in a CHANGE command to alter the status of the copy.

If RMAN is connected to a recovery catalog, then Key is the primary key of the control file copy in the catalog. It corresponds to CCF_KEY in the RC_CONTROLFILE_COPY view. If RMAN is connected in NOCATALOG mode, then Key displays the RECID from V$DATAFILE_COPY.

Note: The values for Key in the recovery catalog and the control file are different.


The status of the copy: A (available), U (unavailable), or X (expired). Refer to the CHANGE, CROSSCHECK, and DELETE commands for an explanation of each status.

Completion Time

The date and time that the copy completed. The value of this field is sensitive to the NLS_LANG and NLS_DATE_FORMAT environment variables.


The checkpoint of this control file when it was copied.


The checkpoint of this control file when it was copied.


The file name of the control file copy.


The tag applied to the control file copy. Tag names are not case sensitive and appear in all uppercase.

Table 2-22 List of Archived Log Copies

Column Indicates


The unique identifier for this archived redo log copy. Use this value in a CHANGE command to alter the status of the copy.

If RMAN is connected to a recovery catalog, then Key is the primary key of the backup set in the catalog. It corresponds to AL_KEY in the RC_ARCHIVED_LOG view. If RMAN is connected in NOCATALOG mode, then Key displays the RECID from V$ARCHIVED_LOG.

Note: The values for Key in the recovery catalog and the control file are different.


The redo log thread number.


The log sequence number.


The status of the copy: A (available), U (unavailable), or X (expired). Refer to the CHANGE, CROSSCHECK, and DELETE commands for an explanation of each status.

Low Time

The time when the database switched into the redo log having this sequence number.


The file name of the archived redo log copy.

Table 2-23 List of Database Incarnations

Column Indicates

DB Key

When combined with the Inc Key, the unique key by which RMAN identifies the database incarnation in the recovery catalog. Use this key to unregister a database from a recovery catalog, that is, delete all the rows associated with that database from the recovery catalog.

Inc Key

When combined with DB Key, the unique key by which RMAN identifies the database incarnation in the recovery catalog. Use this key in RESET DATABASE TO INCARNATION when recovering the database to a time before the most recent RESETLOGS.

DB Name

The database name as listed in the DB_NAME parameter.


The database identification number, which the database generates automatically at database creation.


CURRENT for the current incarnation, PARENT for the parent incarnations of the current incarnation, and ORPHAN for orphaned incarnations.

Reset SCN

The SCN at which the incarnation was created.

Reset Time

The time at which the incarnation was created.

Table 2-24 List of Stored Scripts in the Recovery Catalog (LIST SCRIPT NAMES)

Column Indicates

Script Name

The name of the stored script.


The comment provided when the script was created.

Table 2-25 List of Restore Points (LIST RESTORE POINT)

Column Indicates


The SCN for the restore point.

RSP Time

The time specified in the CREATE RESTORE POINT statement; otherwise null.


GUARANTEED if a guaranteed restore point; null if a normal restore point.


The time that the restore point was created.


The name of the restore point.

Table 2-26 List of Databases (LIST DB_UNIQUE_NAME)

Column Indicates

DB Key

When combined with Inc Key, the unique key by which RMAN identifies the database incarnation in the recovery catalog. Primary and standby databases share the same DB Key value.

DB Name

The DB_NAME of the database. Primary and standby databases share the same DB Name value.


The DBID of the database. Primary and standby databases share the same DBID.

Database Role

PRIMARY if the database is a primary database; STANDBY if it is a standby database.


The DB_UNIQUE_NAME of the database. Primary and standby databases have different DB_UNIQUE_NAME values.


Example 2-108 Listing Backups

This example lists all backups. The output shows two backup sets on disk: one containing data files and the other containing autobackups. The output also shows one SBT backup containing archived redo log files.

List of Backup Sets
BS Key  Type LV Size       Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---- -- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
200     Full    509.78M    DISK        00:01:03     15-FEB-13
        BP Key: 202   Status: AVAILABLE  Compressed: NO  Tag: TAG20130215T171219
        Piece Name: /disk2/PROD/backupset/2013_02_15/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20130215T171219_2xb17nbb_.bkp
  List of Datafiles in backup set 200
  File LV Type Ckp SCN    Ckp Time  Name
  ---- -- ---- ---------- --------- ----
  1       Full 421946     15-FEB-13 /disk1/oradata/prod/system01.dbf
  2       Full 421946     15-FEB-13 /disk1/oradata/prod/sysaux01.dbf
  3       Full 421946     15-FEB-13 /disk1/oradata/prod/undotbs01.dbf
  4       Full 421946     15-FEB-13 /disk1/oradata/prod/cwmlite01.dbf
  5       Full 421946     15-FEB-13 /disk1/oradata/prod/drsys01.dbf
  6       Full 421946     15-FEB-13 /disk1/oradata/prod/example01.dbf
  7       Full 421946     15-FEB-13 /disk1/oradata/prod/indx01.dbf
  8       Full 421946     15-FEB-13 /disk1/oradata/prod/tools01.dbf
  9       Full 421946     15-FEB-13 /disk1/oradata/prod/users01.dbf
BS Key  Type LV Size       Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---- -- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
201     Full    7.98M      DISK        00:00:03     15-FEB-13
        BP Key: 203   Status: AVAILABLE  Compressed: NO  Tag: TAG20130215T171219
        Piece Name: /disk2/PROD/backupset/2013_02_15/o1_mf_ncsnf_TAG20130215T171219_2xb19prg_.bkp
  SPFILE Included: Modification time: 15-FEB-13
  SPFILE db_unique_name: PROD
  Control File Included: Ckp SCN: 421968       Ckp time: 15-FEB-13
BS Key  Size       Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
227     30.50M     SBT_TAPE    00:00:11     15-FEB-13
        BP Key: 230   Status: AVAILABLE  Compressed: NO  Tag: TAG20130215T171334
        Handle: 0bia4rtv_1_1   Media:
  List of Archived Logs in backup set 227
  Thrd Seq     Low SCN    Low Time  Next SCN   Next Time
  ---- ------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------
  1    5       389156     15-FEB-13 411006     15-FEB-13
  1    6       411006     15-FEB-13 412972     15-FEB-13
  1    7       412972     15-FEB-13 417086     15-FEB-13
  1    8       417086     15-FEB-13 417114     15-FEB-13
  1    9       417114     15-FEB-13 417853     15-FEB-13
  1    10      417853     15-FEB-13 421698     15-FEB-13
  1    11      421698     15-FEB-13 421988     15-FEB-13

Example 2-109 Listing a Summary of Backups

This example summarizes the RMAN backups listed in Example 2-108.

List of Backups
Key     TY LV S Device Type Completion Time #Pieces #Copies Compressed Tag
------- -- -- - ----------- --------------- ------- ------- ---------- ---
200     B  F  A DISK        15-FEB-13       1       1       NO         TAG20130215T171219
201     B  F  A DISK        15-FEB-13       1       1       NO         TAG20130215T171219
227     B  A  A SBT_TAPE    15-FEB-13       1       1       NO         TAG20130215T171334

Example 2-110 Listing Backups by File

This example groups all backups by file. The tag column of the data file backup indicates that one backup set contains backup pieces with different tags. The status column of the archived log backup indicates that the backup set is unavailable.

List of Datafile Backups
File Key     TY LV S Ckp SCN    Ckp Time  #Pieces #Copies Compressed Tag
---- ------- -  -- - ---------- --------- ------- ------- ---------- ---
1    329     B  F  A 454959     16-FEB-13 1       1       NO         DF1
2    349     B  F  A 454997     16-FEB-13 1       1       NO         DF2
3    527     B  F  A 455218     16-FEB-13 1       1       NO         FRI_BKP
     368     B  F  A 455022     16-FEB-13 1       1       NO         DF3
4    387     B  F  X 455042     16-FEB-13 1       1       NO         DF4
5    407     B  F  A 455063     16-FEB-13 1       1       NO         DF5
6    428     B  F  A 455083     16-FEB-13 1       2       NO         *
7    450     B  F  X 455103     16-FEB-13 1       1       NO         DF7
8    473     B  F  A 455123     16-FEB-13 1       1       NO         DF8
9    497     B  F  A 455143     16-FEB-13 1       1       NO         DF9
List of Archived Log Backups
Thrd Seq     Low SCN    Low Time  BS Key  S #Pieces #Copies Compressed Tag
---- ------- ---------- --------- ------- - ------- ------- ---------- ---
1    5       389156     15-FEB-13 227     U 1       1       NO         TAG20130215T171334
1    6       411006     15-FEB-13 227     U 1       1       NO         TAG20130215T171334
1    7       412972     15-FEB-13 227     U 1       1       NO         TAG20130215T171334
1    8       417086     15-FEB-13 227     U 1       1       NO         TAG20130215T171334
1    9       417114     15-FEB-13 227     U 1       1       NO         TAG20130215T171334
1    10      417853     15-FEB-13 227     U 1       1       NO         TAG20130215T171334
1    11      421698     15-FEB-13 227     U 1       1       NO         TAG20130215T171334
List of Control File Backups
CF Ckp SCN Ckp Time  BS Key  S #Pieces #Copies Compressed Tag
---------- --------- ------- - ------- ------- ---------- ---
454974     16-FEB-13 330     A 1       1       NO         DF1
421968     15-FEB-13 201     A 1       1       NO         TAG20130215T171219
List of SPFILE Backups
Modification Time BS Key  S #Pieces #Copies Compressed Tag
----------------- ------- - ------- ------- ---------- ---
15-FEB-13         330     A 1       1       NO         DF1
15-FEB-13         201     A 1       1       NO         TAG20130215T171219

Example 2-111 Listing Image Copies

The following example lists all data file, control file, and archived redo log copies known to RMAN:

List of Datafile Copies
Key     File S Completion Time Ckp SCN    Ckp Time
------- ---- - --------------- ---------- ---------------
618     1    A 16-FEB-13       461057     16-FEB-13
        Name: /disk2/PROD/datafile/o1_mf_system_2xdbrg13_.dbf
        Tag: TAG20130216T140706
631     2    A 16-FEB-13       461163     16-FEB-13
        Name: /disk2/PROD/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_2xdbzybx_.dbf
        Tag: TAG20130216T141109
List of Control File Copies
Key     S Completion Time Ckp SCN    Ckp Time
------- - --------------- ---------- ---------------
619     A 16-FEB-13       461133     16-FEB-13
        Name: /disk2/PROD/controlfile/o1_mf_TAG20130216T140706_2xdbz5tb_.ctl
        Tag: TAG20130216T140706
594     A 16-FEB-13       460650     16-FEB-13
        Name: /disk2/PROD/controlfile/o1_mf_TAG20130216T135954_2xdbbz99_.ctl
        Tag: TAG20130216T135954
List of Archived Log Copies for database with db_unique_name PROD
Key     Thrd Seq     S Low Time
------- ---- ------- - ---------
105     1    5       A 15-FEB-13
        Name: /disk1/oradata/prod/arch/archive1_5_614616887.dbf
122     1    6       A 15-FEB-13
        Name: /disk1/oradata/prod/arch/archive1_6_614616887.dbf
123     1    7       A 15-FEB-13
        Name: /disk1/oradata/prod/arch/archive1_7_614616887.dbf
124     1    8       A 15-FEB-13
        Name: /disk1/oradata/prod/arch/archive1_8_614616887.dbf
125     1    9       A 15-FEB-13
        Name: /disk1/oradata/prod/arch/archive1_9_614616887.dbf
185     1    10      A 15-FEB-13
        Name: /disk1/oradata/prod/arch/archive1_10_614616887.dbf
221     1    11      A 15-FEB-13
        Name: /disk1/oradata/prod/arch/archive1_11_614616887.dbf
262     1    12      A 15-FEB-13
        Name: /disk1/oradata/prod/arch/archive1_12_614616887.dbf
263     1    13      A 15-FEB-13
        Name: /disk1/oradata/prod/arch/archive1_13_614616887.dbf

Example 2-112 Listing Database Incarnations

This example lists all database incarnations recorded in the recovery catalog.


List of Database Incarnations
DB Key  Inc Key DB Name  DB ID            STATUS  Reset SCN  Reset Time
------- ------- -------- ---------------- --- ---------- ----------
78      94      PROD     1619073740       PARENT  1          14-FEB-13
78      79      PROD     1619073740       CURRENT 388003     15-FEB-13

Example 2-113 Listing Information About PDB Incarnations

This example lists details about all the incarnations of PDB my_pdb.


Example 2-114 Listing the catalog schema connections using the RMAN maintenance mode

This example assumes that you have connected RMAN to the recovery catalog and issued the UPGRADE CATALOG command.

You run the SET CATALOG MAINTENANCE ON command to enable the RMAN maintenance mode. Next, you run the CONNECT CATALOG command to connect to the recovery catalog as the user rco (catalog schema owner).

Next, you then run the LIST CONNECTED USERS command and the LIST BLOCKING CONNECTED USERS commands to monitor the catalog connections.

The output indicates that RMAN is connected to the recovery catalog in the maintenance mode. The output displays the list of all the catalog schema connections, and the catalog schema connections that are blocking the progress of the recovery catalog upgrade.


RMAN-03023: executing command: SET catalog maintenance ON

RMAN-06008: connected to recovery catalog database

RMAN-07558: Following sessions are connected to catalog schema
RMAN-07559: =============================================
RMAN-07560: Logon_time             SID   Serial User
RMAN-07559: =============================================
RMAN-07561: 2023-08-01 10:36:46    191    47432 RMAN
RMAN-07561: 2023-08-01 10:36:53    190    48427 RMAN3
RMAN-07559: =============================================

RMAN-07556: Following sessions are blocking the catalog schema upgrade
RMAN-07559: =============================================
RMAN-07560: Logon_time             SID   Serial User
RMAN-07559: =============================================
RMAN-07561: 2023-08-01 10:36:46    191    47432 RMAN
RMAN-07561: 2023-08-01 10:36:53    190    48427 RMAN3
RMAN-07559: =============================================