7.18 Deploying Fuseki in Apache Tomcat

To deploy Fuseki in Apache Tomcat, you can use the Tomcat admin web page, or you can just copy the Fuseki .war file into the webapps folder of Tomcat and it will be automatically deployed.

This topic describe the auto-deploy steps. It assumes that the $FUSEKI_BASE setup is done and the configuration files exist (by default, Fuseki uses /etc/fuseki as the directory to store its configuration files).

  1. Download and install the latest version of Apache Tomcat.

    The directory root for Apache Tomcat installation will be referred to in these instructions as $CATALINA_HOME.

  2. Copy the fuseki.war into the Tomcat webapps folder. For example:

    cd $CATALINA_HOME/webapps
    cp /tmp/jena_adapter/fuseki_web_app/fuseki.war  .
  3. Start Tomcat:


    If this file does not have executable permission, enter the following command and then again attempt to start Tomcat:

    chmod u+x $CATALINA_HOME/bin/startup.sh
  4. In a browser go to: http://hostname:8080/fuseki