1.8 Speeding up Query Execution with Result Tables

Result tables are auxiliary tables that store the results for generic patterns of SPARQL queries executed against an RDF graph or RDF graph collection.


Result tables were called as Subject-Property-Matrix (SPM) tables in the previous book versions (prior to Oracle Database Release 23ai). See Changes in Terminology and Subprograms for more information.

Generic pattern queries include star-pattern, chain-pattern, and single-triple-pattern queries.

Improvement of performance with result tables is derived from the use of:

  • Pre-materialized joins in these tables to reduce joins at query processing time
  • Compact representation of triples for individual properties in separate tables for faster access
  • More accurate RDF data statistics obtained from these tables to arrive at better query execution plans

The following sections provide in-depth information on result tables.

1.8.1 Types of Result Tables

There are three types of result tables that can be defined on an RDF graph or an RDF graph collection.

The different result tables are as follows:

  • Star-Pattern Tables: These tables hold the results for star-pattern queries (with restriction that each property must be single-valued) such as:

    ?x :fname ?fnm . ?x miname ?m . ?x :lname ?lnm .

  • Triple-Pattern Tables: These tables hold the results for single triple-pattern queries such as:

    ?x :hasHobby ?y .

    This is same as an RDF triple, but for a specific property.

  • Chain-Pattern Tables: These tables hold the results for chain-pattern queries such as:

    ?child :hasParent ?parent . ?parent :hasBrother ?uncle .

    A chain is stored only if all the links exist.


Star-Pattern, Triple-Pattern, and Chain-Pattern tables were called as Single-Valued Property (SVP), Multi-Valued Property (MVP), and Property Chain (PCN) tables respectively in the previous book versions (prior to Oracle Database Release 23ai). See Changes in Terminology and Subprograms for more information.

Consider an RDF graph containing the following sample data.

:john :fname "John" ; :lname "Brown" ; :height 72 ; :email "john@email-example.com", "johnnyB@email-example.com" .
:mary :fname "Mary" ; :lname "Smith" ; :height 68 ; :email "Mary.Smith@email-example.com" .
:bob :fname "Robert" ; :lname "Brown" ; :height 70 ; :fatherOf :john, :mary ; :email "bobBrown@email-example.com" .
:alice :fname "Alice" ; :lname "Brown" ; :height 68 ; :motherOf :john, :mary .
:henry :fatherOf :bob .
:kathy :motherOf :bob .

Note that for simplicity, Id(rdfterm) will be used instead of the actual numeric identifier (available in the RDF_VALUE$ table) for each rdfterm. A complete example with additional data is included in Example 1-107. Star-Pattern Tables

Each row in a star-pattern table holds values for one or more single-valued RDF properties for a resource in an RDF graph.

In the best case, a star-pattern table defined for n properties may be used during query processing to replace an n-way join of the RDF_LINK$ table with simple table lookups.

A property p is single-valued in an RDF graph if each resource in the graph has at most one value for p regardless of named graphs. In the sample RDF dataset (described in Types of Result Tables), the properties :first_name, :last_name, and :height are single-valued, but the property :email is multi-valued.

To speed up execution of a query pattern such as { ?s :first_name ?fname ; :last_name ?lname ; :height ?height }, involving use of single-valued properties only, a star-pattern table may be created on the RDF graph to include the preceding three single-valued properties by using the string ‘:first_name :last_name :height’ as the value for the key_string parameter in a call to the SEM_APIS.BUILD_RESULT_TAB subprogram.

Table 1-19 describes the structure and content for such a star-pattern table corresponding to the preceding sample data. Also, note that:

  • The table shows only a subset of the actual set of columns. Specifically, not shown are the columns with name like G<Id(property)> that are used to store the named graph component of the corresponding RDF statements.
  • The table describes values in the columns as Id(rdfterm) instead of the actual numeric identifiers that get stored.

Table 1-19 Example Star-Pattern Table Structure

START_NODE_ID P<Id(:first_name)> P<Id(:last_name)> P<Id(:height)>
Id(:john) ... Id(“John”) ... Id(“Brown”) ... Id(72)
Id(:mary) ... Id(“Mary”) ... Id(“Smith”) ... Id(68)
Id(:bob) ... Id(“Robert”) ... Id(“Brown”) ... Id(70)
Id(:alice) ... Id(“Alice”) ... Id(“Brown”) ... Id(68)

The availability of this star-pattern table allows the preceding query pattern to be processed simply by accessing the rows in the star-pattern table and avoids the three-way self-join of the RDF_LINK$ table that would otherwise be necessary.

It is also possible to include reversed-properties that are single-valued. In the sample RDF data (described in Types of Result Tables), the property :fatherOf is not single-valued, but its reversed version which is denoted as ^:fatherOf (intuitively equivalent to a :hasFather property), is indeed single-valued. To speed up execution of a query pattern such as { ?s :fname ?fname; :lname ?lname; :height ?height; ^:fatherOf ?father }, an extended version of the preceding star-pattern table may be created, by using ‘:fname :lname :height ^:fatherOf’ as the key_string value.

Table 1-20 describes the structure and content of this extended version of the star-pattern table that includes a reversed property. The use of the letter R, instead of P, as the first character in the column name, R<Id(:fatherOf)>, indicates that this is a reversed property. As mentioned earlier, availability of this star-pattern table allows avoiding a (four-way) self-join of the RDF_LINK$ table.

Table 1-20 Extended Star-Pattern Table Including a Reversed Property

START_NODE_ID P<Id(:first_name)> P<Id(:last_name)> P<Id(:height)> R<Id(:fatherOf)>
Id(:john) ... Id(“John”) ... Id(“Brown”) ... Id(72) ... :bob
Id(:mary) ... Id(“Mary”) ... Id(“Smith”) ... Id(68) ... :bob
Id(:bob) ... Id(“Robert”) ... Id(“Brown”) ... Id(70) ... :henry

Example 1-98 Creating a Star-Pattern Table

The following code creates an extended star-pattern table on an RDF graph named M1:

     query_pattern_type => SEM_APIS.SPM_TYPE_SVP
   , result_tab_name    => 'FLHF'
   , rdf_graph_name     => 'M1'
   , key_string         => ' :fname :lname :height ^:fatherOf '
   , prefixes           => ' PREFIX : <http://www.example.com#> ' 
   , network_owner      => 'RDFUSER'
   , network_name       => 'NET1'

The name, structure, and default indexes for a star-pattern table may be described as follows:

  • The name of a star-pattern table is created based on the following template:


  • The NUMBER column, START_NODE_ID, stores the subject id or, if reversed, the object id, of the matching triple for the first property in the list of properties in the star-pattern table.
  • For each property covered in a star-pattern table, the following columns are created for storing the numeric identifiers for the lexical values in a triple: :
    • NUMBER column (G<Id(property)>) for storing the named graph id.
    • NUMBER column (P<Id(property)> for storing the object id or if reversed R<Id(property)>), the subject id.
    • (Optional) additional columns for internal use.
  • The START_NODE_ID column is defined as the primary key of the star-pattern table and a unique index named using the template: <NETWORK_NAME>#RDF_XX$SVP_<MODEL_NAME>_UQ__<SPM_NAME>, is created on this column when the star-pattern table is created. Triple-Pattern Tables

Each row in a triple-pattern table, created for a given property, holds a value for the property.

A triple-pattern table stores the values for a given property in a separate table and in a compact fashion, thus allowing faster access and better statistics. Unlike a star-pattern table, the (single) property included in a triple-pattern table does not have to be, but could be, single-valued.

A property p is multi-valued in an RDF graph if there exist two or more triples (regardless of named graphs), (s p o1) and (s p o2) with o1 not equal to o2. That is, s has more than one distinct object values for the property p.

In the sample RDF dataset (described in Types of Result Tables), the properties :email, :fatherOf, and :motherOf are multi-valued.

Table 1-21 shows the structure and content of a triple-pattern table for the :motherOf property for the preceding sample data. The two columns shown here store the numeric identifiers for lexical values for variables ?mom and ?c, respectively, in a pattern { ?mom :motherOf ?c }. The triple-pattern table contains another column, G<id<:motherOf>), not shown here, to store the numeric identifier of the named graph in case the matching RDF statement is a quad.

Table 1-21 Example Triple-Pattern Table Structure

START_NODE_ID ... P<Id(:motherOf)>
Id(:alice)   Id(:john)
Id(:alice)   Id(:mary)
Id(:kathy)   Id(:bob)

Example 1-99 Creating a Triple-Pattern Table

To create the preceding triple-pattern table on an RDF graph named M1, you can use the following SQL command.

     query_pattern_type => SEM_APIS.SPM_TYPE_MVP
   , result_tab_name    => null /* must be NULL (the name is auto-generated based on id(property) */
   , rdf_graph_name     => 'M1'
   , key_string         => ' :motherOf ' /* must have exactly one property */
   , prefixes           => ' PREFIX : <http://www.example.com#> ' 
   , network_owner      => 'RDFUSER'
   , network_name       => 'NET1'

The name, structure, and default indexes for a triple-pattern table may be described as follows:

  • The naming convention for a triple-pattern table is created based on the following template:


  • The NUMBER column, START_NODE_ID, stores the subject id of the matching triples that use the target property as the predicate.
  • For the property covered in a triple-pattern table, the following columns are created for storing the numeric identifiers for the lexical values in a triple:
    • NUMBER column G<Id(property)> for storing the named graph id
    • NUMBER column P<Id(property)> for storing the object id
    • Optional additional columns for internal use
  • A nonunique index is created on the START_NODE_ID column using the following naming convention: <NETWORK_NAME>#RDF_XX$MVP_<MODEL_NAME>_P<id(property)> . Chain-Pattern Tables

Each row in a chain-pattern table holds a fixed-length path in the RDF graph.

A path is a sequence of two or more triples where, except for the last triple in the sequence, object of a triple is the same as the subject of the next triple. A chain-pattern table that stores paths of length n can be used during query processing to replace an n-way join of type current_triple.object = next_triple.subject, of the RDF_LINK$ table with simple table lookups.

For example, to speed up the execution of the following query pattern - { ?gma :motherOf ?f . ?f :fatherOf ?c }, you can create a chain-pattern table using the following sequence of properties, specified as the key_string: ‘ :motherOf :fatherOf ’.

Table 1-22 shows the structure and content of the chain-pattern table for the preceding sample data. The three columns here store the numeric identifiers for lexical values for variables ?gma, ?f, and ?c, respectively, for the two paths that satisfy the property chain: (:kathy) –[:motherOf]-> (:bob) –[:fatherOf]-> (:john) and (:alice) –[:motherOf]-> (:bob) –[:fatherOf]-> (:mary).

Table 1-22 Example Chain-Pattern Table Structure

START_NODE_ID P<Id(:motherOf)> P<Id(:fatherOf)>
Id(:kathy) ... Id(:bob) ... Id(:john)
Id(:kathy) ... Id(:bob) ... Id(:mary)

A property chain can include multiple occurrences of the same property. Consider the following query pattern to connect a grandfather to the children:

{ ?gfa :fatherOf ?f . ?f :fatherOf ?c }

You can create a chain-pattern table using the following sequence of properties, specified as the key_string- ‘ :fatherOf :fatherOf ’. The following table describes the structure and content for such a chain-pattern table. The column name with ‘#2’ as suffix corresponds to the second occurrence of the :fatherOf property in the specified chain. It stores two paths that satisfy the property chain - (:henry) –[:fatherOf]-> (:bob) –[:fatherOf]-> (:john) and (:henry) –[:fatherOf]-> (:bob) –[:fatherOf]-> (:mary).

Table 1-23 Multiple Occurrences of a Single Property in a Chain-Pattern Table

START_NODE_ID P<Id(:fatherOf)> P<Id(:fatherOf)>#2
Id(:henry) ... Id(:bob) ... Id(:john)
Id(:henry) ... Id(:bob) ... Id(:mary)

A property chain may involve reversed properties as well. For example, consider the following query pattern { ?mom :motherOf ?c . ?c ^:fatherOf ?dad } to connect the siblings. You can create a Chain-Pattern table with the following key_string- ‘:motherOf ^:fatherOf ‘.

Table 1-24 shows the structure and content of this chain-pattern table. Note that the letter ‘R’ in the rightmost column name R<id(:fatherOf)> indicates that the column corresponds to the reversed property. The availability of this chain-pattern table allows the preceding query pattern to be processed simply by accessing the rows in the chain-pattern table and avoids the two-way join of the RDF_LINK$ table that would otherwise be necessary.

Table 1-24 Reversed Property in a Chain-Pattern Table

START_NODE_ID P<Id(:motherOf)> R<Id(:fatherOf)>
Id(:alice) ... Id(:john) ... Id(:bob)
Id(:alice) ... Id(:mary) ... Id(:bob)
Id(:kathy) ... Id(:bob) ... Id(:henry)

Example 1-100 Creating a Chain-Pattern Table

The following example creates a chain-pattern table representing the grandfather chain using two occurrences of the :fatherOf property on an RDF graph named M1.

     result_tab_name    => ‘GRANDPA’
   , query_pattern_type => SEM_APIS.SPM_TYPE_PCN
   , rdf_graph_name     => 'M1'
   , key_string         => ' S :fatherOf :fatherOf '
   , prefixes           => ' PREFIX : <http://www.example.com#> ' 
   , network_owner      => 'RDFUSER'
   , network_name       => 'NET1'

The name, structure, and default indexes for a chain-pattern table may be described as follows:

  • The name of a chain-pattern table is based on the following template:


  • The NUMBER column, START_NODE_ID, stores the subject id or, if reversed, the object id, of the matching triple for the first property in the sequence of properties in the chain-pattern table.
  • For each property’s n-th occurrence in a chain-pattern table, the following columns are created for storing the numeric identifiers for the lexical values in a triple: (note that the #n suffix is used only if n > 1):
    • NUMBER column G<Id(property)> (or G<Id(property)>#n) for storing the named graph id
    • NUMBER column P<Id(property)> (or P<Id(property)>#n) or, if reversed, R<Id(property)> (or R<Id(property)>#n), for storing the object id or, if reversed, the subject id
    • (Optional) additional columns for internal use
  • A nonunique index, named using the template <NETWORK_NAME>#RDF_XX$PCN_<MODEL_NAME>__<SPM_NAME>, is created on the START_NODE_ID column.
  • Additionally, a nonunique index is created on each of the property columns.

1.8.2 Creating and Managing Result Tables

The following sections explain the steps for creating and managing result tables. Including Lexical Values in Result Tables

You can also include lexical values for objects in result tables.

Result tables include numeric identifiers for object values by default. Additionally, by storing the lexical values (RDF terms) in the SPM tables, retrieval of lexical values during SPARQL query processing can be made faster by avoiding the lookups involving joins with the RDF_VALUE$ table.

If you choose to include lexical values for the subject or values of any of the properties stored in a result table, new columns for the lexical property values are added to the star-pattern and chain-pattern tables. Note that these columns correspond exactly to the columns with the same name in RDF_VALUE$. Specifically, when including lexical values for a non-reversed property into a result table, the following columns get added to the result table:

  • P<Id(property)>_VALUE_TYPE
  • P<Id(property)>_VNAME_PREFIX
  • P<Id(property)>_VNAME_SUFFIX
  • P<Id(property)>_LITERAL_TYPE
  • P<Id(property)>_LANGUAGE_TYPE
  • P<Id(property)>_ORDER_NUM
  • P<Id(property)>_ORDER_DATE
  • P<Id(property)>_LONG_VALUE

For reversed properties, the column names use ‘R’ as the first character instead of the character ‘P’. Names for the additional columns added for including the lexical values for the subject (that is, corresponding to the numeric identifiers stored in the START_NODE_ID column), use the prefix ‘S’, instead of P<Id(property)> or R<Id(property)>.

The following example is a variation of Example 1-98, in that the lexical values for the subject and the reversed :fatherOf property are included. The ‘+’ symbol is used to indicate that lexical values needed to be stored in the result table. Here, use of ‘+S’ and ‘+^:fatherOf’ in the key_string parameter causes the additional columns to get added for the subject and the (reversed) :fatherOf property, respectively.

Example 1-101 Including Lexical Values for the Subject and for the Reversed Property

     query_pattern_type => SEM_APIS.SPM_TYPE_SVP
   , result_tab_name    => 'FLHF'
   , rdf_graph_name     => 'M1'
   , key_string         => ' +S :fname :lname :height +^:fatherOf '
   , prefixes           => ' PREFIX : <http://www.example.com#> ' 
   , network_owner      => 'RDFUSER'
   , network_name       => 'NET1'

If a result table is already present, you can use the SEM_APIS.ALTER_RESULT_TAB subprogram to include lexical values for either the subject or any one of the properties by using the string ‘ADD_S_VALUE’ or ‘ADD_VALUE’, respectively, as value for the command parameter. The following example results in inclusion of the lexical values for the :lname property. (The command DROP_S_VALUE or DROP_VALUE, not shown in this example, can be used to remove the lexical value columns for the subject or a property, respectively.)

Example 1-102 Altering a Star-Pattern Table to Add Lexical Values for a Property

     query_pattern_type => SEM_APIS.SPM_TYPE_SVP
   , result_tab_name    => 'FLHF'
   , rdf_graph_name     => 'M1'
   , command            => 'ADD_VALUE'
   , pred_name          => '<http://www.example.com#lname>'
   , network_owner      => 'RDFUSER'
   , network_name       => 'NET1'
/ Creating and Dropping Secondary Indexes on Result Tables

You can create and drop secondary indexes on result tables.

If for a given workload, accessing the content of a result table through access paths other than those already provided by the default indexes on the result table are needed, corresponding secondary (B+-tree) indexes may be created by using the SEM_APIS.CREATE_INDEX_ON_RESULT_TAB subprogram.

The following example shows creation of such an index, named name_idx, on the star-pattern table created in Example 1-101. The key_string parameter, ‘2P 1P S’, indicates that the key should be the (numeric id) value from the column corresponding to the second property in the table, namely, :lname, followed by that from the first property in the table, namely, :fname, followed by the subject (that is, the START_NODE_ID column). Note that the reference to the n-th property is always <n>P regardless whether the corresponding column name in the result table is of the form P<Id(property)> or R<Id(property).

If the lexical values for a property are included in the result table, then the index key may also include one or more of the columns that store the components of the lexical values. To refer to a component, use the form <n><component-code>, where n is 0 (for START_NODE_ID) or position of the target property, and the component code is determined based on the suffix of the included value component names as shown in Table 1-25

Table 1-25 Mapping from Suffix of Lexical Value Component Column Names to Component Code

Suffix of Lexical Value Component Column Name Component Code

For example, the reference to 2VP and 0VP in the key ‘2P 1P 2VP 0VP S’ indicates the inclusion of the following two columns in the key at the respective positions:

  1. The <column_name_for_the_2nd_property_of_the _SPM_table>_VNAME_PREFIX column
  2. The S_VNAME_PREFIX column (where S corresponds to the zeroth column of the SPM table, that is , the START_NODE_ID column).

Example 1-103 Creating a Secondary (B+-tree) Index on a Result Table

     index_name.        => ‘name_idx’
   , query_pattern_type => SEM_APIS.SPM_TYPE_SVP
   , result_tab_name    => 'FLHF'
   , rdf_graph_name     => 'M1'
   , key_string         => ' 2P 1P S '
   , network_owner      => 'RDFUSER'
   , network_name       => 'NET1'

To drop any index created using this subprogram, use the SQL DROP INDEX <index_name> command. For example:

DROP INDEX name_idx; Dropping Result Tables

You can drop a specific result table.

You can use the SEM_APIS.DROP_RESULT_TAB subprogram to drop a result table as shown in the following example.

Example 1-104 Dropping a Result Table

     query_pattern_type => SEM_APIS.SPM_TYPE_SVP
   , result_tab_name    => 'FLHF'
   , rdf_graph_name     => 'M1'
   , network_owner      => 'RDFUSER'
   , network_name       => 'NET1'

Note that the use of the special string, ‘*’, for the result_tab_name parameter, allows dropping all result tables of the type specified by the query_pattern_type parameter. To drop all the result tables, regardless of the type, use SEM_APIS.SPM_TYPE_ALL for the query_pattern_type parameter. In-Memory Result Tables

Taking advantage of Oracle Database In-Memory, you can create in-memory result tables using the INMEMORY=T flag in the options parameter.

Generally, on-disk result tables are designed based on the commonly occurring patterns in the individual queries in a workload. If the result tables contain extra columns that are not needed for the query, it could incur disk scan overhead. If the query workload is not known or varying, building a result table with all properties could be a good choice. The in-memory columnar format ensures that only the necessary columns are accessed. Only one in-memory result table with all properties can be built and any other result tables are not allowed.

The in-memory result table with all properties can be built using ‘INMEMORY=T’ as shown in the following example.

Example 1-105 Creating an In-memory Result Table

As a prerequisite, ensure that the table M1_PRED_INFO that is used in this example already exists. This table can be created using the SEM_APIS.GATHER_SPM_INFO subprogram.

  rdf_graph_name    =>'M1',
  pred_info_tabname =>'M1_PRED_INFO',
  pred_name	  =>NULL,
  options	    =>' INMEMORY=T ',
  degree	     =>2,
  network_owner     =>'RDFUSER',
  network_name      =>'NET1'
If a set of properties to access for all queries is known, an in-memory SVP table with a subset of all properties can be built by altering the SVP table built using the set as follows:
ALTER TABLE “MYNET#RDF_XT$SVP_M1+__SVP1” INMEMORY; Metadata for Result Tables

You can use the RDF_SPM_INFO view to retrieve metadata information for the result tables defined on an RDF graph.

Table 1-26 Predicate Information Table Columns

Column Name Type Description
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(128) Name of the SPM table.
COLUMN_NAME VARCHAR2(128) Name of a column in the SPM table: either START_NODE_ID, or P<id(property)> or R<id(property)>.
COLUMN_ID NUMBER Position of the column in the SPM table’s column list.
HASVALUES NUMBER(1) Indicates if in addition to the numeric identifiers for the values, their lexical values too are stored in the SPM table.
MODEL_ID NUMBER Numeric identifier of the RDF graph.
MODEL_NAME VARCHAR2(128) Name of the RDF graph. Utility Subprogram for Computing Per-Subject Cardinality Aggregates for Individual Properties

You can use the SEM_APIS.GATHER_SPM_INFO procedure to create and populate a table to store the per-subject cardinality information for each property in an RDF graph, based on its use as predicate of triples.

The P_VALUE_ID column stores the numeric identifier corresponding to a property. For a reversed property, P_VALUE_ID stores the negative value of the id for the property.

This property cardinality table has the structure as shown in the following table. If MAX_CNT > 1 for a given property, then that property is multi-valued, that is, for at least one of the subject resources, this property has been used as predicate for two or more distinct triples (that share the same subject and same predicate but has distinct objects).

Table 1-27 Predicate Information Table Columns

Column Name Type Description
P_VALUE_ID NUMBER The value id for this property. A negative value indicates reversed property.
PRED_NAME VARCHAR2(4000) The lexical value for this property.
MIN_CNT NUMBER The minimum of the per-subject cardinalities for this property.
MAX_CNT NUMBER The maximum of the per-subject cardinalities for this property.
MED_CNT NUMBER The median of the per-subject cardinalities for this property.
AVG_CNT NUMBER The average of the per-subject cardinalities for this property.
TOT_CNT NUMBER The total number of triples that have this property as predicate.
INCLUDE VARCHAR2(30) Not used.

For the sample RDF dataset (described in Types of Result Tables), the cardinality information is described in the following table.

Table 1-28 Sample Cardinality Information in the Predicate Table

Id(:fname) :fname 1 1 4 ...
Id(:lname) :lname 1 1 4 ...
Id(:height) :height 1 1 4 ...
Id(:email) :email 1 2 4 ...
Id(:fatherOf) :fatherOf 1 2 3 ...
Id(:motherOf) :motherOf 1 2 3 ...

A second procedure, SEM_APIS.BUILD_RESULT_TAB, creates and populates star-pattern, triple-pattern, and chain-pattern tables.

The following example illustrates creation of a set of result tables for an RDF graph with SEM_APIS.GATHER_SPM_INFO and SEM_APIS.BUILD_RESULT_TAB. These result tables are automatically used for SPARQL query execution. This example uses SEM_MATCH, but SPARQL queries executed through other APIs, such as those supported for Apache Jena or RDF server will also automatically use result tables.

Example 1-106 Creating Result Tables and Using the Tables in SPARQL Queries

SQL> set echo on pages 10000 numwidth 20 lines 200 long 10000
SQL> column s format a30
SQL> column fname format a5
SQL> column lname format a5
SQL> column height format a6
SQL> column email format a25
SQL> column nick format a10
SQL> column friend format a30
SQL> column state format a5

SQL> conn rdfuser/rdfuser

SQL> -- create an RDF network
SQL> exec sem_apis.create_rdf_network('tbs_rdf',network_owner=>'RDFUSER',network_name=>'NET1');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> --move the RDF_SPM$ table and indexes defined on it to the network's tablespace
SQL> alter table NET1#RDF_SPM$ move tablespace tbs_rdf;
SQL> set serverout on;
SQL> begin
  2   for idx in (select index_name from sys.user_indexes where table_name='NET1#RDF_SPM$') loop
  3     execute immediate 'alter index "' || idx.index_name || '" rebuild tablespace TBS_RDF';
  4     sys.dbms_output.put_line('moved (rebuild) index: ' || idx.index_name);
  5   end loop;
  6 end;
  7 /
SQL> set serverout off;

SQL> -- create an RDF graph
SQL> exec sem_apis.create_rdf_graph('M1',null,null,network_owner=>'RDFUSER',network_name=>'NET1');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> -- add some data: fname, lname, height, and nickName are single-valued; email and friendOf are multi-valued
SQL> begin
  2    sem_apis.update_rdf_graph('M1',
  3  	 'PREFIX    : <http://www.example.com#>
  4  	  PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
  5  	  INSERT DATA {
  6  	    :john :fname "John" ; :lname "Brown" ; :height 72
  7  		; :email "john@email-example.com", "johnnyB@email-example.com"
  8  		; :nickName "Johnny B"
  9  		; :friendOf :ann
 10  		; :address [ :addrNum 20 ; :addrStreet "Elm Street" ; :addrCityState [ :addrCity "Boston" ; :addrState "MA" ] ] .
 11  	    :ann  :fname "Ann" ; :lname "Green" ; :height 65
 12  		; :email "ann@email-example.com"
 13  		; :nickName "Annie"
 14  		; :friendOf :john, :bill
 15  		; :address [ :addrNum 10 ; :addrStreet "Main Street" ; :addrCityState [ :addrCity "New York" ; :addrState "NY" ] ] .
 16  	    :bill :fname "Bill" ; :lname "Red" ; :height 70
 17  		; :email "bill@email-example.com"
 18  		; :nickName "Billy"
 19  		; :friendOf :ann, :jane
 20  		; :address [ :addrNum 5 ; :addrStreet "Peachtree Street" ; :addrCityState [ :addrCity "Atlanta" ; :addrState "GA" ] ] .
 21  	    :jane :fname "Jane" ; :lname "Blue" ; :height 68
 22  		; :email "jane@email-example.com", "jane2@email-example.com"
 23  		; :friendOf :bill
 24  		; :address [ :addrNum 101 ; :addrStreet "Maple Street" ; :addrCityState [ :addrCity "Chicago" ; :addrState "IL" ] ] .
 25  	  }'
 26  	 ,network_owner=>'RDFUSER'
 27  	 ,network_name=>'NET1');
 28  end;
 29  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> -- create a star-pattern table for single-valued predicates :fname, :lname, :height
  3  	  query_pattern_type => SEM_APIS.SPM_TYPE_SVP
  4  	, result_tab_name    => 'fnm_lnm_hght'
  5  	, rdf_graph_name     => 'M1'
  6  	, key_string         => ' :fname :lname :height '
  7  	, prefixes           => ' PREFIX : <http://www.example.com#> '
  8  	, degree             => 2
  9  	, network_owner      => 'RDFUSER'
 10  	, network_name       => 'NET1'
 11    );
 12  END;
 13  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> -- check the star-pattern table
SQL> select * from "NET1#RDF_XT$SVP_M1+__FNM_LNM_HGHT" order by start_node_id;

       START_NODE_ID G8337314745347241189 P8337314745347241189 G7644445801044650266 P7644445801044650266 G4791477124431525340 P4791477124431525340                                                      
-------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------                                                      
 1399946303865654932                       2838435233532231409                       5036507830384741776                       7949294891880010615                                                      
 7024748068782994892                       9071571320455459462                       8802343394415720481                       7603694794035016230                                                      
 8531245907959123227                         50859040499294923                       9011354822640550059                       4318017261525689661                                                      
 8972322488425499169                       3239737248730612593                       6648986869806945928                       2028730158517518732                                                      

4 rows selected.

SQL> -- create a chain-pattern table for :address/:addrCityState/:addrState
  3  	  query_pattern_type => SEM_APIS.SPM_TYPE_PCN
  4  	, result_tab_name    => 'addr_state'
  5  	, rdf_graph_name     => 'M1'
  6  	, key_string         => ' S :address :addrCityState :addrState '
  7  	, prefixes           => ' PREFIX : <http://www.example.com#> '
  8  	, degree             => 2
  9  	, network_owner      => 'RDFUSER'
 10  	, network_name       => 'NET1'
 11    );
 12  END;
 13  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> -- check the chain-pattern table content
SQL> -- Note: Since generated blank node labels may differ from run to run, the 3rd and 5th column values may vary as well
SQL> select * from "NET1#RDF_XT$PCN_M1+__ADDR_STATE" order by start_node_id, 3, 5, 7;

START_NODE_ID        G5055192271510902740 P5055192271510902740 G2282073771135796724 P2282073771135796724 G594560333771551504  P594560333771551504
-------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------                                                      
1399946303865654932		          6519232173603163724		          2583525877732786353		           2028557412112123936
7024748068782994892		          5974521208853734660		          3828178052943534859		           7995579594576433205
8531245907959123227		          7758805114187110754		          6401534854183681859		           5359878998404290171
8972322488425499169		           875920943154203631		          3729916732662692051		           4933462079191011078

4 rows selected.

SQL> -- create triple-pattern tables for :email and :friendOf
SQL> -- :email
  3  	  query_pattern_type => SEM_APIS.SPM_TYPE_MVP
  4  	, result_tab_name    => null
  5  	, rdf_graph_name     => 'M1'
  6  	, key_string         => ' :email '
  7  	, prefixes           => ' PREFIX : <http://www.example.com#> '
  8  	, degree             => 2
  9  	, network_owner      => 'RDFUSER'
 10  	, network_name       => 'NET1'
 11    );
 12  END;
 13  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> -- check the triple-pattern table
SQL> select * from "NET1#RDF_XT$MVP_M1+_P2930492586059823454" order by start_node_id;

       START_NODE_ID G2930492586059823454 P2930492586059823454                                                                                                                                          
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------                                                                                                                                          
 1399946303865654932                       6100245385739701229                                                                                                                                          
 7024748068782994892                       2096397932624357828                                                                                                                                          
 7024748068782994892                       6480436012276020283                                                                                                                                          
 8531245907959123227                       1846003049324830366                                                                                                                                          
 8531245907959123227                       7834835188342349976                                                                                                                                          
 8972322488425499169                       7251371240613573863                                                                                                                                          

6 rows selected.

SQL> -- :friendOf
  3  	  query_pattern_type => SEM_APIS.SPM_TYPE_MVP
  4  	, result_tab_name    => null
  5  	, rdf_graph_name     => 'M1'
  6  	, key_string         => ' :friendOf '
  7  	, prefixes           => ' PREFIX : <http://www.example.com#> '
  8  	, degree             => 2
  9  	, network_owner      => 'RDFUSER'
 10  	, network_name       => 'NET1'
 11    );
 12  END;
 13  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> -- check the triple-pattern table
SQL> select * from "NET1#RDF_XT$MVP_M1+_P1285894645615718351" order by start_node_id, 3;

       START_NODE_ID G1285894645615718351 P1285894645615718351                                                                                                                                          
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------                                                                                                                                          
 1399946303865654932                       7024748068782994892                                                                                                                                          
 1399946303865654932                       8972322488425499169                                                                                                                                          
 7024748068782994892                       1399946303865654932                                                                                                                                          
 8531245907959123227                       8972322488425499169                                                                                                                                          
 8972322488425499169                       1399946303865654932                                                                                                                                          
 8972322488425499169                       8531245907959123227                                                                                                                                          

6 rows selected.

SQL> -- gather optimizer statistics on result auxiliary tables
SQL> begin
  2    sem_perf.analyze_aux_tables(
  3  	 model_name=>'M1',
  4  	 network_owner=>'RDFUSER',
  5  	 network_name=>'NET1');
  6  end;
  7  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> -- Execute a SPARQL query that uses result tables
SQL> SELECT s, fname, lname, height, email, nick, friend, state
  3  'PREFIX : <http://www.example.com#>
  4   SELECT *
  5   WHERE {
  6  	?s :fname ?fname
  7  	 ; :lname ?lname
  8  	 ; :height ?height
  9  	 ; :email ?email
 10  	 ; :nickName ?nick
 11  	 ; :friendOf ?friend
 12  	 ; :address/:addrCityState/:addrState ?state
 13   }'
 14  ,sem_models('M1')
 15  ,null,null,null,null
 16  ,' '
 17  ,null,null
 18  ,'RDFUSER','NET1'))
 19  ORDER BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;

S                              FNAME LNAME HEIGHT EMAIL                     NICK       FRIEND                         STATE                                                                             
------------------------------ ----- ----- ------ ------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ -----                                                                             
http://www.example.com#ann     Ann   Green 65     ann@email-example.com      Annie      http://www.example.com#bill    NY                                                                                
http://www.example.com#ann     Ann   Green 65     ann@email-example.com      Annie      http://www.example.com#john    NY                                                                                
http://www.example.com#bill    Bill  Red   70     bill@email-example.com     Billy      http://www.example.com#ann     GA                                                                                
http://www.example.com#bill    Bill  Red   70     bill@email-example.com     Billy      http://www.example.com#jane    GA                                                                                
http://www.example.com#john    John  Brown 72     john@email-example.com     Johnny B   http://www.example.com#ann     MA                                                                                
http://www.example.com#john    John  Brown 72     johnnyB@email-example.com  Johnny B   http://www.example.com#ann     MA                                                                                

6 rows selected.

SQL> -- See the relevant portion of the SQL translation showing the result table usage.
SQL> --
SQL> -- This SQL evaluates 9 triple patterns with only 4 joins
SQL> -- instead of the 8 joins that would normally be required
SQL> -- without result tables.
SQL> --
SQL> -- The star-pattern table is used for :fname, :lname, :height.
SQL> -- triple-pattern tables are used for :email and :friendOf.
SQL> -- RDFM_M1 (view of RDF_LINK$ for RDF graph M1) is used for :nickName.
SQL> -- The chain-pattern table is used for the sequence
SQL> -- :address/:addrCityState/:addrStat
SQL> SELECT sys.dbms_lob.substr(
  3  'PREFIX : <http://www.example.com#>
  4   SELECT *
  5   WHERE {
  6  	?s :fname ?fname
  7  	 ; :lname ?lname
  8  	 ; :height ?height
  9  	 ; :email ?email
 10  	 ; :nickName ?nick
 11  	 ; :friendOf ?friend
 12  	 ; :address/:addrCityState/:addrState ?state
 13   }'
 14  ,sem_models('M1')
 15  ,null,null,null
 16  ,' '
 17  ,null,null
 18  ,'RDFUSER','NET1'), 1004, 3377) AS SQL_TRANS_PORTION

SVP0.P7644445801044650266 AS LNAME$RDFVID,
MVP1.P1285894645615718351 AS FRIEND$RDFVID,
PCN0.P594560333771551504 AS STATE$RDFVID,
SVP0.P4791477124431525340 AS HEIGHT$RDFVID,
MVP0.P2930492586059823454 AS EMAIL$RDFVID,
SVP0.P8337314745347241189 AS FNAME$RDFVID,
"RDFUSER"."NET1#RDF_XT$MVP_M1+_P2930492586059823454" MVP0,
"RDFUSER"."NET1#RDF_XT$MVP_M1+_P1285894645615718351" MVP1
WHERE SVP0.P8337314745347241189 IS NOT NULL AND
SVP0.P7644445801044650266 IS NOT NULL AND
SVP0.P4791477124431525340 IS NOT NULL AND
T4.P_VALUE_ID = 2558054308995111125 AND
1=1 AND
1=1 AND
1=1 AND
1 row selected.

Example 1-107 Including Lexical Values in Result Tables

The following example includes lexical values in result tables. Note that this example follows Example 1-106.
SQL> conn rdfuser/rdfuser

SQL> -- Drop and recreate the FNM_LNM_HGHT SVP table, with in-line lexical values for the :fname and :height properties.
SQL> -- Check metadata for the new result table to verify that HASVALUES=1 for the two properties whose lexical values are in-lined.

SQL> exec sem_apis.drop_result_tab(sem_apis.SPM_TYPE_SVP, ' fnm_lnm_hght ', 'm1', network_owner=>'rdfuser', network_name=>'net1');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


  3  	  query_pattern_type => SEM_APIS.SPM_TYPE_SVP
  4  	, result_tab_name    => 'fnm_lnm_hght'
  5  	, rdf_graph_name     => 'M1'
  6  	, key_string         => ' S +:fname :lname +:height '
  7  	, prefixes           => ' PREFIX : <http://www.example.com#> '
  8  	, degree             => 2
  9  	, network_owner      => 'RDFUSER'
 10  	, network_name       => 'NET1'
 11    );
 12  END;
 13  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select * from net1#rdf_spm_info where table_name like '%SVP%FNM_LNM_HGHT' order by table_name, column_id;

TABLE_NAME                               COLUMN_NAME                     COLUMN_ID            HASVALUES MODEL_ID MODEL_NAME                                                                             
---------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------- ----------                                                                             
NET1#RDF_XT$SVP_M1+__FNM_LNM_HGHT        START_NODE_ID                           1                    0        1 M1                                                                                     
NET1#RDF_XT$SVP_M1+__FNM_LNM_HGHT        P8337314745347241189                    3                    1        1 M1                                                                                     
NET1#RDF_XT$SVP_M1+__FNM_LNM_HGHT        P7644445801044650266                    5                    0        1 M1                                                                                     
NET1#RDF_XT$SVP_M1+__FNM_LNM_HGHT        P4791477124431525340                    7                    1        1 M1                                                                                     

4 rows selected.

SQL> -- Drop and recreate the ADDR_STATE chain-pattern table, with in-line lexical values for the :addrState property.
SQL> -- Check metadata for the new table to verify that HASVALUES=1 for the :addrState property.

SQL> exec sem_apis.drop_result_tab(sem_apis.SPM_TYPE_PCN, ' addr_state ', 'm1', network_owner=>'rdfuser', network_name=>'net1');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  3  	  query_pattern_type => SEM_APIS.SPM_TYPE_PCN
  4  	, result_tab_name    => 'addr_state'
  5  	, rdf_graph_name     => 'M1'
  6  	, key_string         => ' S :address :addrCityState +:addrState '
  7  	, prefixes           => ' PREFIX : <http://www.example.com#> '
  8  	, degree             => 2
  9  	, network_owner      => 'RDFUSER'
 10  	, network_name       => 'NET1'
 11    );
 12  END;
 13  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select * from net1#rdf_spm_info where table_name like '%PCN%ADDR_STATE' order by table_name, column_id;

TABLE_NAME                               COLUMN_NAME                     COLUMN_ID            HASVALUES MODEL_ID MODEL_NAME                                                                             
---------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------- ----------                                                                             
NET1#RDF_XT$PCN_M1+__ADDR_STATE          START_NODE_ID                           1                    0        1 M1                                                                                     
NET1#RDF_XT$PCN_M1+__ADDR_STATE          P5055192271510902740                    3                    0        1 M1                                                                                     
NET1#RDF_XT$PCN_M1+__ADDR_STATE          P2282073771135796724                    5                    0        1 M1                                                                                     
NET1#RDF_XT$PCN_M1+__ADDR_STATE          P594560333771551504                     7                    1        1 M1                                                                                     

4 rows selected.

SQL> -- Drop and recreate the triple-pattern table for the :email property (id: 2930492586059823454), with in-line lexical values for the :email property.
SQL> -- Check metadata for the new table to verify that HASVALUES=1 for the :email property.

SQL> exec sem_apis.drop_result_tab(sem_apis.SPM_TYPE_MVP, '<http://www.example.com#email>', 'm1', network_owner=>'rdfuser', network_name=>'net1');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  3  	  query_pattern_type => SEM_APIS.SPM_TYPE_MVP
  4  	, result_tab_name    => null
  5  	, rdf_graph_name     => 'M1'
  6  	, key_string         => ' +:email '
  7  	, prefixes           => ' PREFIX : <http://www.example.com#> '
  8  	, degree             => 2
  9  	, network_owner      => 'RDFUSER'
 10  	, network_name       => 'NET1'
 11    );
 12  END;
 13  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select * from net1#rdf_spm_info where table_name like '%MVP%P2930492586059823454' order by table_name, column_id;

TABLE_NAME                               COLUMN_NAME                     COLUMN_ID            HASVALUES MODEL_ID MODEL_NAME                                                                             
---------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------- ----------                                                                             
NET1#RDF_XT$MVP_M1+_P2930492586059823454 START_NODE_ID                           1                    0        1 M1                                                                                     
NET1#RDF_XT$MVP_M1+_P2930492586059823454 P2930492586059823454                    3                    1        1 M1                                                                                     

2 rows selected.

SQL> -- gather optimizer statistics on result auxiliary tables
SQL> begin
  2    sem_perf.analyze_aux_tables(
  3  	 model_name=>'M1',
  4  	 network_owner=>'RDFUSER',
  5  	 network_name=>'NET1');
  6  end;
  7  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> -- Execute a SPARQL query that uses result tables
SQL> SELECT s, fname, lname, height, email, nick, friend, state
  3  'PREFIX : <http://www.example.com#>
  4   SELECT *
  5   WHERE {
  6  	?s :fname ?fname
  7  	 ; :lname ?lname
  8  	 ; :height ?height
  9  	 ; :email ?email
 10  	 ; :nickName ?nick
 11  	 ; :friendOf ?friend
 12  	 ; :address/:addrCityState/:addrState ?state
 13   }'
 14  ,sem_models('M1')
 15  ,null,null,null,null
 16  ,' '
 17  ,null,null
 18  ,'RDFUSER','NET1'))
 19  ORDER BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;

S                              FNAME LNAME HEIGHT EMAIL                     NICK       FRIEND                         STATE                                                                             
------------------------------ ----- ----- ------ ------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ -----                                                                             
http://www.example.com#ann     Ann   Green 65     ann@email-example.com     Annie      http://www.example.com#bill    NY                                                                                
http://www.example.com#ann     Ann   Green 65     ann@email-example.com     Annie      http://www.example.com#john    NY                                                                                
http://www.example.com#bill    Bill  Red   70     bill@email-example.com    Billy      http://www.example.com#ann     GA                                                                                
http://www.example.com#bill    Bill  Red   70     bill@email-example.com    Billy      http://www.example.com#jane    GA                                                                                
http://www.example.com#john    John  Brown 72     john@email-example.com    Johnny B   http://www.example.com#ann     MA                                                                                
http://www.example.com#john    John  Brown 72     johnnyB@email-example.com Johnny B   http://www.example.com#ann     MA                                                                                

6 rows selected.

SQL> -- See the relevant portion of the SQL translation showing SPM table usage including in-line lexical values.
SQL> --
SQL> -- The number of joins with the RDF_VALUE$ table (for looking up lexical values) goes down from 8 to 4
SQL> -- because out of the 8 variables being projected, 4 -- fname, height, email, state -- appear
SQL> -- with properties whose lexical values are present in-line in the available result tables.
SQL> --
  2  'PREFIX : <http://www.example.com#>
  3   SELECT *
  4   WHERE {
  5  	?s :fname ?fname
  6  	 ; :lname ?lname
  7  	 ; :height ?height
  8  	 ; :email ?email
  9  	 ; :nickName ?nick
 10  	 ; :friendOf ?friend
 11  	 ; :address/:addrCityState/:addrState ?state
 12   }'
 13  ,sem_models('M1')
 14  ,null,null,null
 15  ,' '
 16  ,null,null
 17  ,'RDFUSER','NET1')

SELECT * FROM (                                                                                                                                                                                         
SELECT … <omitted> …
FROM (SELECT … <omitted> …                                                                                                                                                                             
FROM (                                                                                                                                                                                                  
SELECT * FROM "RDFUSER".NET1#RDFM_M1) T4,                                                                                                                                                               
"RDFUSER"."NET1#RDF_XT$SVP_M1+__FNM_LNM_HGHT" SVP0,                                                                                                                                                     
"RDFUSER"."NET1#RDF_XT$PCN_M1+__ADDR_STATE" PCN0,                                                                                                                                                       
"RDFUSER"."NET1#RDF_XT$MVP_M1+_P2930492586059823454" MVP0,                                                                                                                                              
"RDFUSER"."NET1#RDF_XT$MVP_M1+_P1285894645615718351" MVP1                                                                                                                                               
WHERE 1=1 AND                                                                                                                                                                                           
1=1 AND                                                                                                                                                                                                 
1=1 AND                                                                                                                                                                                                 
1=1 AND                                                                                                                                                                                                 
SVP0.P8337314745347241189 IS NOT NULL AND                                                                                                                                                               
SVP0.P7644445801044650266 IS NOT NULL AND                                                                                                                                                               
SVP0.P4791477124431525340 IS NOT NULL AND                                                                                                                                                               
T4.P_VALUE_ID = 2558054308995111125 AND                                                                                                                                                                 
1=1 AND                                                                                                                                                                                                 
1=1 AND                                                                                                                                                                                                 
1=1 AND                                                                                                                                                                                                 
SVP0.START_NODE_ID = MVP0.START_NODE_ID AND                                                                                                                                                             
SVP0.START_NODE_ID = T4.START_NODE_ID AND                                                                                                                                                               
SVP0.START_NODE_ID = MVP1.START_NODE_ID AND                                                                                                                                                             
SVP0.START_NODE_ID = PCN0.START_NODE_ID AND                                                                                                                                                             
1=1) R, "RDFUSER".NET1#RDF_VALUE$ V0, "RDFUSER".NET1#RDF_VALUE$ V1, "RDFUSER".NET1#RDF_VALUE$ V2, "RDFUSER".NET1#RDF_VALUE$ V3                                                                                                                                                          
WHERE (1=1)  AND (R.S$RDFVID = V0.VALUE_ID) AND (R.LNAME$RDFVID = V1.VALUE_ID) AND (R.FRIEND$RDFVID = V2.VALUE_ID) AND (R.NICK$RDFVID = V3.VALUE_ID)                                                                                                                                    
) WHERE (1=1)                                                                                                                                                                                           

1 row selected.

SQL> -- In addition to value projection. In-line lexical values
SQL> -- can be used to evaluate FILTER conditions.
SQL> -- The value for ?height can be taken directly from the
SQL> -- SVP table in this case.
SQL> SELECT s, height
  3  'PREFIX : <http://www.example.com#>
  4   SELECT ?s ?height
  5   WHERE {
  6  	?s :fname ?fname
  7  	 ; :lname ?lname
  8  	 ; :height ?height
  9  	FILTER (?height >= 72)
 10   }'
 11  ,sem_models('M1')
 12  ,null,null,null,null
 13  ,' '
 14  ,null,null
 15  ,'RDFUSER','NET1'))
 16  ORDER BY 1,2;

S                              HEIGHT                                                                                                                                                                   
------------------------------ ------                                                                                                                                                                   
http://www.example.com#john    72                                                                                                                                                                       

1 row selected.

SQL> -- The SQL translation shows in-line lexical value usage for ?height >= 72.
  2  'PREFIX : <http://www.example.com#>
  3   SELECT ?s ?height
  4   WHERE {
  5  	?s :fname ?fname
  6  	 ; :lname ?lname
  7  	 ; :height ?height
  8  	FILTER (?height >= 72)
  9   }'
 10  ,sem_models('M1')
 11  ,null,null,null
 12  ,' '
 13  ,null,null

SELECT * FROM (                                                                                                                                                                                         
SELECT … <omitted> …                                                                                                                                                                                         
FROM (SELECT …<omitted> …                                                                                                                                                                             
FROM "RDFUSER"."NET1#RDF_XT$SVP_M1+__FNM_LNM_HGHT" SVP0                                                                                                                                                 
WHERE 1=1 AND                                                                                                                                                                                           
SVP0.P8337314745347241189 IS NOT NULL AND                                                                                                                                                               
SVP0.P7644445801044650266 IS NOT NULL AND                                                                                                                                                               
SVP0.P4791477124431525340 IS NOT NULL AND                                                                                                                                                               
1=1 AND                                                                                                                                                                                                 
1=1 AND                                                                                                                                                                                                 
(SVP0.P4791477124431525340_ORDER_NUM >= to_number(72))) R, "RDFUSER".NET1#RDF_VALUE$ V0                                                                                                                                                                                                 
WHERE (1=1)  AND (R.S$RDFVID = V0.VALUE_ID)                                                                                                                                                             
) WHERE (1=1)                                                                                                                                                                                           

1 row selected.


Example 1-108 Creating Secondary Indexes on Result Auxiliary Tables

The following example illustrates creation of secondary indexes on result auxiliary tables. Note that this example follows Example 1-106 and Example 1-107.

SQL> conn rdfuser/rdfuser
SQL> -- create index on the ORDER_NUM (VN) component of the lexical value of the :height property.
SQL> -- This component is stored as a column in the FNM_LNM_HGHT SVP table.
SQL> -- It holds the numeric value for RDF literals of numeric type.
SQL> -- Since the :height property is the 3rd property in the SVP table, it is referred to using 3VN in the key_string argument below.

  3  	  index_name         => 'height_idx'
  4  	, query_pattern_type => SEM_APIS.SPM_TYPE_SVP
  5  	, result_tab_name    => 'fnm_lnm_hght'
  6  	, rdf_graph_name     => 'M1'
  7  	, key_string         => ' 3VN S '
  8  	, degree             => 2
  9  	, network_owner      => 'RDFUSER'
 10  	, network_name       => 'NET1'
 11    );
 12  END;
 13  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> -- EXPLAIN PLAN for the SPARQL query above involving "height >= 72" shows use of this index for access.
  2  SELECT s, height
  4  'PREFIX : <http://www.example.com#>
  5   SELECT ?s ?height
  6   WHERE {
  7  	?s :fname ?fname
  8  	 ; :lname ?lname
  9  	 ; :height ?height
 10  	FILTER (?height >= 72)
 11   }'
 12  ,sem_models('M1')
 13  ,null,null,null,null
 14  ,' '
 15  ,null,null
 16  ,'RDFUSER','NET1'))
 17  ORDER BY 1,2;


SQL> select plan_table_output from table(dbms_xplan.display('plan_table',null,'basic +predicate'));

Plan hash value: 3046664063                                                                                                                                                                             
| Id  | Operation                               | Name                              |                                                                                                                   
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                        |                                   |                                                                                                                   
|   1 |  SORT ORDER BY                          |                                   |                                                                                                                   
|   2 |   NESTED LOOPS                          |                                   |                                                                                                                   
|   3 |    NESTED LOOPS                         |                                   |                                                                                                                   
|   4 |     VIEW                                |                                   |                                                                                                                   
|*  5 |      TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID BATCHED| NET1#RDF_XT$SVP_M1+__FNM_LNM_HGHT |                                                                                                                   
|*  6 |       INDEX RANGE SCAN                  | HEIGHT_IDX                        |                                                                                                                   
|*  7 |     INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                   | NET1#C_PK_VID                     |                                                                                                                   
|   8 |    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID          | NET1#RDF_VALUE$                   |                                                                                                                   
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):                                                                                                                                                     
   5 - filter("SVP0"."P8337314745347241189" IS NOT NULL AND                                                                                                                                             
              "SVP0"."P7644445801044650266" IS NOT NULL AND "SVP0"."P4791477124431525340"                                                                                                               
              IS NOT NULL)                                                                                                                                                                              
   6 - access("SVP0"."P4791477124431525340_ORDER_NUM">=72 AND                                                                                                                                           
              "SVP0"."START_NODE_ID">0 AND "SVP0"."P4791477124431525340_ORDER_NUM" IS NOT                                                                                                               
   7 - access("R"."S$RDFVID"="V0"."VALUE_ID")                                                                                                                                                           

27 rows selected.

SQL> select column_name, column_position from all_ind_columns where index_name='HEIGHT_IDX' order by 2;

------------------------------	--------------------
P4791477124431525340_ORDER_NUM	1
START_NODE_ID			    2 Performing DML Operations on RDF Graphs with Result Tables

All star-pattern, triple-pattern, and chain-pattern tables are automatically maintained for DML operations.

  • Delete: For delete operations, corresponding rows from the triple-pattern table are deleted. In star-pattern tables, the corresponding column value is set to null including value columns. In chain-pattern tables, rows that use the deleted triple are deleted to reflect the removal of a link in the chain.
  • Insert: For insert operations, a new subject row or the corresponding column value is inserted into the triple-pattern table if it does not exist including value columns. For star-pattern and chain-pattern tables, a new subject row or the column value is inserted if the existing value is null. If a different value is inserted than the existing value, an error is raised for constraint violation for star-pattern table. Performing Bulk Load Operations on RDF Graphs with Result Tables

When bulk-loading RDF data into an RDF graph, if any result tables are present for the graph, those will be truncated before loading the data and re-populated after the loading has been completed. Gathering Statistics on Result Tables

Having up-to-date statistics on result tables is critical for good query performance.

You can call the SEM_PERF.ANALYZE_AUX_TABLES procedure to gather statistics for your result tables.

1.8.3 SPARQL Query Options for Result Tables

SPARQL queries will automatically use result tables if they are present.

An existing SPARQL workload does not need to change to take advantage of result tables. However, several new query options and optimizer hints can be used to fine-tune result table usage.

The following query options can be used in the options argument of SEM_MATCH or in the SEM_FS_NS prefix used by support for Apache Jena and RDF Server.

  • COST_BASED_SPM_OPT – usage of result tables is determined by the query execution plan cost
  • DISABLE_SPM_OPT – do not use result tables (star-pattern, triple-pattern, and chain-pattern)
  • DISABLE_SVP_OPT – do not use star-pattern tables
  • DISABLE_PCN_OPT – do not use chain-pattern tables
  • DISABLE_MVP_OPT – do not use triple-pattern tables
  • DISABLE_SPM_VALUES_OPT – do not use in-line lexical values in result tables for value projection or filter evaluation (star-pattern, triple-pattern, and chain-pattern)
  • DISABLE_SPM_VALUE_PROJ_OPT – do not use in-line lexical values in result tables for value projection (star-pattern, triple-pattern, and chain-pattern)
  • MIN_SVP_CLUSTER_SIZE(n) – only use the star-pattern table for star pattern clusters that reference at least n properties contained in the star-pattern table (n = 1 by default)
  • PREFER_PCN=T – when a triple pattern can be evaluated using either a star-pattern or chain-pattern table, choose the chain-pattern table (the default behavior is to use the star-pattern table)

The following query optimizer hints can be used in HINT0 hint strings, the options argument of SEM_MATCH, and the SEM_FS_NS prefix used by support for Apache Jena and RDF server.

  • ALL_SPM_HASH / ALL_SPM_NL – use hash / nested-loop join for all joins with result tables (star-pattern, triple-pattern, and chain-pattern)
  • ALL_SVP_HASH / ALL_SVP_NL – use hash / nested-loop join for all joins with star-pattern tables
  • ALL_MVP_HASH / ALL_MVP_NL – use hash / nested-loop join for all joins with triple-pattern tables
  • ALL_PCN_HASH / ALL_PCN_NL – use hash / nested-loop join for all joins with chain-pattern tables

1.8.4 Special Considerations when Using Result Tables

This section describes a few limitations to be considered when using result tables.

  • Result tables are only supported for a single RDF graph. RDF graph collections and inferred graphs are not supported.
  • Result tables are not supported on RDF networks that are using Oracle Label Security.
  • Flashback queries are not supported with result tables.
  • An RDF graph with result tables cannot be used as the destination RDF graph in a SEM_APIS.MERGE_RDF_GRAPHS operation.
  • SPARQL queries that use GeoSPARQL functions or Oracle Text functions do not utilize result tables.
  • Evaluation of + and * property path expressions does not utilize result tables.