7 RDF Graph Support for Apache Jena

RDF Graph support for Apache Jena (also referred to here as support for Apache Jena) provides a Java-based interface to Oracle Graph RDF Graph by implementing the well-known Jena Graph, RDF graph, and DatasetGraph APIs.


This feature was previously referred to as the Jena Adapter for Oracle Database and the Jena Adapter.

Support for Apache Jena extends the RDF data management capabilities of Oracle Database RDF/OWL.

(Apache Jena is an open source framework. For license and copyright conditions, see http://www.apache.org/licenses/ and http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.)

The DatasetGraph APIs are for managing named graph data, also referred to as quads. In addition, RDF Graph support for Apache Jena provides network analytical functions on top of RDF data through integrating with the Oracle Spatial Network Data Model Graph feature.

This chapter assumes that you are familiar with major concepts explained in RDF Graph Overview and OWL Concepts . It also assumes that you are familiar with the overall capabilities and use of the Jena Java framework. For information about the Jena framework, see http://jena.apache.org/, especially the Jena Documentation page. If you use the network analytical function, you should also be familiar with the Network Data Model feature, which is documented in Oracle Spatial Topology and Network Data Model Developer's Guide.


The current RDF Graph support for Apache Jena release has been tested against Apache Jena 3.1.0, and it supports the RDF schema-private networks environment in Release 19c databases. Because of the nature of open source projects, you should not use this support for Apache Jena with later versions of Jena.

Apache Joseki support has been deprecated, although it still is part of the OTN kit distribution for adapter version 3.1.0 with support for Release 19c databases. References to Joseki have been removed from this book for Release 19c, but you can find information about Joseki in previous versions of the book.