1 RDF Graph Overview

Oracle Graph support for semantic technologies consists mainly of Resource Description Framework (RDF) and a subset of the Web Ontology Language (OWL). These capabilities are referred to as the RDF Graph feature of Oracle Graph.

The RDF Graph feature enables you to create one or more RDF networks in an Oracle database. Each network contains RDF data.

This chapter assumes that you are familiar with the major concepts associated with RDF and OWL, such as {subject, predicate, object} triples, {subject, predicate, object, graph} quads, URIs, blank nodes, plain and typed literals, and ontologies. It does not explain these concepts in detail, but focuses instead on how the concepts are implemented in Oracle.

The PL/SQL subprograms for working with RDF data are in the SEM_APIS package, which is documented in SEM_APIS Package Subprograms.

The RDF and OWL support are features of Oracle Graph, which must be installed for these features to be used. However, the use of RDF and OWL is not restricted to spatial data.


If you have any RDF data created using an Oracle Database release before 12.2, see Required Migration of Pre-12.2 RDF Data.

For information about OWL concepts and the Oracle Database support for OWL capabilities, see OWL Concepts .


Before performing any operations described in this guide:
  • You must install the database patch listed in the MOS note 3030523.1, currently available on My Oracle Support. The patch can be installed for all revision versions of Oracle Database Release 23.4.x.
  • You must enable RDF Graph support in the database and meet other prerequisites, as explained in Enabling RDF Semantic Graph Support.